Ranger modification .

Started by OV-1D, October-02-13 11:10

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  This beautiful piece NEEDS a long rifle cylinder and theres NO reason to not have one except ignorance , this mini demands to have one even at a high cost . Period.............. finally I said it . If NAA doesn't do it I'll have to go to my gunsmith and have it created so to say , if these people would just slow down and do things correctly and perfectly . I've noticed all these minis are being pushed through too fast and its showing in the quality of the end results afterall these things are not cheap looking at the MSRP and in my small , unguided , old ,tired perfectionist opinion they all could do much better . Now make the dang cylinder why don't ya .  ::) ::)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


You can easily modify a .22 magnum to .22 long rifle. Note that a .22 lr casing will slide inside of a .22 mag casing.

The Dirty or "field expedient method:" Get 5 .22 mag empty casings, cut off the head, super-clean and polish the insides of the brass. Without swaging them inside the chambers, they will likely stick to the .22 lr casings after firing and will try to pull out with the lr empty brass.

The better method: Properly sized and polished conversion tubes are installed into the chambers with loctite, brass is probably a poor choice for a conversion sleeve.

I think I read it in a military manual.

Anyway, here's the specs: http://saami.org/PubResources/CC_Drawings/C%20and%20C%20Dwgs%20-%20TOC%20-%20Rimfire.pdf


  Oh boy TwoGun now you got me on another to do list , THANKS , but its a fine idea . Doesn't someone make a steel casing on those mags I'd swear I've seen them if I don't have any ? The hammer going to be real close to the edge of the load but with really good ammo should go . As I sit here I have two antiques I need to work on with a bunch of grips for minis I've ordered along with a tray full of to do's . Save me !!!! I just want these knuckleheads to make a long rifle cylinder for both my top breaks in case there listening or reading before I sell my first child to have them made .   :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


QuoteDoesn't someone make a steel casing on those mags I'd swear I've seen them if I don't have any ?

I thought I read that the shiny silvery plated CCI .22 magnum Maxi-Mag +V casings were actually steel, same as the Stinger.

I had some Stingers handy and checked with a magnet. No grab.

There's Russian steel case .22 that I've shot before, but I think it's only in lr not magnum. It's really, really lousy ammo anyway. It's jamtastic and chamber-gunking. You'll probably have to clean your weapon within 20 rounds of that stuff (if that.) Failures-to-everything galore. I guess that makes it top notch "training ammo."


  Yep that's what I was thinking those stingers . When I worked for Grumman we used a collared stainless steel sleeve for some high strength fasteners various sizes , where a hole was blown aka bad nicked drill bit , they were slit for expansion I bet they would work except you'd have to pry them out until they finally held a form if ever, got to make a call and see if I can hunt some up . Here we go again with more to do's .  :) 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Maybe Aluminium could be used, there's some Aluminum cylindered revolvers in rimfire I believe. Just thinking it's easier to work, melt etc. Maybe fill the chambers and then drill out a long rifle sized chamber straight through obviously finish with a file perhaps they'd just knock out when cool.

How about Polymer clay, mold a piece into the chambers... Take your grips off and bake your gun, drill out/file etc "or remove the molds from your gun" it's surrounded by steel might work.


  Maccab, Maccab , Maccab always with the over the top . Have you ever heard the saying " Keep it simple stupid " not that I'm calling you stupid its just the saying . NAA needs to make the long rifle cylinder for this piece and that's all there is to it . Like I said I've got too many projects staring at me now anyhow maybe someone else maybe a rocket scientist .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on October-02-13 11:10
  This beautiful piece NEEDS a long rifle cylinder
OV-ID - you are far from the first to regret that the Ranger was not offered in LR. Shooting LR out of a Mag cylinder has been discussed as an option. I will simply offer one observation. If you make a sleeve out of a mag case, you will probable need to leave a sliver of the rim on the case. The LR cartridge sits lower in a chamber than does the mag. I have inadvertently loaded LR into a mag cylinder when shooting one of my Minis, and the rounds would not fire. I guess the hammer did not quite hit the rim. In the photo below you can see that the mag on the left sits higher than the LR on the right.
Quote from: OV-1D on October-02-13 11:10
theres NO reason to not have one except ignorance , this mini demands to have one even at a high cost . Period.............. finally I said it
You said it all right.

