Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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Hey what finishes can be put on these fine little pistols to make it yours?


Krylon comes in a variety of lovely colors
"Deeds; Not Words"


Duracoat-  Perhaps in a black/yellow striped theme ??
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


I think a pink with purple polka dots would CERTAINLY "make it yours"!



   (after all, who else would want it?)


   By the way, welcome to the forum!


   Kind of an inside joke here with the painted gun thing.  I guess you would have had to be here when the bumble bee guns were displayed
"Deeds; Not Words"


i found this photo of chopprs with the avatar woman you are in love with. sorry to break it to you. He does get around.




It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Jon Huntsman quit the republican party and is now an independant.

   Ron Paul's running mate?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


What I've been saying all along... check out this website for an eye-opening new film:"> "Dreams From My Real Father"


   Amazing that this, too, will be ignored.




How's Obama's JournOlist "KILL ROMNEY" character assassination campaign going ?

cedarview kid


This is a plagairistic repost.  The troll Orchidhunter posted this on June 13, 2009 on the other side of the board.  If you are trying to "stir the pot" go do it somewhere else as you won't get the responses on this side of the board as you would on the other.


Take a dollar bill from your wallet , then figure the odds that at one time it was in the buttcrack of a stripper.Now go wash your hands!


I always keep several singles in my wallet for that very reason.


   Nice try, though.


   If you really want a disgusting thought, imagine all of the paper money in your wallets that have been rolled up and used to snort cocaine.


Imagine if those dollars were used the same day, at almost the same time.


   I can't.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Imagine  having all those dollors in my checking account. Weeeeeeeeeh.


Must be a really great place where the strippers are happy with dirty ONE-DOLLAR-BILLS, guys, heheheheee!!!. Do you also slip out on dead rats, when you try to reach the buttcrack on stage, yeah? :-))))


..........that is the closest that some guys will ever get to a buttcrak! A dirty one dollar bill!


Carrying a dollar bill that has been in the butt-crack of a stripper is very unlikely.


   First of all: placing a dollar in the crack of a stripper is just plain rude.  On a good day, you'll be escorted out by a bouncer.  On a bad day, you'll be escorted to the back alley by two bouncers.


   Second: you aren't likely to go to a strip club with a stack of 40 singles.  More likely, you'll go to the counter and change a couple of 20's into singles.  The strippers, in turn, will not take home a stack of 50 or 60 singles they've earned for the night.  They will go to the same counter and turn those singles into larger bills.  Thus the circle of life - of strip club singles - continues.


   Third: people aren't really allowed to touch the strippers.  Instead you leave the tips at the edge of the stage and the stripper collects then after the dance number is completed (I'm talking about center-stage dancing, not individual lap dances.  Tip more than a dollar for a lap dance).  You aren't even likely to place your single in the waist-band of a stripper's lingerie anymore.  


   Fourth: stripper's, physically, aren't dirty.  A person doesn't go to a strip club (to spend money) and worry about the stripper's emotional condition.  Money that comes in contact with a stripper is about as clean as anything else.  The money is just more likely to smell like cheap, sweet perfume with undertones of sweat and fear.


   If you are at a dirty strip club where what I've just said doesn't apply, then you're just a sad country song away from a white-label alcohol related death in a small dark room.


   And no, I don't go to many strip clubs.  I just know a wide variety of people.


Well spoken, Hazmatt - I agree completely with you!!!




     This has been on my mind for some time and I was wondering if anybody here could help.  A long while back, a friend of mine told me that he would never consider defending himself with any handgun that was capable of single action fire (hammer cocked back).  He told me that it could get you in trouble in the legal aftermath of a shooting.  Supposedly, if it can be proven in court that you had a "hair" trigger on the weapon when it discharged, then the gun could have possibly gone off accidentally.  If it can be proven at all the gun could have fired unintentionally (with said light triger pull), then you could face a manslaughter charge and hence jail time.  


   The reason this has been a concern to me is because I carry an NAA mini almost exclusively, and I wonder if I ever have to use this mini in self defense, would I be hanging myself in court because of the single action trigger?  Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated.  I really am fond of this mini, as well as a few other firearms I carry on occassion, and I would hate to consider changing my CCW options for something that seems soo petty on the surface.




