MM w/ scope accuracy

Started by Kentucky Kevin, August-05-13 07:08

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Kentucky Kevin

rethinking the small and accurate process. Goal was to have a compact platform for 50-75 yard shooting for a shoulder bag. Won't fit, and have to mill the gun to correctly mount scope. Goal: golf ball =25 yds, softball=50 yds, basketball =100yds. Spotted by local police at work carrying my 2 mini w/floppy wobblers(folding holster grips) he also always carries at church. Gotta love semirural KY
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Maybe it's time for NAA to officially offer two scope options for the Mini-Master?

I'd think a red-dot, non-parallax, x1 magnification, reflex scope would be a good choice followed by something with adjustable magnification for those of use who need glasses with our glasses.

Maybe there's a short overall length pistol scope out there that's just made to go with the MM? I'm sure there's a red dot reflex that will fit.

I wouldn't hold out hope that there's a short OAL scope that can be set for the bullet drop out of the MM. It's a nice dream, though.

Kentucky Kevin

tHAT'S WHY i WENT WITH THE 4X, So that I can see. It all falls into preparing for the worst while praying for the best, and doing it all on a beer budget with champagne taste. Stopped at a LGS coming back from the range, he's retired LEO jar head, had a NAA in his back pocket, he thinks I'm tryi ng to get the MM to do something that it's not designed for. I believe the accuracy is there. The guy on this forum that  I borrowed the idea from confirms it with his 75 feet range results. I just need to figure how to fit it into a small shoulder bag, and get the grooves milled inexpensively. I have a dremel that would cut them, but badly.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


What are you trying to accomplish?  I assumed, at first, you were trying to set the gun up for some longer range plinking.  But you mention a shoulder bag and now I am wondering if you are setting up as a carry piece.  Or is this just a goof around project to see where you wind up?  Enquiring minds want to know.

Kentucky Kevin

I am an Eagle B.S.A.I am prepared. Pants on means that I have the basic tools to handle life, ID cash, gold, swiss knife, large folder also, flashlights, guns ect. A shoulder bag takes this a step further, adding water, food, and larger ect. I think the ability to hit golfballs at 25 yds,softballs at 50 yds and basketballs at 75 yds would be benificial. I have a Ruger charger, but it takes up most of a small pack, and the 10/22 TD a larger pack. I like and have a lot of 22. I have bags and packs that I place in my and my wifes vehicles, and yes long range plinking with a MM would be fun
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Gotcha!  A mini bug out bag so to speak.  A small gun capable of putting food on the table at ranges longer than one would normally expect from a mini.  Correct assessment?


Hardtackwon - I like your idea of a small accurate gun for an emergency bag. My question is: just how small will it be after you put a 4x scope on it? If you have to have the scope because of your vision that is one thing. If you just want to achieve accuracy then I think an unscoped  Ruger Mark I or whatever with a 4" barrel, or a Ruger Bearcat, would be accurate enough and not much more bulky than a scoped Mini Master. Maybe heavier, though.

Another point; it has been quite a few years since I used any scoped guns, but I used to have problems with the scope maintaining zero. Seems like that could be a problem in a bug out bag unless you keep the scoped gun in a case in the bag. I do not have any experience with that, just thinking.

Kentucky Kevin

Yes, a mini bug bag. I shot a scoped 686 years ago and did very well at distance. The mounts don't fit, thus the need for milling, I toying with putting the scope on a ruger single action 22
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

just go with a pack pack with built in hydration system and add more food to, WWWF
weapon webgear water food
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Don't forget the "water purification" aspect. It can be boiling, tablets, filtration, or whatever... just don't forget it.

Kentucky Kevin

Thanks, need more portable for potable, bought 20 pounds of pool chem, dry powder, so I can make bleach, need to carry some, but the fumes are somewhat corrosive, unless in glass.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on August-06-13 08:08
Maybe it's time for NAA to officially offer two scope options for the Mini-Master?

I'd think a red-dot, non-parallax, x1 magnification, reflex scope would be a good choice

I support this idea. Let's make this happen.



I've been shopping for a pistol scope for my Mini Master.

Here's the shortest OAL pistol scope I've found so far.
It's $120, x2 magnification and 7.2 inches OAL.

I'm looking for the shortest there is so the scope doesn't have to stick out past the end of the muzzle. I could mount it such that the eyepiece is closer to my eye than the hammer. I'm also kicking around the idea of mounting a sunshade upside down to keep gun gas fouling off of the optics.

I think this will work!

No luck yet on a red dot reflex that isn't gigantic. Trijicon makes one that's as wide as the slide of a glock. That's still too wide. The hunt continues for a reflex sight.

Question, guys... What scope mounts fit the barrel notches on the MM? Are we going to have to cut part of the mount tabs off?


  So basically TwoGun you want a scope that shoots . I'll keep an eye out if it's out there I'll find it .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Maybe have the gun drilled and tapped so you can mount a short piece of rail then use a good quality single mount on it so that the scope can be supported in front of the turrets thus sitting farther back on the gun??? Just an idea!!! Don't think you will find a scope shorter than 8 inches!!! At least not one that has magnification, 1x magnification = 0 magnification by the way!!!