You could design and market a LR cylinder for the Ranger, but unfortunately you would have only 500 potential customers. I would like to see someone, a larger company that does not face the 50 employee limit, build another break top in .22 LR.


  Yep I agree with you Dinadan the hammer is close enough to the edge on existing loads not alone the l.r. sitting that much closer inward , like I said earlier only top notch , if those , ammo would fire hitting it on a lesser edge .  :(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have to agree to the original statement about products being pushed through and quality suffering!!! Why don't they just Bring Back the Breaktop and charge what they need for it??? And make it available in a conversion option??? At least offer it in a custom order type deal!!! It has already been researched, proven, and tooling made for it!!!


Your making this too hard.  I suggested this a while back for a 22 cylinder conversion cylinder for the Ranger.  Buy a normal 22LR conversion cylinder, have it machine drilled in the center to fit over the existing Ranger spindle.  A precise washer would be needed to space the cylinder correctly form the barrel.  I think a good gunsmith could pull this off.  Of course this assumes you are ok with no auto eject?   In fact there are probably people on this board with the necessary skills.  500 customers for someone could mean a lot.


  I remember 45Flint but these have to be by design if for no other reason than a collectors piece . I know NAA had too many other hands in the works to get this beauty together but at least give us owners the option to have a factory cylinder for our loyality to the brand anyhow .  :-\
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


You could try www.mcace.com for chamber adapters to shoot .22LR in a .22WMR.  Unfortunately their sets only include 3 adapters instead of five.  $20 for Blued Steel and $28 for Stainless.  Shipping is included.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Quote from: adp3 on October-02-13 20:10
You could try www.mcace.com for chamber adapters to shoot .22LR in a .22WMR.  Unfortunately their sets only include 3 adapters instead of five.  $20 for Blued Steel and $28 for Stainless.  Shipping is included.

Best Regards,

That interesting never knew these existed?  Can they be removed easily?  That price would be a bargain vs a new cylinder probably.  Would the ejector screw things up?  Could it be disabled? It says they are made for rifles, wonder why they say that?   Got me thinking thanks for the info.


Emailed the manufacturer of the conversion sleeves about use in a pistol.  His response was

"will work in all pistols but not a simiauto . ace"

This seems too easy?  What is downside?


  Have I started a Frankenstein or what , all I want is a factory made conversion cylinder (TWO) please Mr. North American Arms aka SANDYMAN . Mr. Administrator aka SANCTIONMAN please pass this post on to SANDYMAN for consideration after reading it , please , please , pretty please . Please contact me through this medium because my e-mail address has been shut down by ATT because of screw up , thanks .P.S. how in the Lords name are you able to read through all these posts anyway ??? Must give you a different out look on life doesn't it .  :) :) :) :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Further correspondence from sleeve manufacturer.  The sleeves are made to be removed and he is giving a special price on the purchase of 5.  This is a very practical solution. 

"removed $40 +$2 postage .ace
On Oct 3, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Steve Kitchen wrote:

Thanks for your quick response.  Are these made to be removed after the 22 has been used or will they expand and stay in cylinder.  Looking to convert a five shot revolver can you give me a price on five?  Thanks much. Steve"


 Wow 45Flint you got connections or what ?? Working with my suppliers for business I can't get that a quick response , it is a great idea but I didn't see our size listed , it pays to call one on one for sure . Guess no one has to send gun for sizing at least length please keep us informed on your adventure , will probably get a set just for having anyhow . Thanks ..............that's the best part of this forum going where no man has gone before  :) :) :) :) :) :) at least for mini's .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I'm happy things worked out.  With .22 Mag ammo supplies spotty it never hurts to add a little versatility.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


I'm guessing you are going to order a set and try them out in a non Ranger model?


Quote from: ikoiko on October-03-13 18:10
I'm guessing you are going to order a set and try them out in a non Ranger model?

That probably makes sense, but probably less stress on the Ranger shooting a low velocity LR than the Mags?


I agree with you, was thinking your rangers were in unfired condition.


Quote from: ikoiko on October-04-13 04:10
I agree with you, was thinking your rangers were in unfired condition.

one is fired and one is not.  The fired one is my early bird which I fired not knowing they would not be put  in production.  The unfired was a order filled by my gunshop at the very end.  #501!


45 flint and i have exceedingly rare already fired rangers
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


That is true. Rangers tested by firing are in the vast minority. By far, the unfired, except by the factory, are extremely common.

