Dates of Manufacture

Started by Jackalope Johnny, October-29-13 14:10

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Jackalope Johnny

Is there a place where one could find out when their pistol was made?


There is not a one stop shop I am aware of.  Best bet is to deal with the manufacturer.  Some provide info online.  Most you will need to contact directly, such as NAA.


I LOVE the serial number database that Taurus has online. Just enter your serial number and you get the date of manufacture, model, pictures, specifications, and sometimes a manual. Very cool.

Jackalope Johnny

Sorry guys, I was a little vague, I meant for NAAs.


Welcome from Corpus Christi! Mine is the 1 1/8" with the conversion cylinder. I love it and fortunately my wife doesn't.


Quote from: Jackalope Johnny on October-30-13 04:10
Sorry guys, I was a little vague, I meant for NAAs.

Oh, I know. I was just suggesting that it would be nice if NAA had a serial number database like Taurus has. They don't, as the above post says.
The only way to find out is to call the factory, as far as I know.


Hey, Sandy, is this something you could consider?

Having just learned about Taurus' site, I'll start using it. I only have 2 or 3 of their guns. I have used Ruger's site a lot. I would really like an NAA serial number site.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Quote from: grayelky on November-01-13 23:11
Hey, Sandy, is this something you could consider?

Having just learned about Taurus' site, I'll start using it. I only have 2 or 3 of their guns. I have used Ruger's site a lot. I would really like an NAA serial number site.

I'll second that!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


I will second a serial number lookup on one condition...

No personal info other than the date of make vs serial number.

There is no legal national serial number "lookup database" for firearms with names and addresses and, it is in fact, banned by law.

Sure it makes it extremely tough to look up the history for a police turn in pistol, but hey.

On one hand, we want to know the history. On the other hand is a slippery slope towards infringement of the 2nd Amendment. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

Simple language. If I or any other jackhole can look up your serial number and find out where you live, then that's an infringement. Pretty simple. Criminals will use it for "shopping."


I'm not so sure that the Taurus look-up database has actual serial numbers that it's referencing, but rather ranges. Even so, there is no history recorded, just the year it was made and what model it is. That doesn't really constitute a serial number database that should concern us.


Ah, good. The antis are trying for one with your name, address, and phone number where just anybody can type it up.


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on November-04-13 11:11
Ah, good. The antis are trying for one with your name, address, and phone number where just anybody can type it up.

Exactly. And I don't register my guns with the various firearm factories, either. Sorry, NAA, but I don't even register my minis with the factory. I'm not sure what the benefit of that is. Perhaps an NAA representative could jump on and tell us. There's already too much of a paper trail from buying guns. I don't need to leave more.

The anti's are probably wanting to even tie those Chiappa tracking devices to our name and address, too. :)


The manufacturer has NO WAY of being able to supply the end user to anyone, including the Federal Government. The only info the manufacturer can supply is what distributor they shipped the gun to. It is a very slow process to trace a gun from the maker to the end user. Sometimes it is just not possible, contrary to what TV/movies would have the sheepeople believe.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


But they trace guns on CSI all the time in just 3 minutes flat! At least almost all states have gun registration or it would probably take at least 10 minutes! ;)


Could be a simple list like this one for bamboo fly rods made by Hardy, for example:

