The only fight he lost, was his last one.

Started by grayelky, December-28-10 03:12

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   This was my cousin. He loved the job. Please keep his family in your prayers.


   Thank you.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   Sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out

   To you and your family.  He made the ultimate sacrifice to  

   Protect and Serve.  I hope this state makes the punishment fit the crime.  


   God speed Trooper Lecroy!


Hey Gray,

   Whenever an Officer gets killed in the line  of duty, I consider that a  part of my family has died.  This comes from wearing a badge for so many  years.  Being this time of the year makes it even worse.  While this is not the time for politics,  I am a firm believer in the death penalty.  I was on hand for the final day for a cop killer at Huntsville last Summer.  He had killed a fellow officer, a man I knew and respected many years before.  Call it revenge, whatever, I called  it justice when  when they shot the chemicals to him and declared  him dead.  I can only hope for the same for the man that killed your cousin.


Grayelky - so sorry for the loss to your family.


Chemicals are a little tame for the S.O.B.!


   Sorry to hear of your loss!


   Surprised they didn't waste him when they tracked him down.



   My condolences to you and your family. May the knowledge that you are in many thoughts and prayers help you thru this time. God bless.



Condolences and may the worthless scum get his soon.


Grayelky very sorry to hear about your cousin. May he rest in peace. He has earned a special place.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Gray....I am very sorry for your loss...we will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.


This too really hits home for me. Ive been an Officer in MD for he last ten years and have seen many good men fall, men much better than I. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. We all sell our souls for a nickle doing this job, and nobody seems to care but the few in the trenches, a few who see the world for what it is...a cold place. Job 29:3 "...when by his light I walked through darkness."


Grayelky - my heart is with you and his family,  brother.




   I saw this on the local news last night. So sorry for your and your family's loss. This kind of thing is always sad to see knowing there are those among us who would do something so cold and heartless. My prayers are with you.




Thank you. It is comforting to actually know there are those who feel the sorrow.


   It seems the murderer has only been charged 19 times in 11 years. Several felonies, the last of which will hopefully keep his sorry a$$ off the streets for good. Too bad it had to be for the murder of a LEO. Unfortunately, since it occurred in Fulton Co/City of Atlanta, even with the dash cam video, he may not get what he deserves. With any luck, he will be released back on the streets. As long as he is in jail, he is safe.">
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Sorry for your loss and may god comfort you in your time of sorrow.It seems like in every state the justice system just keep releasing criminals to continue their crimes..


Sorry for your loss to you and your family.
Those who adapt control the future
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   I just saw this.   I am truly sorry for your loss; know that his family are in our prayers.


That's just to bad, an unecessary loss of life.


   My condolences to you and your family.


   It is sad that while the prison system may not reform criminals, the fact eludes the "do gooders" that while in jail, you cannot perpetrate crimes in the community and therefore the community is better off with you in jail whether you are being rehabilitated or not during your stay.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card