Input Appreciated for decision to get a new PUG

Started by cookster, June-26-13 17:06

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Hello Everyone,

I am considering getting a new PUG, packaged with a conversion cylinder for $400.00 and regular sights, and was wondering if that is a 'fair' price.

I know, 'fair' is largely subjective, supply and demand based, zippy influenced, yada yada yada, and most of you here would likely be willing to trade a spouse and/or a child or two to put more NAA's into your safes, but since NAA does not list a package price for this combo, is $400.00 about right, or is it about $50.00 or so too much (like I believe it is)?

This is a 'nice to have' but not urgent acquisition for me, and I am o.k. with waiting until the retail market primes back up with inventory on regular Mini's or Sidewinder's or PUG's.

So, with a tempered opinion if that's possible here, what do you think?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,



Your right there Rob it's subjective alright , $400 with tranfer fee and tax would be fair game but how bad do you want to fondle it they feel reallll goodddd in the mitt that extra cylinder is pricy on the net also .  :) So there I'm no help I don't even have one yet .  :(  By the way welcome to the asylum .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


for right now its not a bad price. myself im not buying anything right now. the prices are ridiculous.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Thanks guys.

$400.00 OTD would be very tempting!

Oh, forgot to let you know that one way or another, resistance is futile for me, as I have already bought 200 rnds. of CCI mini-mag wmr's that I happened to come across at a LGS a month or so ago, with nothing that I currently own chambered in that caliber!




"waiting until the retail market primes back up with inventory on regular Mini's or Sidewinder's or PUG's."

With all the folks at NAA working full time trying to catch up on orders for the Sidewinder, I think that your wait will be a very, very long one.

Welcome to the forum.
If you see it and you want it, better buy it.

With the Sidewinder being a hit as big as it is, the regular minis may go by the wayside and be sought after mainly by collectors. Just my thoughts.
There may be other models but they will have the swing out cylinder.
5-10 years from now there will be a completly different model line up at NAA.

Everyone had a horse until cars came along.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Four hundred dollars for a Pug conversion is not a bargain, but it is not so high that you are likely to regret buying it. So I would buy if you want it and can afford it. Personally, I have never regretted spending on a gun but there have been a few times I kicked myself for not buying one when I had the chance.


LOL I never understood why the Pug was more expensive than the longer barrel models using the same frame.  However, the Pug is a cool-looking little gun that feels good in the hand and it's a wicked defender that carries anywhere.  I think the LR cylinder is less useful with the Pug, since its forte' is not plinking.  But you could probably get $100+ for the extra cylinder on eBay if you didn't want to keep it.


I have a Pug in my pocket now, but for some reason prefer the B.W.
AND, the Pug cylinder lines up fine in my B.W. and I have fired the B.W. with the Pug mag. cylinder in it. :)



I think the price is about $50 too high; but, as much as we hate to say it, the laws of economics and capitalism do apply here.  Supply vs. Demand.  I agree with Dinadan, if you can afford it, do it.  You won't regret having the PUG.  I got mine earlier this year and it has the conversion.  It's my favorite NAA.  Since then I have bought and LR and have a Sidewinder on order...yes, they are addicting.

I had my PUG on order for about 6 months and it didn't have the conversion cylinder.  One night I happened to stumble across one on Gunbroker that said nothing about PUG in the title or description and it had the conversion.  I bought it for $350 and luckily my local gun shop allows you to cancel any order that exceeds one month lead time so I cancelled my previous order. 

I carry my PUG daily as a backup to my LCP and sometimes, depending on the circumstances, it is my primary,

Again, if you can afford it, do it.  You certainly won't regret it.


Thank you everyone for all of the input thus far!

I know that the LGS had been carrying this PUG in his inventory for at least four weeks, because four weeks ago is when I stopped in and saw it there.

Because the shop is fairly well stocked, by today's standards are least, so he may be financing his inventory on some kind of loan / credit plan.  So, with at least four weeks and possibly more of having this PUG in his inventory, he's going to start paying interest and fees on it, which will begin eating into the extra profit margin that he's built into the asking price.

I suppose that I've got nothing to lose to see if he can get me OTD at $400.00.

Thanks again!!



I'm late to the party here, but $400 for a brand new PUG plus conversion cylinder is not a bad price today.  And I think it will be a while until you see much better pricing.  Many folks have waited for the insanity to drop (which it is beginning to), but with pent up demand we are seeing desirable models to continue disappearing off the shelves pretty quickly.  For a small premium you can enjoy the PUG now.  I've seen the pricing on the PUG much higher than $400 recently.
PUG , Black Widow, Sidewinder


My pug with night sight was technically $195. I got lucky and found a nice used black widow for $175 and then a year or so later I traded my black widow and $20 for the pug :)


I probably paid $50 too much for my Black Widder but I wanted one and I love it. I don't regret it one bit.  :D
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


Yea black widows are awesome. And I love the way they look with the boot grips on. One day ill get anouther but I think an earl is next for me


To a certain degree, deals made prior to 12/2012 are like talking about when gasoline was 99 cents.

Price of the Pug, plus waiting for one, plus $35 for a cylinder, plus shipping to the factory...
I would make sure the extra cylinder was timed for that Pug.

Depends on how much money you have.  Time is money.  No bragging rights for paying over retail.

top dog

Go ahead and make the purchase. I am glad to see that you are getting the lr cylinder too. That will save you money by using 22lr practice ammo.
I this is your first NAA purchase,let me warn you that soon you will probably have another to keep it company.

Welcome to the forum.

Let us know how the new gun works out at the range.

                                                                          Top Dog


I really couldn't say what I paid for each of my minis.
But it wasn't too much.
Because at the time I wanted it and I had the money in my pocket.
If I dropped dead from a heart attack, someone else would spend the money. This way I got the privilege of owning the mini.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: Kevin55 on July-05-13 09:07

I would make sure the extra cylinder was timed for that Pug.

I think that the label on the box that this PUG came in indicates 'with conversion cylinder', or something to that affect.  Wouldn't the factory already make sure they are shipping a .22 lr conversion cylinder that has been timed to the PUG?




Quote from: cookster on July-09-13 17:07
Quote from: Kevin55 on July-05-13 09:07

I would make sure the extra cylinder was timed for that Pug.

I think that the label on the box that this PUG came in indicates 'with conversion cylinder', or something to that affect.  Wouldn't the factory already make sure they are shipping a .22 lr conversion cylinder that has been timed to the PUG?



If the cylinder ships with the gun it will be timed to the gun. If in doubt, checking to see if a cylinder will work with a gun is not rocket science. Simply take a round wood dowel that is the same diameter as the bore and stick it down the barrel to make certain that the cylinder chambers line up with the barrel when the hammer is down.