Year   Serial No.   Year   Serial No.   Year   Serial No.
1890-1891   13452-17196   1925   D5932-D7375   1961   H35184-H48465
1892   17197-19000   1925   E1045-E2030   1962   H48466-H52737
1893   19001-21660   1926   E2031-E5882   1963   H52738-H58199
1894   21661-27498   1927   E5883-E9435   1964   H58200-H62932
1885   27499-31705   1928   E9436-E13508   1965   H62933-H69100
1896   31706-34956   1929   E13509-E17685   1966   ?/A
1897   34957-40187   1930   E17868-E20904   1967   ?/S
1898   40188-43929   1931   E20905-E22530   1968   ?/J
1899   43930-49019   1932   E22531-E25275   1969   ?/B
1900   49020-55066   1933   E25276-E28278   1970   ?/K
1901   55067-59440   1934   E28279-E31422   1971   ?/Z
1902   59441-95552   1935   E31423-E35277   1972   ?/O
1903   95553-101390   1936   E35278-E39798   1973   ?/C
1904   101391-101679   1937   E39799-E45714   1974   ?/Y
1904   A1028-A5631   1938   E45175-E49492   1975   ?/L
1905   A5632-A12935   1938   E45175-E49492   1976   ?/D
1906   A12936-A19313   1939   E49493-E52331   1977   ?/X
1907   A19314-A27256   1940   E52332-E53644   1978   ?/M
1908   A27257-A35341   1941   E53645-E55130   1979   ?/Q
1909   A35342-A44905   1942   E55131-E56090   1980   ?/H
1910   A44906-A55752   1943   E56091-E56399   1981   ?/V
1911   A55753-A66152   1944   E56400-E56855   1982   ?/E
1912   A66153-A76109   1945   E56856-E57900   1983   F/W
1913   A76110-A86335   1946   E56901-E60708   1984   ?/G
1914   A86338-A94721   1947   E60709-E63386   1985   ?/T'?'
1915   A94722-A100041   1948   E63387-E67200   1986   1 ?/A
1916   A100042-A1000158   1949   E67201-E70990   1987   1 ?/S
1916   B1021-B7889   1950   E70991-E75100   1988   1 ?/J
1917   B7890-B12146   1951   E75101-E81000   1989   1 ?/B
1918   B12147-B16425   1952   E81001-E86200   1990   1 ?/K
1919   B16426-B23556   1953   E86201-E91000   1991   1 ?/P
1919   C11-C186   1954   E91001-E96202   1992   1 ?/O
1920   C187-C10405   1955   H101-H4600   1993   1 ?/C
1921   C10406-C16732   1956   H4601-H10121   1994   1 ?/Y
1922   C16733-C25725   1957   H10122-H14127   1995   1 ?/L
1922   D171-D2041   1958   H14128-H20678   1996   1 ?/D
1923   D2042-D3399   1959   H20679-H27533   1997   1 ?/X
1924   D3400-D5930   1960   H27535-H35183   1998   1 ?/M

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Quote from: MR_22 on November-04-13 23:11
But they trace guns on CSI all the time in just 3 minutes flat! At least almost all states have gun registration or it would probably take at least 10 minutes! ;)

I finally figured out how they can "rotate images around" and turn 1 pixel into a window reflection and zoom in to see what shoes the guy is wearing.

It's the "enhance button." Too bad civvies can't get this keyboard. Oh well, foiled again...


Btw, PM, your fly rod serial list is pretty much exactly how Mag Industries does it for their maglites. Millions of items, yet reduced to a simple list.


I purchased my Black Widow NIB in 1993:

Serial # BW12xxx

If folks would post this type of info others could compare and at least be in the ball park as to DTEMFD of their BW.  Calling the manufacturer might get the exact date, but many manufacturers either do not have that info for one reason or anther or do not want to share it! 

USMC 65  - 71
Loyal Warrior


Quote from: MR_22 on November-04-13 23:11
But they trace guns on CSI all the time in just 3 minutes flat! At least almost all states have gun registration or it would probably take at least 10 minutes! ;)
+1 on this! Heh!  ;)


Quote from: grayelky on November-01-13 23:11
Hey, Sandy, is this something you could consider?

Having just learned about Taurus' site, I'll start using it. I only have 2 or 3 of their guns. I have used Ruger's site a lot. I would really like an NAA serial number site.

Just found that Beretta has the same type of online database search for serial numbers:


If you purchased the gun new or the envelope is in the box of a used gun, check the date on the fired cartridge envelope in the box.  That will get you pretty close to the date of manufacture.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Quote from: adp3 on November-21-13 17:11
If you purchased the gun new or the envelope is in the box of a used gun, check the date on the fired cartridge envelope in the box.  That will get you pretty close to the date of manufacture.

Best Regards,

Very good point. The date of the test fire will just be days, or maybe hours, after the NAA was completed.


Quote from: MR_22 on November-21-13 19:11
Quote from: adp3 on November-21-13 17:11
If you purchased the gun new or the envelope is in the box of a used gun, check the date on the fired cartridge envelope in the box.  That will get you pretty close to the date of manufacture.

Best Regards,

Very good point. The date of the test fire will just be days, or maybe hours, after the NAA was completed.

My Guardian was test fired on September 11.


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

Jackalope Johnny

Quote from: MR_22 on November-21-13 19:11
Quote from: adp3 on November-21-13 17:11
If you purchased the gun new or the envelope is in the box of a used gun, check the date on the fired cartridge envelope in the box.  That will get you pretty close to the date of manufacture.

Best Regards,

Very good point. The date of the test fire will just be days, or maybe hours, after the NAA was completed.

Fantastic idea! If the test fire date is an indication my .25NAA Guardian was made in December 2011.