I have Good news, Great news, and Bad news

Started by messer84, December-18-10 10:12

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The good news is my wife bought me a NAA .22 LR mini with a belt buckle holster and pearl grips for Christmas.


   The great news is when I went to pick up my Christmas present my dealer had 2 consecutive serial numbered Break tops.


   The bad news is my wife is going to kill me when she finds out that I bought the 2 break tops and my Christmas present.


   This is going to be the best Christmas ever.



Might I suggest a "don't-ask-dont-tell" policy?  I find it works much better than my previous "evade-deflect-deny" approach.  


   Actually, I just stumbled across a great deal on a like-new kimber for a price that really was too good to pass up.  So I bought it yesterday, wrapped it and will sneak it under the tree labeled to me from Santa, and will act very surprised on Christmas morning when I open it.  How could she get upset at the generosity of Santa???  Might work for you too.


Hopefully your marriage will survive and it will all be GREAT news! Merry Christmas.


Messer,  just tell the wife the were on sale for only $50 each!  Then hide the checkbook.


well you could say that you bought another gun not two. just dont take them both out at the same time while she is around
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


You could think up a clear and entirely plausible story - and practice it well...something like "I went to the post office where I could not carry, and when I arrived home several thugs dressed as santa were breaking into the house therefore I rushed to the gun store and picked up these minis.  When I returned the thugs saw I meant business and ran off...I did it for you honey".

    You are welcome for this sound advice.



Too Funny!!!!! What is it with us.....are we wooze's or what? " honey I brought two guns, you think I should return them?" - "No honey, you can keep them." (must be done with a child like demeaner, bottom lip slightly out further than the upper lip, shoulder's slightly bent forward, eyes kinda squinting). That should do it...... (yeah, right!).


You idiot, your toast and you know it!!!



The punishment is going to be worth it, these thing are amazing.


Just tell your wife you are building up equity

   for your estate sale. Guns are a form of saving

   and she will be rich when your gone.

   Works for me...

   If you had stuck a hunderd dollor bill away a

   short few years ago, and get it out now and spend

   it, its worth about $20.00 now compared to what

   it was worth when you put it away. GUNS do much

   better than that, plus you get to enjoy having

   and shooting them.



   These are all good ideas but I only see one way out for you. Just sell them to me and then don't mention them to her...  



I am telling you... Wrap em up from Santa...  Act surprised...  Confused looks all around and all is well.    


   Or, if you dont think that will work than I am afraid you need to buy her jewelry.  That smooths over almost anything.


""well you could say that you bought another gun not two. just dont take them both out at the same time while she is around""


   This man is a cagey veteran, of the age-old battle.  Listen to the master!!!
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


The good news is, you are the envy of almost everyone on this board.

   The bad news is, she may actually kill you.

   The great news is, give her my name, I'll buy the used BTs, and help pay for your burial!!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I agree with Traveller: buy her some jewelry. Something about the  

   light refracting through a shiny stone can kind of deflect a woman's thought.

   The way a shiny revolver does to a man.



"the 2 break tops and my Christmas present."


   Be happy to hold them for you until you can get them in the house.  lol


"Diamonds............that'll shut'er up"!