Odd message on Midway Box of 22 WMR Ammo

Started by ashevillian, December-28-10 15:12

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    Whatever became of the incident where your magazine blew apart.  Did the partys involved make it right for you?

   Just curious , I remember you mentioning this last winter.


   Good day, Gents


I contacted Remington and they had me send them

   the shell casing and pictures of the damage.

   They sent me a check for $50.00. I then contacted

    Winchester about a new magazine, and

   they said I would have to send the gun in.

   WRONG! Not if I was going to ever own another

   Winchester...The lady I was talking to gave up

   on me and turned me over to a more senseible

   guy in the warranty dept. who took my name and address

    and sent me parts of 3 magazines  that  

   were left over from warranty returns. One of  

   them was a 5 round mag. that only would hold  

   4 shells and I used it to repair mine. Made me

   happy, and in fact I now own 3 Winchester  

   Wildcats. Life is good!


Seems like Remington ,did you right on the ammo issue. Sounds like Winchester took the cheesy way out by sending you a box of pieces and parts and basically said "here, fix it yourself"

   You would of thought ,they would sent you a new magazine.


   The end result is that your rifle is back up and running.



   Winchester fits each magazine to the rifle. The

   magazines are plastic and they push them into  

   the mag. slot, mark them, and grind a notch

   in the front where the catch that holds them

   in catches that notch. My magazine outer part

   was OK, just needed the inside parts and the base

   and the guy in the warranty dept. understood that.

   If they had sent the whole magazine I could have  

   fit it to the gun. but they don't know who can

   and who can't. I think most mags will fit in  

   most guns but if one didn't they would get the


   It would be like if the hand broke on my mini

   I would have to send my gun in because they  

   say it has to be fitted. I can do that but they

   don't want to take a chance on that. In fact  

   my Pug has broken two hands because they were  

   too long, so when you cocked the hammer there  

   was to much pressure on the hand  against the  

   star on the back of the cylinder

   when the cylinder locked up.

   I shortened the last one myself in time before it  

   broke again...




   My bad,  I was thinking of the "run of the mill" magazines that insert through the bottom . Yes ,the wildcats are different in that way.