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on August-08-13 11:08
I've been shopping for a pistol scope for my Mini Master.

Here's the shortest OAL pistol scope I've found so far.
It's $120, x2 magnification and 7.2 inches OAL.

I'm looking for the shortest there is so the scope doesn't have to stick out past the end of the muzzle. I could mount it such that the eyepiece is closer to my eye than the hammer. I'm also kicking around the idea of mounting a sunshade upside down to keep gun gas fouling off of the optics.

I think this will work!

No luck yet on a red dot reflex that isn't gigantic. Trijicon makes one that's as wide as the slide of a glock. That's still too wide. The hunt continues for a reflex sight.

Question, guys... What scope mounts fit the barrel notches on the MM? Are we going to have to cut part of the mount tabs off?
2Gun, the scope on my MM is 9" long, if that helps


  TwoGun that's the shortest out there made it seems even older models .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Kentucky Kevin

Mine is 8 3/4, scope, I got the shot through rings. I believe that the mounts need to be ground, or the gun milled, been thinking if I have to go with a backpack, that I may as well get the stamp and do a short barreled rifle with a Charger and a folding stock.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Hey Blue, how did you get the wobble out of your scope, and does it hold zero??? Thanks & God bless you
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: Hardtackwon on August-08-13 22:08
Mine is 8 3/4, scope, I got the shot through rings. I believe that the mounts need to be ground, or the gun milled, been thinking if I have to go with a backpack, that I may as well get the stamp and do a short barreled rifle with a Charger and a folding stock.

Soft single-point slings aren't a $200 stamp, and I hear that they're almost as good as a folding stock... just stretch the piece forward to tension the strap as you prepare to fire. I've got a modular single point sling harness where you attach a harness to the gun and click the two together. I've got 3 harnesses for the gun and one for my shoulder. The entire setup was less than $40, IIRC.

They say it's JUST THE THING for Krinkov-alikes, Draco pistols, MAC pistols, VZ-61 Skorpions, AR pistols, and on and on...

I think a Masterpiece Arms MAC sidecocking variant 6" barrel with a single point sling would be a great versatile choice for a SHTF/BOB gun. The side cocker variant has a rail up top for a reflex sight or scope. 6" to 8" they say gives you your best bang for the buck without having an excessively long barrel. I don't think it'd matter if you had the .45 acp or the 9mm variant with the precision that the right scope offers. Not to mention that if you're going to pay a $200 stamp, get a suppressor and not a folding stock...

Something like an AR-7 is GREAT for a single point sling. Assembled or "packed away," it can just "hang there," waiting for you to reach down and swing it horizontally.

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: Hardtackwon on August-08-13 22:08
Hey Blue, how did you get the wobble out of your scope, and does it hold zero??? Thanks & God bless you

Hard, I did have to radius the scope ring mounts so that they would clamp further into the grooves of the MM barrel.
( they are round or circular cut grooves, not square.)
I havent shot it very much, but the two times that I did I had no trouble with it loosing "zero"


I think that if NAA could add some Minimaster-specific scope mounts to the store that we'd have a whole lot of people adding scopes to their mini masters. That's just my opinion, of course.

We still have to determine what would be the best scope to add!

Kentucky Kevin

A friend is going to fabricate a rail and drill and tape the MM for $75, thinks this to be the best method for mounting.
I am also making a single point from strap I bought years ago, and a bag of buckles, see how that works on the Charger.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


What is the gold for?

Kentucky Kevin

compact means of carrying world wide recognizable currency
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I really, really want to know what scope mounts work on the mini master!

If someone could tell me this, then I want a scoped mini master with Chong grips!

What parts make this happen? I'm not so keen on a top strap drilling. What about those side cutouts if not for scope mount?

Masters of the forum, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

I think, therefore I am.


You could get something like this perhaps,

and modify it...

Fit a spare barrel pin assembly to it so it would slide into the groove under the barrel.


The Venom laser that NAA sell, essentially that with side plates bolted through it topped off with a dovetail is what I'm saying.

Bet you could make one out of Alu fairly easy.


Here is a link to a "finderscope " which is used to align your astronomical telescope. This one has a red dot and would need base modification. This is another area for you to explore for optics.


There is a huge difference in a red dot designed for use on a firearm and one designed as a finder for astronomical use.  The price alone should tell you that the astronomical red dot is not designed to take the abuse it would receive as a weapon sight.
I really don't understand the desire for some to make any mini something it is not designed to be.  There are, in my estimation, better options available if a scoped revolver is needed.  The retired LEO/ex marine's point alluded to earlier is a good one.


I think a Mini master would be a good hunting pistol with a magnified scope on, for appropriate sized game.


I agree completely, but cutting and drilling the pistol is a huge turn off for me. I know I'll make a mess of it.

Cutting up mounts will probably look just as bad, I would like a good solution and have not cracked the mounting issue yet.


Taurus raging bull scope mount, looks like it might be similar enough to fit.


The wee plates go through the barrel vent things then screw onto the rail, onto which you add mounts.