New Guy Here, Couple of Questions

Started by Urizen, April-08-13 13:04

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Sounds like a fine display of shooting skills. I want a Scope sighted Thompson Contender in 7mm 08. I think that would make a nice hand held sniper riflette/pistolette? Had one in .357 mag that could group much tighter at a hundred yards than could a mini 14 .223 with peep sights. Both with a rest.


Sorry, I meant 1 missed 3 post. :-\


  I consider the Remington 7 mm mag. to be one of the best rifles ever made , one of the most accurate pieces I've ever had the privilege to own and shoot at longer distances .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Now we speaking of the Mag or the 08..or maybe regular old 7 mm? Next door neighbor had a nice old sporterized German Mauser in 7mm or so they said. Supposed to been a great shooter. Hunted with it a few times but did not spot any fat tender does on those never had the occasion to pop  a cap out of it.


Swedish Mauser 6.5x55 I think, they are supposed to be good.


30-06 though for you Americans though surely is you favorite, you'd like the .338 Laupa I suspect  :)


Seen that one on TV..very interesting. The recently reassigned Arab Vets who are filling the po po profession rapidly..all love to hunt..hmmm. The majority I met and bulled around about such topics seem to favor .338 Win Mag. Think thats it anyway. Those guys can stand here and shoot a deer in the next county. This would not be a good time to be an outlaw.

Kentucky Kevin

My dad, God rest his soul, a retired Officer in the Air Force, who served three tours in Nam in the RB-66, radar recon, bought "the four" before he retired. Sako 30-06, Winchester 22 s/l/lr, Winchester 12, High Standard 357. I'\ have the two rifles, and scrambled to get the reloading components in 08.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: Hardtackwon on May-03-13 07:05
i DID miss, my goal was 6 covered by a quarter at 25yds from a 6" S&W 686nw/variabble scope from rest. Best group was still sticking out 1/32. Perfect practice makes perfect, will post picture when my ten year old helps me
I took the picture right before I saw you post, and thought you were commenting on the picture
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Nearly got it. Close enough for guv'ment work anyway.  According to the trick shooters..aspirin tablets are a biotch. Not much room for error on either of the axis's. Can you shoot the hatchet and make it put out two candles? Thats a good one too. I got real good shooting backwards and looking at the sights through my diamond dinner ring..or maybe a glass po po ring. Its just like looking down the sights once a person gets the hang of it. Would not work well with a scope would not imagine anyway. Maybe though. Never tried it. 

Kentucky Kevin

I shoot 10,000 rounds that summer, after my divorce.that card was the best group. I think there is a song in there somewhere.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

I have yet to see, let alone touch a sidewinder!!!!!!!! There goes the green eyed monster
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Oh I see..I thought you was trying to split it. Thats a group as they they. Nice All the trick shots try to split em..but they are much closer than 25 yards..10 feet Try some aspirins at 25 yards. Bet you could bust a bunch of em.


Quote from: Hardtackwon on May-03-13 16:05
I shoot 10,000 rounds that summer, after my divorce.that card was the best group. I think there is a song in there somewhere.

Got a couple of lines to start " Your shooting me hearts don't shoot again " " Be like my mother and shoot some spades ". Should I keep going ?
Unc_lee got a couple on for good prices if your looking for that sidewinder .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Rut row..sensitivity training needed front and center...Nurse..Medic..Corpsman! The Nurse drags you back..the Medic Patches you up. The Corpsmans takes you back to the boat. Simple huh? Uhhh


  Sorry that obama guy brings it out of me along with all the other freeloaders and thieves .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


We do face some revolting developments. Think it not so much about which species of human but rather the politics they pursue. For example..cant stand Obie but loves Hermann Cain. Now you could make a white mark on him using a piece of charcoal huh? Big thanks to Dad for his service in the Air Force. My Daddy was WW II Army/Air Corps. Those Sakos are some fine guns. Old Perch Pimp chum had one in .222. He could drive tacks with that thing. He was a big spare time fur hunter and the .222 was the ideal round to roll em up without blowing out any copious holes in the pelt.


Quote30-06 though for you Americans though surely is you favorite,

Celebrate diversity. Why pick just one? :)


Obviously some kinda perverted godless commie photo shoot since Mr. Sig seems to be missing from the line up. Nice pics though. Thanks for sharing. Always wondered what some of them guns looked like.

Kentucky Kevin

I just  realized I no longer own my favorite revolver S&W 686, you HAD to post that picture didn't you. OH wait I still have all the reloading components, tat wont break the no new caliber rule
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I only seen one of those guns a few times. Think the likker board boy had one. SS copy of Model 29 maybe?. Very neat looking gun anyway and I do like SS guns and knifes.  Like so many other instances I was not prone to begin the lusting exercise..i had passed the point of being interested in any form of wheel gun..cept for a mini. In fact not many years back thought our regular old revolver pals were going by the wayside. Guess not. 


