WTB Giraffe Bone

Started by phil7153, November-03-13 17:11

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Does anyone have any giraffe bone that is natural, by that I mean undyed and not yet stabilized? I am looking for some to make a few grips, but I can not find any natural bone for sale (only the actual bone leg itself, which I am unable to turn into workable slabs). If you have any you could sell me, or know where I can find some, please let me know. Thanks.


These are raw.  They would need to be de-greased as well.  They have a crack in each scale, but it looks like you would get a 1" wide piece from each.  I intended to make a couple sets of grips for my shorty as well as a matching knife handle for a small switchblade with them, but I'm spending my energy on hippo tusk instead.  I kinda hate to part with them, but they have been on the shelf for 20 yrs now. 

4.5" X 1.5" (tapering to about 1.25") and approx. 3/8" thick at the thinnest part with a slight curve.

$45 shipped (assuming US address.)  PM me if interested.


I appreciate the offer, but unfortunately the style of grip I am going for will require more than 1.5" in width at the widest point.


I have a set that I bought way back before the forum blew up and had to restart. They are for my mini mag and the only ones I have seen. Only use them every now and then. Wouldn't take for them.
"In every day carry no handgun is small enough. In a gunfight no handgun is big enough."


I would love to see them if you dont mind.


Here they are with a high finish!
"In every day carry no handgun is small enough. In a gunfight no handgun is big enough."


You just gotta love giraffe bone.. Sexy grips there.


I could also do with some camel bone too, if anyone has any of that.



I have been in contact with both of those suppliers, and they do not offer giraffe bone that is unstabilized and undyed.


That's a tough order. The best I can suggest is to begin a dialog with zoos. American zoos would be your only chance at this without import hassles. Giraffes fall over once in a while. It's the "rare and unusual bone" loophole. Maybe you'll find a "white rhino." That'd be some extra credit, for certain.