Need input on iPhone gun app

Started by cedarview kid, January-07-11 12:01

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cedarview kid

I'm a software engineer by profession and have started getting into iPhone programming. I've been developing an app for gun owners and would like some input from some other owners. You needn't own an iPhone for giving me feedback, but it would hurt to know a bit about it. This is a "serious" app and not one of those goofy (although amusing) gun simulators.


   I'm not going to post here what I'm doing until I'm done with my app, but if you're interested in helping me with ideas, please send me a PM from this board. My app is almost done and I can send you screen shots and desciptions of what it does. I want to make sure what I'm doing makes sense and I'd like input on what you would change or add to it.


   It's not a really complex app--this is my first, after all--and I like simple things anyway. I think it would be useful for those who own both guns and iPhones (or iPod touch or iPad). I just want to make sure my first pass is as good as I can get it.


   Thanks, guys.





   Many gun owners and the areas they shoot in are not covered by AT+Ts network.  This might be fixed by the rumors of the I-phone on Verizon though


   /I have no self restraint and could not resist
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


cedarview kid

LOL, Lohmann, I've heard that suggestion before and it's a good one. I've heard Android is now out-selling the iPhone. But I have to start somewhere.


   I'm actually better at programming in Flash--which I can use on the Android--but I don't have any experience yet in Android development. I'm still learning iPhone. Android development will probably naturally follow.


   Good point, tho. Thanks for making it.


I'm a fan of Android... actually I'm a fan of open sourcing on large scale.  That being said they count some phones that technically have Android that can barely run it and are not anywhere near what the I-phone is.  I like the top Android phones and use one myself... but AT+T might have as much to do with not having an I-phone as Android
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama

cedarview kid

About a year and a half ago, I wanted an iphone MORE than I wanted to stay with Verizon, so I bailed. Cell phone coverage, as far as I can tell, was much better with Verizon. Sometimes my iPhone just doesn't cut it. I may switch back to Verizon if/when they get the iPhone.


if i ever advance technologically past 1995 ill let you know
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I am an avid iPhone and iPad user so would personally love to see a good gun app.  This post was made from my iPad.

cedarview kid



   QuickDraw: My original post above (and this one as well) was written on MY iPad. LOL.


I am with HeyJoe.

   We don't even have a cell phone yet. That is mainly because I can't hear good enough to use a phone.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


If AT+T worked in my area I'd have an Iphone, since they don't......


Verizon will make the announcement Tuesday and it will include iPhone.


If I had a nickel for everytime I had been told that or read that on the internet I would be rich and retired LOL.  But I do see the articles out there saying the date has been leaked and a release should be coming in the beginning of Feb.  I have to say though after the BS hype on the Ipad at Verizon that simply turned out to be "buy an Ipad and a MIFI and it will work on the verizon network" LOL I have my doubts.  


   The other thing I noted is that it looks like the Iphone on the verizon network is going to be the Iphone 4 only.  Unless you live in a very large city where they have their 4g networks up and running I am afraid that won't do alot of us much good...


PM sent. Avid iPhone user since the first generation. I've had Verizon, TMoble, Sprint and Cricket and  AT&T has been just as good if not better than all of those here in the NW.  


   I would love to see the iPhone go to Verizon though. It may free up some bandwidth on AT&T's network


Happy to help.   PM sent.


I think camera bullets would be cool.

   Shoot them into the air and take pictures

   from them with your I-Phone that has an

   app for that.


   Ideal for arial photagraphy, among other things.

   If it could even be done.


   Possibly a 12 gage deer slug with a light load

   to keep it from destroying the camera inside?


   Something like that would be a tricky project.

   But if it could be done it would be a homerun.


   You might have to encase the camera in an acrylic

   core with a wax buffer around the outer edge,

   shaped like a deer slug, that might work.


   I know I for one have always wondered what a

   deer slug sees on the way down when shot into

   the air...or even at an angle over a given would just be neat is all.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


MDE --> Have you heard of the people who tie their iPhone to an weather balloon and start the camera rolling, then let it fly?  They track it using the "Find My iPhone" feature, then collect it and bang.. instant aerial photography!

cedarview kid

Bullet camera, LOL. Great idea. How would you make sure you got a picture of the ground intend of the sky? Guess you wouldn't.


   I've seen video taken from a model rocket, which is pretty cool. Guess this would be like that.


   I wonder about the shock of the shot, though. That may mess up your camera. Maybe you could remove half of the power from your shotgun shell before adding the camera.


   Sending your iPhone up in the air attached to a balloon would require a LOT of faith. Not sure I could do that! LOL.




