Hey, Sirbarky..Hey, Chopprs...

Started by coopercdrkey, December-22-10 15:12

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Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Hehe yea Barky is still prowling around here but I don't know about Chopprs....either way hope they have a Merry Christmas to as well as everyone else!


Yea, Merry Christmas to both of them and all the rest of you too!!!!!


"Deeds; Not Words"


Merry Christmas Barky and Choppers. you guys are missed.  


   Louie you look sort of familiar. have i met you before?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Has Chopprs left us too ? Well Merry Christmas to both of them. Hope they are well.



   Possibly..............  were you in Toledo in '03?


   I was not there then,,,,,,,,,,,, but my cousin's sister's boyfriend's mother's nephew was in the airport in Toledo for 15 minutes in '03



   Could that be it?


   Could I have met you at S&W in Springfield MA at Christmas time?  


   Maybe we went to different schools together.......


"Deeds; Not Words"


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


maybe you share the same but different mothers... ehhh, who knows....

   MERRY Christmas


Uh ,Oh ,    He`s back  

   Good to have his sense of humor on the board.


   Merry Christmas to all , & to all a good night !


   Evening, Gents


HE'S BACK?!?! Oh no! Mothers! Lock up your daughters......
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   who was gone???
"Deeds; Not Words"


I knew a Louie once on a ruger forum.  This one seems nicer here.   The other guy was a Floridian who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with .22 to save his life.


The only Louie I ever knew was a ballplayer. Most guys called him a Slugger.......
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


HEY! maybe it as small barn!


   And Florida barns are evasive..............
"Deeds; Not Words"


Didn`t the other Louie ride a scooter to work?

   I think I remember him ,He posted alot of useful info on here , seemed like decent guy. Even if he is from Florida


   I hear thats a good place to be FROM


   Good day , Gents


I hear that some folks down in Florida wish a few MORE would be FROM Florida instead of IN Florida........ and please take a Canadian under each arm with you..............


   Merry Christmas and find a place where you can have a nice snowy one.........
"Deeds; Not Words"



What?  Everyone wants to be home for Christmas!!!!  I am just sharing their wish......


   I always thought wishing folks a Merry and white Christmas was polite.  Am I wrong?  Or did you insert some meaning that was not there?


   Or is this a place where using the word Christmas is a bad thing?  If so,,, sorry to have offended you non-believers out there......  


   And it WAS a VERY small barn........
"Deeds; Not Words"


Yeah, Louie,

    We get our snow here. Just last week the kids had 2 snow days off of school . My son had it in him to plow half the neighborhoods driveways out with the quad, I think he put 1,000 miles on it in them 2 days And now they have the next 12 days or so off for the holiday, I just might have to get out a shoot a little more than normal , if ya know what I mean


   All is well in the land of the white stuff , until the heat bill comes in .


    Evening ,Gents




    I forgot to mention ,I hear you guys had a cold snap come through ,You just make sure that citrus crop down there does not freeze ,as we go through alot of that stuff in this household. We wouldn`t want the prices to climb


One of my fondest memories is of the Christmas Eve when my wife and I and my parents went into church with no snow whatsoever on the ground.


   During the course of the service, (maybe an hour and a half), we heard the account of the Gospels, listened to a fine but compact lesson, sang all the great carols, and lit our candles for the finale.


   When we left the church, we found that the gentlest snowfall had deposited about three inches of pristine whiteness on our little town.  I love that memory....



   Having said that, after 25 years in Florida, please enjoy all the snow you wish!  You may have mine-  especially the part I had to shovel the next morning to get my car out...


   Merry, merry Christmas to all, wherever you are.  I'm a cracker now!
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Speaking of prices, have you noticed the price of gas?


   Sure hope it goes down after Christmas!!

   They are gouging people just because they can for the holiday travel.


"Having said that, after 25 years in Florida,

     please enjoy all the snow you wish! You may

     have mine- especially the part I had to shovel

     the next morning to get my car out..."


   That's the beauty of livin' in the South!  There'd be no snow shovelin' the next mornin'... everything and everybody would be shut down, no need to get out! Wouldn't have to worry 'bout essentials... regardless if the weather man said "there will be no chance of snow for the coming week"  just his mention of the word snow and because he's the meteorologist, the grocery stores would be ransacked within an hour of his utterance of white stuff and all the bread and milk would be GONE!


   Merry Christmas Shooters!


I saw snow once when I was up north at Christmas time for a school.  About 20 minutes in it, and driving in it the week I was up there was enough snow experience for me.....


   That stuff is COLD!!!!


   We did have a cold snap and uncovered stuff froze.  I don't think we got a lot of Citrus damage, but I did see a migrant worker picking oranges like there was no tomorrow on my way to work yesterday.............  That is often a sign they froze and are headed for juice before they rot..............


   I think they saved the strawberries with a lot of watering..............


   We got about 18 degrees at my house but it was only for a few hours...............


   Gas hit $3.00 this morning.............  up about 12 cents a gallon in the last 5 days or so.....
"Deeds; Not Words"


Snow?  It's that white flaky stuff, right?  It actually fell in my neighborhood a couple of times this fall, but I slept in and it was gone by the time I arose.  I do so want to see a real snowfall this Christmas, but it seems that these spring-like temps will close the year.  Think I'll go to the lake and fish this weekend.  Shucks this is boring, I may just take a drive up north to see real winter and get away from Denver for a while.



I think I need to move south.

   I live near St. Louis and the  

   weather Ssssstinks.


   Sometimes you can experience  

   all 4 seasons in one afternoon.

   And we have thousands of lazy

   eyed soccer moms driving their

   SUV's down the highway arguing

   with someone on their cell phones

   causing a major accident at least

   every 20 minutes.


   It's gotta be 5:00 somewhere.




And Boom......There it was!!!!


Moderndayedison, I live about an hour or so north of St. Louis and the snow is all gone for the moment, but I'm sure it will be back. Would love to be in the carribbean  right now. :-)


I'm about an hour west of St. Louis.  Did you guys see any tornadoes??  They missed me by about 9 miles.


Let's see, I remember seeing a snow flurry (lots of snowflakes in the air, but they melt upon hitting the ground) in Los Angeles in my college days. And in Santa Barbara, I experienced a snow accumulation that lasted for hours. Kids made snowmen and had snowball fights.


   I grew up in the snowbelt, nice memory of candlelight service at Christmastime in our old church.


   Our Army base in Korea had plenty of snow in season.


   Happy New Year.


Wouldn't have been Camp Red Cloud, would it ???
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001