22 LR Terminal Tests

Started by ljutic, May-16-13 08:05

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Howdy all.

I ran some short barrel tests on a few 22 loads back in December before I had my NAA.  I do plan on running some tests with the Wasp at some point down the road, but thought I would share these tests with you now.


CCI Mini Mag HP
Federal 550 Value Pack HP
Winchester 555 HP
Remington Golden Bullet 550

Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


Turkey test at 200 yards with a .22 lr rifle: http://www.hickokfamilygenealogy.com/Lethality_of_the_22_LR.html

Rimfire from a mousegun gel tests: http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs27.htm
.22 lr winner from a mousegun from everything I've read so far? CCI Stinger. I will read even MORE tests! I like them. :)

Kentucky Kevin

Thanks for the confirmation on my hopes. I've recently picked up a Ruger charger as a "long" range back pack gun and also have the 10/22TD in a back pack for a Bug out back pack gun
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