Aguila Interceptor versus Velocitor versus Gold-Dot

Started by Dinadan, August-28-13 15:08

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A few days ago I found some Aguila Interceptor 40gr LR HP at Ammo To Go. It is claimed to be faster than CCI Velocitor, so of course I ordered a couple of boxes. Now I realize I should have order several boxes. Today I tested it against Velocitor and Gold-Dot mags and it did prove to be a really hot round. I just took a pasteboard box, and filled it with Cabelas magazines and foam spacers, then duct taped it shut. Not scientific, or repeatable, but I just wanted to see for myself how the Interceptors compared to my two favorite carry rounds. I used my Sidewinder, which has become my normal carry gun, and fired three rounds of each of the three cartridges. Range was six feet. All of the rounds penetrated between 2.5 inches and 3.5 inches in that medium. The Velocitors were worst, though the deepest Velocitor was equal to the worst Interceptor. The other two Interceptors and the Gold-Dots were so close to equal that I need a more precise medium to state that one penetrated deeper than the other. None of the rounds really expanded in this test. Anyway, I am converted into an Interceptor fan. I want to do another test or two, but does anyone have a link to any scientific ballistics tests using Interceptors out of NAA Minis?


I've had a couple of boxes of Aguila Super Maximum and Interceptor sitting in my test queue since last year.  Based on your results, maybe it's time to test these. 

Thanks for sharing.
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.