.22 exterior ballistics

Started by TwoGunJayne, October-11-13 06:10

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The .22 rimfire-specific ballistics coefficient information: http://www.exteriorballistics.com/ebexplained/22rimfire.cfm
Note that truncated cone .22 rimfire bullet info is omitted.

Why is BC important? External ballistics overview here: http://www.exteriorballistics.com/ebexplained/index.cfm

How to compute maximum horizontal range here: http://www.exteriorballistics.com/ebexplained/5th/36.cfm

There is external ballistics computer software (by the Sierra bullet company) if you don't want to work it out with pen and paper: http://www.exteriorballistics.com/ebexplained/5th/60.cfm

I was extremely suprised to find that the dawn of real ballistics science came in 1936, springing to a fine refinement in 1969. I had no idea that this branch of science is so new!

I found this to be an informative treatment of the subject, if you're a little foggy on what BC is or why it matters, this might help you write up your range card for your scoped NAA Mini Master.

Neat site and good luck, everyone!

Kentucky Kevin

mine is at a buddy's to be hydrographiced in camo. I know, I know, pictures
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