New York reload

Started by .54Cal_Kidd, April-16-13 17:04

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Wow..this is wild. I was thinking the same thing on the truck farming angle. Prob a time coming when a person could trade a few turnips for a .22 shell. Smart thinking.


You're just mad that I just bought 500 sweet, sweet rounds of .22 lr for under $30.

I can now New York Reload several guns! Woo hoo!


Dang Two get up a little too early in the morn apparently. lol. I had good advice from a smart fella named Howard Ruff..who taught Glenn Beck a thing or two. He say stock up on .22 shells young man. Times is coming it be worth twenty bucks a box. Wished I had listened to him. As usual I am a member of the shoulda and coulda club. Hey now I did hear one juicy tidbit recently..and you bound to be the person who would know for sure. This fella say store bought bullets come with embedded micro chip mark of the beast tagging.. which can trace it back to the Wally World to which it was bought along with an accompanying photo of the time and date etc. Is that right? If so how much would my half a box of 40 year old Wildcats be worth? Looks like something like that would be in big demand by the big boys..dont it? Double naught spies etc.

Kentucky Kevin

BW I had heard those same rumors bandied since our president was first elected, but nothing concrete
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I've heard rumors of a failure date built into ammo. This falls under urban myth.

Microstamping technology for guns exists and California wants to mandate it. Obama loves it and wants to make love to the technology.

Microstamping is defeated by swapping out the firing pin or other parts. Oops. For every trick, there is a countermeasure.

The hardest microstamping to defeat would be the one incorporated into Taser brand electro stun devices. They blow out a cloud of microstamps when used. Older models didn't. I guess you could say that it could be defeated by handloading the Taser ammo cartridges.

Kentucky Kevin

I'm OCD and no one in my family NEED ever buy another gun
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: TwoGunJayne on April-22-13 14:04
Someone told me once that the first step in carrying a gun is that nobody ever sees it. He then told me the second step: That nobody ever HEARS it.
I agree, although I like to tell, yea I know my bad. I still at nearly 50 am a big kid at heart, kinda like that other fella on here. I you carrying concealed and surpressed? I know that theymake a small wet can for the Beretta 21a, but deem a 22 to small for effective fast defensive shooting and go with a 9
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Press the barrel into the target.  ;)

Kentucky Kevin

AAHHH dramatically increases wound also
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Welrod pistol, it had a recess between the muzzle and the end of the silencer for that reason.


Ok let us go back a few steps. If the bullet has a nano chip embedded therein how do changing up the firing pin or the grip safety gonna effect the final results of what tale tell evidence has made a deposit in the evil alleged  Iperp? Some of this stuff shoots right over my head. The guy I was exchanging intelligence data with for years and known to be a reliable source say..all store bought bullets since blah blah year has been micro tagged. Could Obie and George perpetrated this foul deed upon the innocent civilians unawares to the sheeples?  It sounds too rational.


For any trick there is a counter.

Of course the bullets could have been quietly microstamped. It would most likely be on the base of the bullet, inside the casing.

I'd post a pic of the right equipment to fix this, but someone has been talking about a motorcycle crime gang. Sorry. I don't give tricks to anyone on the internet with a web browser.

Keep in mind, you've already been archived. Any federale can search anything you've said and file papers to find out where and when the statement was made.

Technology exists to tie concepts, typing style, keystrokes, and so on and so forth to an individual. Even the way you unconsciously type is being studied... RIGHT NOW.

Kentucky Kevin

Please don't start, that LOL. Most of my paranoia has left since I have not inhaled and held my breath in over ten years LOL
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


It's not you, man. It's any jerk with a free Obama cell phone with free internet and a web browser on it saying "yo dawg, how we gonna beat this murder rap?"


Well yall have certainly opened up an interesting can of worms here. Will also answer the next two questions a person might axe which is: Yes paranoid schizophreniacs can have real enemies and psycho somatic can actually get sick. In fact a lot of them have died from sickness. Wear the tinfoil hat.