Predictions as to WHEN the Sidewinder will be available in longer barrels?

Started by pete_on_the_coast, May-26-13 12:05

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I'm SO ready for a 2" or longer SW, but is it a year or two away?   This board must have some good "guesses" if not some inside info that I've missed . . . . .


When they get caught up?   :o

No inside info. Just my guess, but I'd say a year, give or take a month or 2.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


My prediction - January 2014. I just have a feeling that NAA will want to rollout something new by then just give folks something to talk about. Another barrel length is about as simple as it gets - just tell the supplier to add 1x to the existing barrel. No additional assembly problems for NAA, if the new barrels are made right, so why not do it?


It will take more than a 2" barrel to make it Kalifornia legal. The best reason to do it is just to piss off the Commies in Sacramento.