Yeh, I have heard of people doing it.  I would have mine tied to a kite string or something at least.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


When you can get an iPhone in 9mm or 45 acp, I might be interested


   Until then I'm in the past with Heyjoe, I haven't found too many recent developments in technology that I actually need/want, too much of it seems to be geared towards teenagers and people with too much spare time on their hands and good eyesight at reading distances coupled with smaller fingers than I have.  


   I found a cell phone the other day and was trying to find out who it belonged to, it turned into quite an ordeal trying to operate that touch screen with my "banana fingers".


   Best of luck with your project Dar.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I have heard of Naturalists who have

   sealed camcorders in clear plastic

   round cases counter weighted to keep

   the camcorder upright who have floated

   cameras down rivers and rapids shooting

   video like never before, even over  



   The trick is finding it after the fact.

   I'm sure they use some sort of GPS beacon.


   As an emerging inventor and industrial artist

   I am interested in new and interesting forms

   of photography. After watching the Twister series

   of films the idea of a camera designed to fly  

   inside of a tornado sounds interesting.


   But any such device would surely be detroyed

   unless it were encased in a nerf type of foam

   material with fins or light weight stringers

   to allow the twister's force to carry it.


   Flying an RC plane into a tornado on purpose

   is an idea, and one that is sure to produce

   some startling video if it is rigged with a

   camcorder rolling at the time.


   That can be an expensive proposition though

   unless a plane can be made rather inexpensively

   where the operational components can be salvaged

   after each crash or tornado encounter and reused.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


"That can be an expensive proposition though  

   unless a plane can be made rather inexpensively  

   where the operational components can be salvaged  

   after each crash or tornado encounter and reused. "


   Get a government grant. They spend a lot of OUR money on stuff like that.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I remember playing with large styrofoam gliders

   when I was young, I always wanted to rig one with

   batteries and an RC setup with a camera or camcorder.


   But by time I came up with the idea they stopped

   selling the styrofoam gliders in stores.


   I thought of the expanding foam found in hardware

   stores and making the molds myself. I could see

   an electric glider with a 6 foot wingspan carrying

   a small camcorder on-board with an RC setup.


   Something like that could get interesting.

   Gliding alone a river's surface like an Eagle.

   Or a calm still lake, or through a canyon or

   gorge, or off a mountain side.


   Or perhaps across the desert floor.

   There are many possibilities for such a rig.


   And yes...I have heard of the govenment using

   things like this as well, but here lately they

   have been getting a little crazy with such ideas.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Meet Buster...the human crash test dummy.










   Beating feet across the English Channel

   before he runs out of fuel no doubt.

   (In the upper left hand corner of the above photo)








   Base price for this kind of toy starts out

   around $35,000.00 and runs on liquid propane

   bottles located on your back between the two

   wings, just under your parachute.


   Kinda gives a new meaning to the term Johny

   Rocket, but these things were developed by a

   retired special forces specialist that wanted

   to develop them for the U.S. Special Forces.


   Last I heard they are working to improve future

   generations of this apparatus for further ranges

   and longer flight times while they are still being

   considered and evaluated by Uncle Sam.


   This thing could explain some UFO sightings as

   it is rumored to have the ability to make 90

   degree turns, dips, dives, and vertical accents

   unchareteristic of regular aircraft...simply by

   kicking ones legs and shifting ones weight.


   Kind of like a hang-glider, but at 400 mph.


   Interesting, but I think I'll keep my feet  

   firmly planted on the ground thank you.


   Could you imagine 500 of these things flying

   off of an aircraft carrier with grenades and

   machine guns in hand?


   It's a U.S. Marine's wet dream.

   If it ever got off the ground carrying  

   that much hardware on-board.


   That might be why Uncle Sam hasn't completely

   taken the idea off the table yet, it might have

   some sort of limited use in certain situations.


   "Here's a digital camera Private Ryan,

   we need photos of what's over that ridge.

   Go gettem tiger."





And Boom......There it was!!!!


I have a new iPod touch, EVO and Droid. The Droid will be turned into an iPhone in about a month if I can get one


   I am a Google let me be a 'designer' or whatever, so I've made a few sample apps for the droid with their app maker


   So I'm interested for sure, PM sent
Those who adapt control the future
Gun Websites


Where are we at on this one?  Any progress?

cedarview kid

I'm just about done with my app, but am still taking suggestions. I'm hoping to be able to submit it to the Apple AppStore soon.


I am betting if it has anything to do with guns that Apple will turn thumbs down on it.  Larry

cedarview kid

There are already quite a number of gun-related apps in the iPhone store, so I don't think that's going to be a problem. I haven't heard of Apple rejecting apps for political reasons. Have you?


I have for the Manhattan Declaration.