Happy new year!

Started by xmp, December-31-10 22:12

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Happy new year everyone!

cedarview kid

Happy New year from Utah! (in 40 minutes, that is)


Happy New Year!


   Not to be a Jeremiah or anything, but I just read the lyrics of a song that it seems Al Stewart came up with way back in 1995, called, "Laughing Into 1939". (You can hear it at http://www.youtube.com">www.youtube.com and type in the title and then hit 'enter'. You can read the editorial commentary about it today at http://www.gatesofvienna.blogspot.com">www.gatesofvienna.blogspot.com). It's suggested that for several years now, we've been in a 1939-like scenario. Sudentland has been partitioned (Kosovo) and annexation will soon follow. Mad dictators make increasingly shrill demands and are increasingly open about their genocidal intentions. Evil men acquire and stockpile weapons (North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Venezuela, Hezbollah to name a few) while leaders of the free world look the other way and pretend nothing ominous is occurring.


   The conclusion was, let's just strike up the band and have another dance while dancing is still possible. Or, let's laugh into 1939.


   I'm not quite that fatalistic. I think we can pray and do other positive things to help improve our situation.  


   Best wishes for 2011.