If you have reason to shoot in a self defense situation and you are justified, a single action is not going to make a differance. The next thing is a NAA mini is not likely to have a hair trigger.

   I shoot a lot of double action and have had a double tap with out trying sometimes as the gun comes down from recoil because my finger is still on the trigger too hard. Most of the time it looks good when two bullets hit the same spot that quick.

   With all the guns out there I would say that a single action would cause you the least trouble if you had to shoot in self defense. Thats my thoughts anyway.


That's a new one on me.  Also, I don't think these little revolvers have a 'hair' trigger.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Thanks for all the info.  


   Personally I don't think the minis have a hair trigger either, I was just told that trial lawyers have used these linguistic tactics to throw ignorant/uninformed juries.


   Thanks again.


""trial lawyers have used these linguistic tactics to throw ignorant/uninformed juries.""



   I believe your qoute has been proven true, time and time again.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


This is silly.  "Hair trigger" is a popular term that has no definite meaning.  It obviously means a light trigger pull, but what's a light trigger pull.  It's easy enough to hire an expert witness, should a case come to court, to talk about actual trigger pulls and compare a defendant's gun.  But what gives lie to this silly assertion is that the individual who brought it up could provide no citation.


Late to the thread, but I'll put this out there:


   if you shoot- fine; if you "hold at gun point", maybe not so fine.  Somewhere there is a youtube video of a female NY or LA PD officer having an ND about a foot away from a cuffed perp's head with her Glock.  Boogerhooks and bangswitch discussion aside, the "lighter" trigger and pucker factor definitely were working in concert.


   Having said that, basically the only autos I've carried are Glock.


   Run the scenario through your mind.  If you forsee holding someone at gunpoint, to "convince" them not to perpetrate an act, or to convince them to leave, you will have to verbalize what escalated from "show of force" to "application of force" at least in civil court. (If you are validated in pointing the weapon, it will be a moot point if you go ahead and shoot, in most states, under Criminal Law.  Civil Law is different...)


   It's not something I get terribly hung up on, because I have no "middle ground" in my civilian continuim of force, when lethal force is called for; gun comes out, gun goes bang.  


   If I'm "warning" someone, they get command voice, emphatic direction, then OC/thumping, then...


Guess I can sum that up by saying that if you can verbalize why lethal force was justified the moment you drew the weapon, it's not a (criminal) issue.


   If you have your weapon cocked, the perp is being compliant (hands up, no weapon) and they get shot, _then_ you have a problem...


Not if he is in my house, if he is entering and falls outside I will go outside and push his dead body through the window.If per chance he is not dead, I will shoot him again.This was the advice given me by a deputy sheriff. Dead men seldom file lawsuits...


No offense, Lash, but the Deputy is really dumb, if he/she said that.  Move a body, and you've changed things radically.  Plug someone who's down, and it is very evident in reconstruction- the dead guy won't be filing, the DA will...


   The recent furor over the pharmacy shooting here in OKC may offer some pointers about "reasonable limits":">


   I don't see that Ersland did anything wrong, other than flap his jaws and carry tools that really were inadequate to the job.  He really did a very poor job of verbalizing the threat and his response, then shutting up.  Families can file suit on "behalf of" the decedant...


Wouldn't have happened in Texas, charges have to be brought by a grand jury, not by some grandstanding DA.One case was no billed when a car thief was shot by the owner with a 30.06 from his second floor balcony.In the words of TED Nugent "I dont like repeat offender, I like dead offenders"


Every state sould be like TEXAS. With the passage of the Castle Law, Indiana is getting almost as good. Deadly force can be used to protect life and property that belongs to you or others. If some one approaches your vehicle with a weapon and you think you are getting car jacked, you have the right to stop it.  

   This one in TEXAS shows what it means:">
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


It would lighten the prison load if there was more of that.

   Theives like that should have no rights when caught in the act. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I invested a lot of hard work in what I have, and I would like to keep it.

   I have a couple of people try to break in to my house, one guy tried for two weeks.  He wasn't very bright. It took me about  6 mo. to find out who he was. I told someone who knew him to tell him that if he had suceeded and I had caught him, I would have shot him. He is in the Wyoming prison for shooting his girl freinds other boyfriend with a high power rifle and killing him.

