Snake shot patterning experience

Started by jw1128, April-11-13 19:04

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If a person might notice the small print at the bottom it has a very good legend of pertinent factoids. Now doubt anybody who cant see mickey could see the small letters but who knows. To save some time and doing math just get the black. Black is beautiful they used to claim back in flower power days. Guess it still is

quote-(In case you can see colors marked on tarket--) *(can=cant and tarket=target
Green =  Winchester LR crimped round.  67 pellets in target, spread pretty evenly.
Blue = CCI LR w/plastic capsule.  75 pellets in target, spread evenly.
Black = CCI Magnum w/plastic capsule.  134 pellets in target, centered evenly on Mickey. * (This one is best)


  Thanks to both you guys great job from what I CAN'T see . Poor Mickey does Donald know ?
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Kentucky Kevin

that's a good spread from each of them
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Results on my one-shot test is definitavely that the Mag shot is MUCH better.  AND this just in--Federal shot (didn't even know I had any until I was putting it all away) was comparable to the Winchester crimped round.  Feds look just like the Win. rounds, and I would bet it has the same amount of shot.  Pattern looked to be the same, but possibly more pellets from Feds in the target area.  Remember---It was just one shot.

Sadly (or happlily?!) I discovered at the same time my newly refurbished BW Failed To Fire every other round I attempted.   Even re-orienting the FTF solids didn't work.  Rem, Fed, n Win all FTF.  DANG!!  I waited weeks to get my BW back from a rifling issue, and the all-new replacement isn't going BANG.  The good news is that I discovered this dinking with snake shot on a day off rather that confronting a Bad Guy in a dark parking lot.  More good news is that NAA has awesome customer service and I have no doubt they are going to make it all right very quickly. 

BTW--I was suddenly approached by a known felon (I work in corrections) a week ago and it scared the crap out of me.  The felon called my name out loud in a McDonald's and walked up to me.  The felon was actually cool and chatty about recent release (I'm a good guy supporting felons for an early release program) but I peed  a little and was glad I had my BW in my pocket.  BUT I now realize it was a false security as it would not have fired if attacked (!?!)  I was a fool to not take the 'widow out and fire a cylinder or two just for fun.


21 feet, that's it. All of my work has been under ten as I figured the pellets would lose so much energy as to be useless. I prefer 3 feet with shotshells. Just me, your mileage may vary and I won't cut your hair.


Good point--Penetration.  Pellets at 21 feet stuck into the 3/4 plywood backstop, but I heard some shot ricochet off the garage behind me.  I was hit by some Rem shot in the face (stung but no blood.)  Pattern may be good, but if velocity can't cause significant damage it is just like flinging a handful of pea gravel.  I still have to defer to the dozen or so squirrels that did not survive 2 rounds fired from 20+ feet. 


Hey swolf..admire your dedication to science and the Corrections Profession. I have an ex yankee SIL who does that up in PA. Think hes some kinda straw boss now..Sgt maybe?  Took him years to find a job up there. They had a two year waiting list to work at the 7-11 store in his area. The corrections opportunity was a Blessing for him and he likes the work?..and hes apparently very good at it. Super strong..hard headed etc. Fixing to build a new house. Glad your encounter with the con was uneventful. All I have met seemed to be nice folks. Or as somebody say..Good folks who made bad choices. Now do realize there is mad dawg types in there too. Keep the pistolo handy.


I love your posts, swolf. Please keep posting as a personal favor to me. Sorry I don't have a witty response.

I guess I gave up on small shot out of the .22 lr and .22 mag pretty quickly after my informal tests. I was encouraged by how they blew a great hole in a bubble-wrap pad pack containing a single sheet of notebook paper. The cool thing was that you could slide out the paper and see the concealed hits.

I figured that if I didn't like the look of the pattern on that, I should give up on small game. It's this reasoning that I took a shot at a snake with a heart-shaped head using a solid from a short. I was probably within striking distance, but I shot first and made the first hit count. Thinking about it later, I was far too bold. My experiments told me I was just going to wound the snake.

I tell you, hit them in the head with a solid from a NAA short and that's IT for a snake. This assumes that you can pull it off. I admit that I was far too close. I got lucky.

Don't play with snake bites.

Kentucky Kevin

"They" say that most people bitten see them and then mess with them, I'm not saying that it the person's fault, but a snakes gonna do what a snakes gonna do. I'll shot any venomoud that I see unless I'm on the Feds land at LBL
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Would not recommend blasting them devious critters in any state parks either. Had a pal who got drawed down on by the Park Ranger whilst laying down grazing fire on a big old rattler one time. It started a nasty old Hatfield and McCoy type feud which got real unpleasant before it was over.  The Rangers slept in the little guard shack instead of going home to Mama because they did not want to venture onto the shooters pile of manure called the highway.

