Just made a 3 cylinder holster

Started by patriotjoe, May-30-12 20:05

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Great idea.  With practice, that could be a very quick reload.


How does it hold the rounds from falling out?


Seems like if you used some paraffin on the rounds before you loaded them they would stay put.  Unless it gets well above 100 degrees.  I wouldn't do this if it was a high pressure round, but .22 standard velocity I wouldn't hesitate.


If you put the cyliner in with the rounds upright. They can't fall out. It's not the prettiest of designs but it's what he asked for.


I have not visited this site for awhile, due to no changes in my NAA guns. But I was in the pawn shop about a week ago and viewed a 8" Dan Wesson 357 that I have always wanted. The only way to purchase it was to sell my NAA 1/8" 22 Mag so I did. So now I have a little bit of money and I just purchased a pug off gunbroker. I probable could of bought mine back at the same price I sold it for but I always wanted a pug anyway, the Dan Wesson just gave me an excuse to buy it. I wish that the new swing out cylinder revolver was out already that is what I would have purchased even over the pug. We'll when those do hit the shelves I will have one.