   I have always thought a good way to cure some of the really low life crook problem would be to lock a bunch of them in a big bullet proof cement building, give them guns, ammo, beer, lot of whisky, and lots of bad food. That might lighten the prison load.


When someone adds a post to a thread on this side of the forum it doesn't shift to the top.


   When you come over to this side to see whats new you have to check all the dates. On the other side of the forum the new posts go to the top.



I don't know but, yours went to the top.  The one long one, with CJ, never moves though.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''



   New threads go to the top but new posts to an  old one don't move up like they do on the other side. Its much easier to find and check new posts if they go to the top. It does that on the other side, so why not here?

   Maybe Kenny can get it fixed.


Hi folks


   My first posting here. I am a LEO from Switzerland and would like to share my story about the NAA PUG with you.


   Bought my first NAA gun - a mini revolver .22 mag about 15 yrs. ago. Intended to carry it as a last ditch / backup piece. Great to carry, reliable, but lacking in accuracy and handling. never got really "warm" with that thing.


   Bought a Black Widow 2" .22 Mag/.22LR about 9 yrs. ago. A winner in every aspect. Also in accuracy. Headshots on (paper-)targets 25 meters away, hits 4 out of 5 times. No key-holing, never had a malfunction in about 500 rounds. No joke. Reliable with every ammunition.


   Gave my B/W to a friend some time ago and bought a PUG with tritium sights. Fitted it immediately with a oversized black rubber grip. Best design of mini-revolvers so far, in my humble opinion.  


   Went out to the range. Believe it or not - in accuracy not far behind the B/W, even with that tiny 1"-Barrel. Unbelievable. Had to get accustomed to the different sights tough. Then it happened - cylinder blocked. S...!!! Big trouble to get the cylinder out of the frame. Loaded again and after a few shots it happened again - cylinder blocked. Couldn't extract pin and cylinder anymore. Brought the PUG back to the local dealer. This guy shrugged and told me "must be the ammunition". FYI: I shot with .22 Mag. Dynamit Nobel.


   After a few weeks I picked up my PUG again. Same ammunition-story from that guy. Went to the range for testing. .22 Mag. CCI TNT this time. Very very rough going of the action after 2 cylinders CCI, not acceptable. Loaded again with .22 Mag. Dynamit Nobel. Bang Bang - cylinder blocked. Back to the dealer. Ammunition - discussion again. I am a revolver-shooter since 25 yrs and I trust revolvers to go BANG everytime you pull the trigger, no matter what ammunition, IF it's first class factory ammunition and IF the platform is well-maintained and not a cheap junk-weapon.  


   Long story cut short - after another frustrating trip to the range I found out after extracting cases out of the cylinder, that always one out of 5 cases was deformed, and that brass-cartridges like Dynamit Nobel or Winchester tend to deform more than a nickel-plated cases like CCI. I made a photo of one of the deformed brass cases (see attachment).


   But, folks, you can imagine that I was not happy at all and lost my trust in the PUG completely - can you imagine a last-ditch weapon with a frozen or very rough going cylinder after a few shots - perhaps after the first shot... not acceptable.


   Than I had an idea. We went one last time to the range and put the cylinder of my old Black Widow into the PUG and it was running without any hitch and without any rough action through all the ammunition we threw at it. It digested even very old Winchesters without any problems. 50 happy shots later we gave up.  


   I am no armorer, but the problem with my PUG has only partly to do with the ammunition. It's for sure one chamber which is "to wide open" at the shoulder of the cartridge. When the shot breaks, the "wide opening" allows the brass cartride to deform at the base. The deformation causes the cartridge to get pushed back against the backstop and blocks further movement of the cylinder. End of trail.


   I gave up to babble with my local dealer about ammunition issues and contacted the NAA-staff in U.S.A directly by email (that would have been in fact the job of my dealer, but you know the saying about what you don't do yourself...:-))). After only a few days I've got message from NAA, who apologized for my bad experience with this particular PUG and promised to look into the problem. They asked the Importer in Switzerland to give me a brand new PUG and to send the problem-PUG back to the states for inspection.  


   That's folks, is one customer service to praise. And not only around the corner in your home state - no, sir, from a few thousand miles away, in another country, with all that required paperwork nowadays, to get a weapon shipped. BIG THUMBS UP to the staff of NAA. I will stay your happy customer, and I wish you a good business at all times. You deserve it!


   good night