Magnum problems

Started by jim c 351, July-15-13 06:07

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jim c 351

After reading all the favorable posts on this forum, I decided to buy a NAA 22 mag 1 5/8 inch revolver.
Last Saturday I found one at a good price, like new cond, at a local gun store so I bought it.
I only had 2 brands of 22 mag ammo on hand, but had trouble with both.
Brand 1 was CCI , 22 mag 40 gr HP. This was the worst. After 2 shots the cylinder wouldn't turn unless helped with other hand.
Brand  2 was Win ,22 mag 40 gr HP. This was a little better. Could get off 3 shots before the cylinder froze up.
The rims are expanding and binding against the frame.
The only explanation I can think of is the cylinder throats. The holes at the end of the cylinder are smaller in diameter than the projectile . This might be creating excessive pressure and causing the case rims to expand excessively.
Ant comments or suggestions???
Jim C


Jim,   I'd send that bugger to NAA pronto! 


sounds like it needs a rosd trip to naa  call them up  they will me more then happy to help     


Jim - sorry to read that your Mini Magnum is not working properly. Occasionally someone seems to have your problem. I agree that you should contact NAA and see what they suggest.

I do not think that the problem will be the cylinder throats. It is normal for the front of the cylinder chamber to be a bit smaller than the bullet.

jim c 351

Thanks for the replies.
Now for the math.
I could have bought a new NAA 22 mag for , I believe, $220.00, from the same dealer.
My used NAA 22 mag was $175.00, a price that encouraged me to act.
In checking the return policy, it appears that overnight shipping to NAA is $25.00. Return shipping is another $25.00.
So even tho the repairs are free, I would have $50.00 in shipping fees and end up with a used gun. $175.00 plus $50.00 =$225.00. In other words, $5.00 more for a used gun than a new gun.
I could return this gun and pay the difference toward a new gun, but now I'm afraid I may have the same problem with a new gun.
It looks like I should definitely return this gun to the dealer, the question is , what should I do then??
Jim C


Take it back to the dealer and tell him to send it in. If the gun is less than 2 yearrs old, NAA will pay shipping both ways.


Quote from: jim c 351 on July-15-13 16:07
It looks like I should definitely return this gun to the dealer, the question is , what should I do then??
Jim C

I would go ahead and get a new gun if your dealer will work with you. Problems like yours are pretty rare; the overwhelming majority of NAAs work just fine out of the box. Folks with problems tend to find this forum, and even here we do not see a lot of problems. Most likely a new gun will work fine. Oh yes, if your dealer has a conversion model (LR cylinder) then I strongly suggest that you get that. A lot of folks prefer LR for practice and plinking.

jim c 351

I called NAA this morning and talked to Sue.
Turns out my NAA 22Mag is less than 2 years old, so I get free shipping.
So, my gun is on its way to Provo.
Thanks for all the advise.
Jim C

jim c 351

Here's the rest of the story.
I received my NAA 22 mag back from North American yesterday and took it to the range today.
Absolutely no problems. Worked perfectly.
Shot one box of mags, half  CCI vel + 30 gr and half Win 40 gr HP. Both grouped about the same at 8 yards.
Sue at NAA took super good care of me both in advise and service. Since my gun was less than 2 years old, NAA paid shipping both ways and work was done in one day. They replaced the cylinder for free and a new hand. As I mentioned above the problem cylinder throats would not allow a 22 mag projectile to enter all the way to the case. The new cylinder allow this.
Based On the advise form Dinadan, I bought a 22 lr cylinder at this time. Shot 50 Fed 36 gr hp bulk with no problems. Hit to the same place at 8 yards as the mags.
Sue also gave advise on how not to align the sights. Worked just like she said.
Thanks to Sue and all who responded.
Jim C


Hey Jim,
You just found out what so many others have before you.
If you buy a NAA product, NAA will take care of you.

I missed that before (I think) 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Jim- good to learn that NAA fixed your problem!