Kentucky Kevin

BW, I can tel from your ramblings that you are intelligent. I was 40 before I realized the differance between the wise and the fool. They may both have the same intelligence and knowledge, but the wisw use the information ans the fool does not. I have only legaly been carrying for ten years. I got tired of loosing guns to the Police in plea bargins and got my concealed carry permit, and stopped doing illegal stuff. Now when talking to LEO in a professional capacity I inform them of my permit and the location of as many guns as I remember. It makes for smooth interactions. Just because I can doesn't mean I should. I carry a slingshot, buy have not put the time in to maake it lethal on small game
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Thanks..yes I have sometimes been accused of not being quite as dumb as I l. I am total old school on guns. I think everybody should have at least in the boot and one in the overalls or wherever its handy to stash one. Now exceptions for criminals and crazy folks of course. Most misery I have seen come from drunk folks with guns. That can cause issues. Hear you on the OCD..think my wife has it too. In fact I worked with a guy for 20 years who had it big time. He functoned well and packed a big gun each day. It was just a challenge to figger out whether he was having a Jekyl or Hyde Best strategy was dont bother him. Thats where the adage of letting sleeping dawgs lie..came in real handy. He now works for dont guess the condition has influenced his career too much.

Kentucky Kevin

I'm still working on the filter, of when to speak and when not to, after I punched a wall nearly 29 years ago and went through  some 12 step prograns it helped a lot. The only person I can change is me and that's only with God's help. Look up Serenity prayer
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Thanks for sharing Sir. There go us all as in sometimes two steps forward and a 3 steps back on the road to holiness. Just gots to keep putting them brogans down one ahead of the other..sorta like nice frogs who fell in the milk bucket and one of them just keep them web feet chuggin till the milk turned itself into butter and he hopped right on out. The other dumb frog give up and drowned himself on milk. We would not like to drown on milk huh? What a horrible way to The Lord has been petitioned on your behalf. Expect results.


  Inside voice now , " SERENITY NOW , SERENITY NOW ".
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Wow that had a real calming affect/effect..thanks.

Kentucky Kevin

it works if you work it, it don't if you won't, so keep coming back because your worth it
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: bigwheel on April-25-13 15:04
Wow that had a real calming affect/effect..thanks.

Forgot to tell you about the $20.00 surcharge , I take pay-pal .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Rut row..yes..that shipping and handling stuff can add to the total Queekly Senor Queeks I give away a lot of free stuff for only five bucks. hmmm..might be time to got up since you getting twenty?

top dog

Some years ago,a guide was paddling his client through the Okeefenokee Swamp in his canoe. The client had a shotgun across his lap sitting in the front seat.

As they passed beneath a tree,a large snake fell out of the tree and landed in the bottom of the canoe behind the client. It is unknown if the snake was or was not poisonous but before the guide could use the paddle to get the snake out of the canoe,the client turned around and shot the snake..............

I do not know what the pattern was but can assure you that both client and guide wound up swimming!!!!!

                                                                                                         Top Dog


Cute story..thanks for sharing. The old high Sheriff at Corpus in the early 70's had a super big time irrational snake phobia. So he opens his desk drawer one day and some prankster had stuffed a live rattle rattler down in there. He drew his snubby and hit it all five times or  however many bullets the gun held. Dont think the trickster was ever identified..whew.

top dog

If I were that sherrif,the second cylinder full of rounds would have been for the trickster if he were located.

Poisonous snakes very few and far between where I am but I still carry a mini with snake shot in my fly fishing vest when I am out fishing. The Charter Heller Commemorative 44 Bulldog is for the two legged variety.

                                                                         Top Dog


Wow..thought St. Paddy had driven them pizzenous adders out of all the good fly fishing places..but guess Smart to carry on both counts. I unexpectedly got a Charter .38 snubby for Christmas one time. Very nice little gun. Performed well. Did not spin the cylinder quit as good as a well oiled Smith..but heck it only cost 50 bucks or so. Biggest issue with failing to bond with the little nipper was I had lost much interest in wheel guns. If the gift giver had bothered to check I would had druther had a double action semi auto. lol


Sweet! An update!

I do love a seamless rewrite of history, after having read a few books on the subject... I think I can appreciate it a little more than the average citizen.

So what happens when your rulers change stuff with no record? Answer? Uhhh... go read some stuff Obama said. I don't know what history you've read, but he got a peace price for doing nothing before he had a chance to do anything within the first seconds he possibly could have done anything in office.

Just sayin', fellas.

Is the thread red or blue? I'm guessing red. Just a hunch.

I also appreciate the pun of "pizzenous" and "fly fishing." Pizzen, being an archaic word for male genitalia and well.. the rest... I'm sorry you're 12 if you don't understand what the adults are talking about.

As far as snake shot, 12 gauge is king! You can blast a 1 ounce charge at 1200-1800 feet per second and really put the hurt on that poisonous creature. Pistols, even with shot loads, can't really compete.

I like 20 gauge too and was hoping to get one before some financial difficulty hit. Maybe I have to walk some miles to the library to post once a day. I've done it before, both ways, uphill.

No problem!


I remember the lying peece o sheets first lie I heard..which he promise to put all new laws on the net so the great unwashed masses could take a peek..this be before he would sign it of course. Its been total down here from there since he did not do that even once. Him and the truth do not seem prone to be able to co-inhabit the same parts of the space time continuum. Or could a paranoid person just imagine stuff like this? Its hard to tell sometimes. If he is like most liars..he will always have a good excuse handy for why he lied. Blame somebody else etc. I stayed awake in Psyc 101 long enough to learn stuff like that.