32 NAA Hornady Ammo

Started by heyjoe, November-04-13 19:11

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this place has Hornady Critical Defense 32 NAA ammo for anyone looking
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I already have about 250 rounds, so I'm not in the market for some, but here's a place that has it a little bit cheaper at $16 per box:



Is there any "plinking" ammo for the 32? I think it would be a cool option, if I had a way to cheaply practice with it.


Quote from: TeeJay37 on November-06-13 10:11
Is there any "plinking" ammo for the 32? I think it would be a cool option, if I had a way to cheaply practice with it.

.32 wax bullets here: http://www.banditshooting.com/ These are made for "cowboy guns" (.32 s&w and others series) and should be barrel compatible anyway, since it's just wax.

Not a revolver, so you don't have to worry about primer setback and could probably get away with unmodded primer pockets (but it makes it so much easier to seat them.) Wax bullet first, then primer in the case.

Use your empty brass
You just need a capping/decapping tool
Wax bullets are seated by hand
A surprising close-range smack is possible with just a primer
Safe training

Nothing but a training round
Training scars: You might get in the habit of racking the slide each round, so watch out for that. This is a very big concern, as you do under stress without thinking exactly what you do in training. Perhaps this: draw, fire, hoster. THEN reload as a separate action and mindset. You'll be one-at-a-time from the chamber, no magazine loading.

Good luck, sir.


Hmm. I had heard of those before, but I never knew they were actually made. The way I heard was to punch them out of a warm block of wax. I think it'd be a better option for revolvers, though.

I do understand what you mean about training scars. I have heard about plenty police officers being killed with their hand in their pocket. They were so used to retaining their empty brass during a reload on the range(so they didn't have to police it later), that they did it in a fight.


Yeah, warm block of wax is fine.

This is probably better for revolvers, but without the main powder charge to reseat the primer this can tie it up due to primer setback. This shouldn't be able to happen for a blowback semi. Cap and ball is totally unaffected.

If you're drilling out pockets anyway, might as well step up to 209 shotgun primers for better range.

Training scars... they're insidious. I've watched people on the firing range try to rack a slide after every shot and I know exactly how they got them.

... a bb or airsoft training pistol that required it... wax loads... dry fire drills on a pistol without a striker reset or cockable hammer.

It's too bad there isn't really a "budget line" of .32 naa ammo. I sort of get the impression "that's not what it's for," but I understand wanting it anyway. It's been the one barrier for me getting a .32 naa. I do the .32 acp, or else I'd get the .380. Good thing they make them! :)


I'm not sure I understand your first sentence about the main powder charge and reseating primer. I've never fired anything like this, so I may just be missing something...

I think the 32 NAA would gain more traction if people made conversions for them. I'm sure people would buy 32 NAA barrels for things like the LCP and Pico, if they were available. Then, you could shoot (relatively) cheap .380 ammo for practice, and then swap in the 32 for carry. I would get one for my LCP, if I had the option. Oh, man. 8 rounds of a hot little 32 in my pocket seems like it'd be pretty awesome!

And then, there would be a bigger market for the 32, which would (possibly) make more ammo companies see that it may be a good round to produce inexpensive target rounds for. 


No problem, friend.

In an empty case with an ultralight bullet (wax,) the primer usually backs out of the case when capped. It does this with a regular cartridge as well, but with wax the standard method is to slightly widen the primer pocket to allow the case to slip back over the primer under the power of weak gasses from the primer and let everything remain flush.

In a normal firearm cartridge, when the primer lights... it does the exact same thing. However, the burning of the main powder charge provides "enough" setback forces to reseat the primer against the chamber face... all in a split second and you never know it's happening until you "break it down step by step."

Also, I agree 100%. I think if NAA wanted to stage a ".32 NAA comeback," they could begin offering aftermarket barrels for "well known pistols." I could see a bit of trepidation on Sandy's part in making that call. I never really pictured NAA as a custom barrel shop. I think the strategy is solid, though. Chicken and egg: how to sell the ammo without aftermarket barrels and how to sell the barrels without ammo? It's a pretty large investment and risk to be wrong.

I feel great, by the way. There's nothing like lazing around the house and catching up on sleep for 3 days to take the edge off.

Best regards, everyone.


Yea, I guess no one really wants to be the first on to be wrong. I think the Pico is the perfect platform to start the "Renaissance" of the 32 NAA. They already have the barrels for the 32 ACP, all they'd need to do is rechamber them for NAA.

Of course, I say "ALL" they have to do, but I'm sure it's not that easy.


Heh, now if the Pico was only made by NAA as da/sa cockable and not made by Beretta (not a fan of their mouseguns.)

I would freak out and sell a bike or something to run out and buy a "mousegun platform kit." I would lose all self control, might buy two full sets (or more.)


You can get CorBon FMJ ammo in 32NAA in 50-round boxes, but it's not a lot cheaper than the self-defense stuff. Unfortunately, the supply of it right now is almost nonexistent. I'm having a very hard time finding any.