Turn Around Time For New .22 LR Cylinder

Started by JES14352, May-28-13 16:05

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Wanting to send in my Pug to get  a new .22 LR cylinder fitted for it.  Any one with experience sending a gun back for a new cylinder ? How long was your turn around  ?


I have one there now. Typically, it does not take a long time for Customer Service/warranty work. With the added pressure of all the back orders, I would not be surprised it it takes more time than normal. I would guess (and, I emphasize GUESS) it may take 2 weeks. You can all ways send an email or call before sending it in to get their guess.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Just curious on how you all do your shipping back to NAA?  I originally bought a 22mag version but muzzle blast was too much for my dog, so I thought I would get a 22 LR cylinder.  UPS wanted $70 to ship and NAA wanted $20 to return with $50 for a cylinder, wound up trading for a 22lr/22mag combo for $75 difference.  Shipping is cheaper if dealer does it, but my dealer was not interested in doing it and I guess I can understand his side, just wish there was a cheaper way to ship back to NAA.


Outrageous. I think it was $$1/3rd of that last time I OOPS-ed my BW back to the ranch for some discipline. Was this next day AM or something?

Talking about the shipping cost...


It took me a month to get mine back. Granted they were also suppose to repair my pistol. But they said the real hold up was getting the LR cylinders in. When I talked to the technician there he said they just got some LR cylinders in and now they were running out of magnums. This was about a month ago though so maybe they have enough. If they have enough on hand it shouldn't take long at all really. Maybe call and ask if they have them available first before you ship it to them.


Sounds to me you need a new dealer. The mini I have at NAA getting a new LR cylinder, and some repair, is a customers gun. All your current dealer has to do is log it into a gunsmith book, pack it up, take it to the USPS with a VERY simple form, and mail it. I typically charge my customers $30-$35 (including shipping) to do this. Once the gun returns, I call them and log it out of my book. If they bought the gun from me, I rarely charge them anything.

Your State may have some differing laws, so check them before following my thoughts:

An individual may ship a firearm to a Federal Firearms License holder (FFL), a licensed gun smith or to the factory for repair. It is up to the FFL holder if he will accept a firearm from a non-FFL holder. Most will not, as it turns into a pain in the a**. (I currently still do, but that is subject to change without further notice.) An individual may ship a long gun (rifle/shotgun) via UPS, FedEx or USPS. An individual may only ship a handgun via UPS or FedEx.

IN GEORGIA, it is lawful for a Georgia resident to ship a long gun (rifle/shotgun) to a resident of Georgia, as long as it is lawful for that person to own the firearm.

Per Federal regulations, regardless of State, if going to an individual, you may only ship handguns to a Federal Firearms License holder (FFL). It is up to the FFL holder if he will accept a firearm from a non-FFL holder. You may not ship a handgun via the USPS, ONLY through a commercial carrier (UPS or FedEx). UPS and FedEx will ONLY ship a firearm next day air, which happens to be the most expensive way they ship anything. It is this reason it is likely cheaper for an individual to let his local gun shop ship a handgun.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


grayelky, I called my dealer  at the suggestion of NAA Customer Service  but they wasn't much interested in returning for me so I called UPS and they said the only way I (a nonFFL) could ship it back to NAA since it was a handgun was overnight shipping ($70).   In the mean time I will currycomb the area and try to find a more accommodating dealer. 


Looking for a new dealer sounds like a good idea. If this guy won't give service for what he sells,
seems best to get someone who will. If you have the option, never pay for crappy service.
Just my opinion. I am willing to pay a bit more, and go out of my way, for those that stand behind, and help with what they sell.

Best of luck


It is your attitude that has made my business. I am about the smallest gun shop in the entire area, BUT, I try to provide what no one else can/will: Customer service. Trust me when I tell you your dealer does appreciate your loyalty!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Am glad to hear that we are of like mind on this .
Too much of the way things are done now are short sighted.

Good to hear your business model is for the long run.



grayelky, Probably won't help much but by chance where are you located?  You sound like one of the old school gun shop owners I grew up knowing.  Always took time to answer my dumb questions and was a delight to be around.  He could tell some of the funniest gun stories and he always kept an old wooden barrel in the store with barrels/stocks that were split or ruptured so people could see the potential dangers of a clogged muzzle or reloading mistakes.  Sure miss him as he has passed on, he had a wealth of knowledge, not just about guns but life in general.


Thanks for your kind words. Just about the time I am surprised at how much I think I know about gun(s), some one will walk in and remind me how little I do know!

I am about 30 miles N of Atlanta, GA. The store phone number is 67 eight 4three9 four570. Our hours are 10:00-7:00, Tue-Fri, Sat 10:00-5:00, or till folks quit spending money...:) My hours are not necessarily those of the store :), but someone will be there. I don't mind answering questions, and, I can answer any question that is asked. Sometimes, the answer is, "I don't know". My "staff" is as smart as I am, and can answer any question! One thing for sure, you will not get a BS answer that may or may not be correct. We also try and differentiate between our opinion, and fact.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


gray,  that is nice to know because I find myself over in the Atlanta area once and awhile, fact is we have been planning a trip to Duluth GA to see a couple of dear friends who moved over there from Douglasville Ga.  By the way, my cylinder pin is getting much easier to remove thanks to your tip on using dextron atf. 


 My driving holster from partiotjoe came in  today and boy is it nice or as the oldfolks would say, it's the dinktum.  Well made and just what I was looking for.  Nice man to do business with.  Read about him on the forum here.