22mag ammo

Started by undie3423, December-29-10 10:12

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Iam a newbe from WVa. Retired mold maker from the glass factories and just bought my first NAA B/W conversion.I figure that i'm to old to fight and to fat to run so i got me a pocket friend. My question is, in the big NAA brocure on the page the Earl is shown on there are some 22mag ammo that look like they are ballistic tip. What brand are they?  Thanks in advance for your help.


Not sure just what you mean, however Hornady makes a .22 Mag with what looks like a red colored off material at the nose.  It's their 30 gr. Varmint express.  Don't know anything re the round.  There are 3 B/W's in my immediate family.  Thank you chose the best of the NAA's, not knocking the Pug of which we have one of them also.


I havent been able to get out to shoot it yet, i hope to Friday, its supposed to get up into the mid 50s this weekend.The B/W sure feels nice and i have large hands. we'll see how it shoots. I hope to take my cc permit class with it.


I've been looking around for the nastiest .22 mag out there, and a couple of them are promising... but what makes them so is they both carry Speer TNT bullets on the cartridge.  These bullets supposedly disintegrate rapidly upon entry, causing tremendous tissue damage.  That what I'm going to load next.





That should be a fun CC class, Undie.


Yea thats them, I dont know how well they would work for s/d.


Its going to take a lot of practice for me to shoot accurately with my B/W, When i squeeze the trigger it has a tendancy to pull the barrel down and shoots low. I have large hands and Arthritis pretty bad.


I'm pretty good at hitting something chest-high with my BW.  Hitting a soda can on the ground is harder.  Also, my accuracy drops quickly if I don't (or can't) extend my arm fully.  Keep working at it, it gets better.  I did reasonably well at the range last week, consistently hitting COM at 30 feet and was 3/5 on head shots.


Glad you got the Black Widow.  I got mine not too long ago.  


   I've found it fun to shoot.  My second time out shooting it I got a few 5 rounds in a 2" target circle at 15 feet. Must say I was impressed ... not so much with me [though I was ;-) ] but with the gun itself.  


   I haven't tried beyond 15' though.  I'm not sure I would shoot at a person that far away in a potential situation.  Although, I have practiced with my Kel-Tec P32 up to 30 feet.  That's another great gun, IMHO.