Quotesince Mr. Sig seems to be
second row, all the way to the right. The ever classic Swiss officer's pistol.


Ok now I see it. Thanks. Thats small writing huh?


Yeah, hard to see. Sorry about that. The Sig P210 is also kind of hard to see. It's accuracy is near legendary, though. I've always wanted an original, but could never justify the going price of $2k+ for an original Swiss military issue.


Alright, so I got a couple estimates back on engraving the sheriff. I guess what I want is too complicated to be affordable.  Talked it over with my wife and we're going to put the money in the AR fund. Been wanting one for a while, and the prices are coming down, availability going up.  Time to start saving.

Anyway, I'd like to do something to improve the shootability of that sheriff...I can do okay with it, but the recoil is a bit too much for her to be accurate.  I'm thinking some new grips would do the trick.  Anyone have CV grips on a sheriff? Will they fit? Even better would be some oversize imitation pearl grips, anyone know of some good ones?


Impact guns sells AR bits, you could build your own perhaps Urizen might be cheaper or more practical buying it in part barrel $150 etc.

I like those Springfield SOCOMS, I like M14's, they had a Bushmaster $925 I think, alot are quite expensive though aren't they, maybe try second hand an M16 do it up or something.

The M14 gas action might be able to be converted to direct impingement in away, actually...


Not sure new grips gonna help on the recoil anticipation problem.  Trick is to learn to be surprised when it goes boom. That comes from what is called trigger control. Steady pressure..keep the front sight sharply in focus on target..keep the fuzzy back sight lined up as good as possible and be shocked when it goes off unexpectdly. Leaves no time to flinch. Now oversize grips will help for fat handed folks who can't see the sights when holding the gun in a normal shooting posture..but doubt that be an issue for a small handed lady. Sorry the engraving thing did not work out.

Kentucky Kevin

I believe grip to be the single most important aspect of gun useage, and practice gripping the gun correctly the first time.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


The anticipation might be part of the problem, but I think that being able to control the recoil a little better would help her out with it. I think she gets scared the little guy is going to fly out of her hands.  The recoil on that sheriff is quite different from the sidewinder.  The sheriff tends rock back and left and feels like it's trying to flip out of your hand and back at you...I can see why she has issues with it.  The sidewinder is just different and seems much easier to control...she hasn't shot it yet, but I'm afraid when she does, that's the last I'll see of it.

Also, this might be a stupid question, but if the recoil isn't dampened enough by the shooter, couldn't the movement of the barrel affect bullet trajectory while the bullet is still in the barrel? Or is the majority of the recoil after the bullet leaves the barrel? I'd love to see some slo-mo shots with a high speed camera for an answer.

Maccab, I'd love to build my own someday, but I don't know a whole lot about ARs, most of my shooting experience was with hunting rifles, and shotguns.  Most of my handgun experience has been in the last couple years.  I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I've noticed the prices have come down in the last month, and the gun shops near me are well stocked with ARs. I guess most of the panic is over after our Great Leader's assault weapon ban failed.


Well yes on the recoil effecting the trajectory. The longer the bullet stays in the barrel the more it will tend to go high. Thats why slow moving bullets tend to hit high and their fast moving brethern tend to hit low out of normal sized guns Tiny little barrel aint going to host the bullet very long or dont seem so. Believe most of the recoil perceived by the shooter would come quite a bit after the action. It would be the famous opposite reaction phase perhaps. Fact is ladies and loud jumpy guns do not play well. Know a reg old mini can jump out of some real strong hands. So shes right about that You need to go snag her a nice little .32 Auto. Muff up her ears and she would have fun. I know about this kinda stuff since I am a married PS Edit..on second thought make that a .22. Should be easier to find bullets for it.


She's got her taurus 380 semi auto that she loves to shoot. Maybe a little too much...shot 150 rounds out of it at the range the other day. I've got one of those beretta neos 22s...looks like a buck rogers space gun.  Put a red dot sight on it and it is a blast to shoot, but I couldn't pry her hands off of that 380 and get her to shoot something cheaper for a while.


Ok gotcha. Hope you reload and/or got a fat Taking in the new info the Little Bride shoot noisty .380's faster than a person can buy em..thats a good sign. Tell her to practice the trigger control as previously mentioned. Might even hint around for her to man-up  a bit and quit


The wallet's not as fat as I'd like it to be, but who can say theirs is?  Was going to start reloading, almost bought a dillon press and all the accessories, but then I realized no one can find bullets, powder and primer.  That's on hold for a bit. I'll try to get her to work on her trigger control, but she doesn't like to listen to me. I may have to pay a pro to kick her ass for a couple hours.


Yea I know that problem :-[ mine won't listen to me either ???. Life would be so much easier if they thought we actually knew what were doin and just listened on occasion.


Hey now since I have had time to dwell on this matter...believe Hardtack had the right idea at the big soft grips. That might just be what the Doctor might order. Sure makes it lose the actual or alleged jumping out of the hand situation. Or so it would seem to the untrained eye.