Started by nycjab1, April-18-13 20:04

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Quote from: bigwheel on April-20-13 10:04
Ok..guess we have been indoctrinated with totally different survival philosophies. For dangerous situations I like big bad guns which hold a bunch of bullets. Thats just me I guess. I do not believe in shooting large angry critters with .22s unless thats all you got on hand.
Far better than carrying a .454 Eargesplittenloudenboomer as your concealed carry is to not get in a "dangerous situation" in the first place. If ... .... .. _ still happens then I would prefer to have anything that shoots rather than a rock. I fear there are too many Rambo types who are hoping something happens. Just remember what is happening in that Florida case.



Hah! Nevermind.


Highly truly on all counts Sir. The Choir always likes Sermons..lol. Now Mr. Sig works for me. Will leave you to tote the  .454 Eargesplittenloudenboomer...I might have to borrow that wordage thanks. My goal in life aint lugging around pretty little pistols. I do not operate on oohhhhs and ahhs. I practice what is taught in the song as in Staying Alive. If I conflict with certain misconceptions which cannot be discussed without ego driven panties being coiled into a wad..let us talk politics and religion instead. I am more flexible in those areas.   


Quote from: bigwheel on April-26-13 13:04My goal in life aint lugging around pretty little pistols.

I often carry a NAA Guardian .32. I think it's both pretty, nice, and quite possible effective with well-placed shots. Since I'm expecting to deploy an edged weapon as well, so what if they already have a few .32 holes in them? I was planning on shanking the criminal attacker the whole time!

Super-Deep concealment blades are for criminals or the uneducated. If you can't get to your blade in 4 seconds, it's only a murder weapon. I'm talking about self-defense and being an Upstanding American.

Hint: If you are worried about a prison-guard shakedown finding your shank, you're not exactly an upstanding American anymore. G. Gordon Liddy, aside. I liked his ring.


Yall watch too many Kung Fu movies..lol.

Kentucky Kevin

Yea BW I decided my pretty little pistol(see bond derringer thread) packing 00buck wasn't a good idea either, and went with the Beretta 21a and then to the NAA's w/floppy wobblers as my pants on gun on. I do notice that I leave the house more often w/just 3 NAA"s instead of a real gun.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Well whatever works for you my friend. If you have done research and reached the conclusion that 3 minis is the ticket for survival I would embrace the concept wholeheartedly. Best of fortunes with that. My research and experience have led me down other paths..which can surely  involve but is not limited to small handsome guns. Let us not get hardware preferences in the way of wise decisions on self preservation. I am beginning to think the topic cannot be discussed on a rational level. Or maybe there is a shortage of rational folks prone to discuss deep and mysterious stuff like this. What is a Mother to do? lol

Kentucky Kevin

I've just gotten lazy, I pack the Glock when I go to the big city
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Gotcha. No telling how many years I faithfully lugged that mini around as the one and only. Now was I real confident about attacking Okiehoma with that ensemble? No..lol. I did not care what it looked like. I know that aint normal from what I have seen on here. How do the purtiness factor get injected into some of these equations? I have a math phobia and cant understand some of the lines of reasoning we might be trying to follow. I have decided we may be facing pure emotion here. That stuff do not respond well to reason. What do you think?

Kentucky Kevin

I believe that's why the twain become one, they help us not be lopsided
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


You mean I got to let the Warden come decipher all this mish mash? lol. She could do it. Pure emotion driven. Are you saying all the haters are wimmen? Or low testosterone males of the species perhaps? Do I need to call Richard Simmons? lol.