Finally at the range with my sidewinder

Started by 45flint, April-26-13 10:04

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Could only spend a few minutes at a indoor range but put some rounds through my Sidewinder finally.  Very pleased.  Seem pretty dead on with the sites at close range.  Most fun was CB shorts.  Just could almost lay them on top of each other.  And with the short casings they  just ejected straight out.   No keyholing that I could see but not really a good test for that.   It's a  cool shooter!!

Kentucky Kevin

Good job getting one, I hope to once they calm down, must save 20-30 seconds on the down time between cylinders
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"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I always thought they were meant for "new york" reload?  :o

Have I been doing it wrong?  ::)


45flint - I really like the sights on my Sidewinder better than on any other Mini that I have tried. The Earl has good sights, but I find that I am actually more accurate with my Sidewinder with its 1 3/8' barrel than I am with my 3" Earl. Glad you had fun; I like CCI CB Shorts for plinking.