Awaiting flint's test of the cylinder sleeves.

I wish more people would create those rarified fired rangers. Seems a shame not to. And yes, I am aware of the absurdity of my statement.


   Ikoiko............. nothing on this forum is absurd . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Rather than modify or retro-fit a collectible Ranger, I have a simpler plan.

1. Win the Powerball or Megamillions lottery.
2. Hire NAA to manufacture 10,000 new Rangers in .22LR for me and be my primary distributor for them (save a few for my own personal use).

That up-front payment for that should be a large enough to allow NAA to increase their work force, acquire any needed hardware to facilitate production and expand their facility, if needed. If not, I'd do some promotional things, such as contacting the Illinois State Rifle Association and asking if they'd be willing to distribute a free NAA .22LR Ranger to everyone who was a member on the day Illinois passed their CCW law. Buying enough additional Rangers to donate one to each ISRA member should cover NAA's costs to ramp up production and would send a nice message to the anti-gun FIBs.

I'm still working on step 1.   ;)


Quote from: Kevin on October-05-13 12:10
Rather than modify or retro-fit a collectible Ranger, I have a simpler plan.

1. Win the Powerball or Megamillions lottery.
2. Hire NAA to manufacture 10,000 new Rangers in .22LR for me and be my primary distributor for them (save a few for my own personal use).

That up-front payment for that should be a large enough to allow NAA to increase their work force, acquire any needed hardware to facilitate production and expand their facility, if needed. If not, I'd do some promotional things, such as contacting the Illinois State Rifle Association and asking if they'd be willing to distribute a free NAA .22LR Ranger to everyone who was a member on the day Illinois passed their CCW law. Buying enough additional Rangers to donate one to each ISRA member should cover NAA's costs to ramp up production and would send a nice message to the anti-gun FIBs.

I'm still working on step 1.   ;)

arent we all Kevin....haha
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: OV-1D on October-03-13 14:10Please contact me through this medium because my e-mail address has been shut down by ATT because of screw up , thanks .

Now just how did the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) shut down your email address?  ??? I realize that this is the UN, an organization that can screw anything up, that we are talking about, but do tell.


 AT&T shut down their bellsouth addresses myself without notice except they say it went to my spam most likely and didn'y read it . Wasn't that nice of them I've lost everything associated with my e-mail and can't get it back and of course AT&T directs me to overseas help you know to those people with heavy non-understantable accents . I think they did me a favor though you know how enjoyable it is not having to open most of the crap your sent kinda peaceful really not sure if I want one back . :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on October-02-13 11:10
  This beautiful piece NEEDS a long rifle cylinder and theres NO reason to not have one except ignorance , this mini demands to have one even at a high cost . Period.............. finally I said it . If NAA doesn't do it I'll have to go to my gunsmith and have it created so to say , if these people would just slow down and do things correctly and perfectly . I've noticed all these minis are being pushed through too fast and its showing in the quality of the end results afterall these things are not cheap looking at the MSRP and in my small , unguided , old ,tired perfectionist opinion they all could do much better . Now make the dang cylinder why don't ya .  ::) ::)
Since you seem to be so dogmatic about having a LR cylinder for the Ranger ",,,even at a high cost." and "...theres NO reason to not have one except ignorance...", couple this with the fact NAA is in business to make money, why don't you have your attorney contact them, and commission NAA to make you the factory LR cylinder you so despertly desire. I am sure you would not let high cost or your own ignorance get in the way. To quote you "Now make the dang cylinder why don't ya ." and quit your gripeing.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I contacted the company again to order the LR sleeves and they said the only make them in brass.  Not sure but seems they would have a limited life?  Wonder if they are just drilling a Mag case?


I do find the break top models most attractive. If I was looking to buy a small gun to shoot with, a .22 Lr Ranger would be rather pleasant. The Sidewinder is nice, in that it's very small which is a novelty in itself.


Quote from: 45flint on October-07-13 03:10
I contacted the company again to order the LR sleeves and they said the only make them in brass.  Not sure but seems they would have a limited life?  Wonder if they are just drilling a Mag case?

  45Flint I wouldn't go to the expense if that's what they make them from , your sure right they wouldn't last long not alone stay put . The collar would start to flatten out and misshape itself by being too thin thus moving forward I'd bet besides too much for too little for too short of time . :(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I also wonder why someone does not make a low powered practice round for the 22 mag?  They do it for the 22 LR?