$50 off any new rimfire handgun at Cabelas

Started by Teddydogno1, September-21-13 13:09

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I posted this also in a reply in another topic, but figured it might be interesting to all, not just those reading the thread about Sidewinders.
Yesterday I bought a 22 LR/Mag Mini with the folding holster grip at Cabelas.  They actually had 3 models on display.  The one I bought at $249, another .22 Mag only with the grip for $319 and the third a .22 Mag with regular stocks for $349.  I asked about the difference and was shown that the two higher-priced guns were Sidewinders.  I hadn't even heard about this variation, so I was pretty surprised.  I bought the standard because I was looking for inexpensive (bought too many guns lately, not broke or cheap).  Right now Cabelas has an Anniversary sale that included $50 off any new rimfire handgun and the did honor it on the Mini I bought.  $200 seemed about right.

The point of my story...check Cabelas if there is one near you to see if they have Sidewinders in stock.  And if you do buy one, ask about the $50 off because it is not well advertised or known by the Outfitters.  Good until Sept 29, BTW.  I had received an email flyer and a snail-mail flyer, but it is NOT a coupon and is not linked to a specific customer as many of their deals are.



Congratulations on your purchase.  Hope you enjoy yours as much as I've mine.

I love Cabela's and shop there sometimes, but I've seen stuff like that before from them. 

A couple years back, I went in to buy a gun they had just advertised in a mailing.  I was # 60 something on the waiting list because it was a really great buy and the store had quickly sold out.  3 months later I was offered a different brand weapon because they "could not get them anymore".  I declined but got kind of crabby when I showed up the next week and there up on the shelf was the original weapon with the normal price tag.  I demanded the sale price and without much hesitation, they agreed. 

I'm not complaining here....they took good care of me, but it was sticky.  50 bucks off a sidewinder is in my book good reason to visit them again soon! 

Thanks for passing this on.


  Anybody know why there isn't any Cabelas in Florida ? Kinda strange I thought . I wonder if I can convince Gander Mountain to honor their competitors prices , we have those . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


None in Florida, but it looks like three have been announced in Georgia.

see: http://www.cabelas.com/stores/stores_home.jsp


That's only 2 Cabela's for Georgia.  The other will be in SC about 1/2 hour from me.   :)

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


I don't understand Cabelas. 4 times a year, they send me a color printed hardback bound volume of their catalog. It looks to have cost more to make than my college Calculus text book, yet they are sent out "free."

Their ammo selection is very awkward to browse, particularly for items commonly out of stock.

I'm not bad mouthing them. I just don't understand Cabelas.

Also: Throwing discounts during a "buying frenzy?" This reminds me of history. The end of a craze is often marked by discounts as the pointy-haired bosses try to glut the market even more fully. Just curious: did any of the Cabelas stores with a rimfire discount actually have ammo on a regular basis?


I personally don't like Cabelas they sell most everything at MSRP. I can find most things that they sell a lot cheaper at other stores, you just have to look around a little. Also can you buy ammo for that sidewinder. Last I new Cabelas sent all their 22 ammo to a new store opening in Wis. and all the other stores nationwide had none on the shelves. That may have changed but I know that the people in Wis. have plenty of 22 right now, but I'm sure they sold out .


Yup...Cabelas can be a little odd.  Mostly MSRP or high prices on used guns, but they can have good sales.  And sometimes the make mistakes with ID or pricing on used guns.  I have gotten enough good to great deals to make me keep looking there.  And I do think that my NEW Mini convertible for $200 was a good price.

When buying the Mini, I was offered a box of ammo from under the counter at the gun desk, so they do TRY to have something for guys buying new guns.  But I am well stocked, so I passed.  (If they had a box of Hornady Critical Defense .22 WMR, I would have taken that to try, but Maxi Mag +V I already have).



ok guys Heres the deal. i work at the cabelas store that just opened in WI. we got alot of .22 cal ammo in for the opening but not the whole company inventory. I work the gun desk and all of our guns are at least $100 to $200 lower then retail. all ammo is hard to get right now. all i can say about ammo is we have tons of 5.56 and .223 in stock. I talked to the remington rep. he was a the nra show early this year and he worked with the plant manager for the plant the makes the .22 lr. he said they are making 2.5 million rounds in a 24 hour period and it goes right from the machines right to the trucks and its gone. cabelas is limiting our sales of .22 lr to 100 rounds or 1 bulk box per person per day. and it sells out in 15 min. when we get it in. also even though i work there i cant get any either  :( hang in there guys it will get better...


I am not aware of a new Cabelas having opened in WI. Where are you located and when did you open? Is the $50 off deal still in effect and if so, for how long?
Thanks for any info you can provide.


2.5 million rounds a day from just this one Remington factory and from that one factory, from the other other factory, then we have imports....

Just where the heck is all of this ammo going?!?

Remington. Federal. CCI. Uhhh... it isn't like they're sitting on their hands, you know. CCI's daily round count from one factory sounds like Rem's round count from a factory.

I'm betting the next three years will have record rimfire production levels.


Just where the heck is all of this ammo going?!?

Has anyone been able to put this in perspective?  How many companies actually produce .22 ammunition, either for themselves or as branded products?  What is the total daily production of the combined production capacity?  What is the production mix; short, long rifle, magnum, standard velocity, high velocity, etc.?
2,500,00 rounds per day is a big number but only works out to 50 bricks per state per day, not a large number figuring the number of retail outlets in each state.  We really need to know the total daily production if we are to understand the problem.

It is also a possibility the Matrix is breaking down and we are seeing a divergence between the storyline and reality.


I read an older stat that America's round count was a couple billion a year in rimfire and a couple billion in centerfire. I'm certain it's far, far bigger now. Stats like this don't get released often.


cfsherry the new Cabela's opened on 7/25/2013 in green bay wi. i have been working for them since june 1st of this year. i help set the whole store up. there is a $75 off any 1911 centerfire pistol thru the 29th. but nothing on the rimfire.