Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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Got up this morning bored. Been raining off and on for a couple of days. SUCKS! Ate breakfast and just had to go do something. Grabbed my 617 Smith 22 cal. and a 22 rifle, and with my Pug in my MADHAT holster on my belt, filled my old Jeep truck with gas and headed for the mud and dirt roads. I ran gravel, dirt, mud, and grass roads. I plinked off these roads for 50 miles. Some times it rained pretty hard. I did some of it in 4WD. and some of it was pretty slick. I killed more than my share of cow-patties and rocks and dirt clods.

   Sometimes when I am shooting cow-patties and it splatters in the air it makes me think of politicions and the crap they spew, I ended up in a town with a CABELAS store, a gun store and a Good Will type store where I bought A little  metal thing with 5 drawers in it about 6inx6inx6in. that looks old.

   Gun store had lots of handguns. long guns. and knives. They had about 5 minis and an Earl.

   I came home in the dark on the highway. Truck is muddy. shells are gone, guns are dirty, and I am happy. You know I remember when I used to waste days like this working. Good Night.


Sounds like a great time.  Good for you!!!
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


As an old member as well, every day that I actually wake up.....becomes a good day!


I keep waking up every day and thats good. BUT sometimes I would like to sleep a little longer. I hate it when I wake up early and an hour later want a nap. I used to wonder how anybody could waste any daylight taking a nap.

   When I was a kid I spent summers on a farm. Grandparents and two uncles who never married. Every day after noon meal it was nap time. This was so the horses could eat and rest. They used horses for a lot of the farming into the late fifties. After the horses were gone the naps went on. These people never bought anything on time ever. After the last uncle died at 95 in 95 and the stealing from the estate was done there was still an estate of land and money and a few peices of farm machinery that weren't taken worth three and a half million. About a million had walked away.

   I didn't mean to get into all that history. Naps can get you off course.  

   If I were a writer, I could write a book about life on that farm. They did a lot of things the old way after the world went modern. I have pitched a lot of grain bundles and I have seen a lot of things that most people my age were born to late to see, and for that I am gratfull.

   At least I put this on the story side where it kind of fits. Gone.


Would you like to adopt me?  I can't do much, but it is fun to watch me try to get up when I fall down.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''



   I know what its like to fall down and not be able to get up. Been there. I also know what it like to be too weak to squeeze tooth paste out of a new tube of it. I sometimes had to crawl on my hands and knees. I got so weak I couldn't even go shoot. My ankles and feet were black and blue from falling down in a pile and landing on my own feet. I know what handicapped people are going through. When you see people struggling and you have been there you know what its like. Its not a good way of life.  

   In my case It took a long time  before I ended up at the Mayo Clinic in Rodchester Minn. and they figured it out. The nerve linings to my voluntary muscles did not like my plasma. Long story short, hospital time, plasma exchanges and years of prednisone, which I just got completly off of about a month ago. It took me 15 years  to get off of that. I turned out to be pretty lucky. I have lived a normal life, worked hard, ran hard, and played hard.

   BUT I will never forget what is was like to be on the floor when I couldn't get up. When I see somebody thats handicapped I know what they are going through.  

   And yea RED I could probably adopt you but you would have to furish your own guns and ammo, and like pickups and dirt roads.


My adoption request was tongue in cheek, but I do like dirt roads and pick up trucks.  I think you live a great life.  I just HATE my Arthritis.  Inside, I feel young, outside I'm old.


   "I have lived a normal life, worked hard, ran hard, and played hard."


     It's ironic, I played all those sports, was really flexible, just loved it!  I have a Doctors appointment today.  I hate it.  Everybody is always 20-30 years older than me.  If I get any bigger/fatter, they will name me the 10th planet.


   I'm glad you're having fun!!!  Do everything you can do. I'm proud of you!


   If I can lose some of this weight, I'd feel better.


   I would like to come out there someday.  I think I'd like to shoot me some cow patties.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Red:   you would never go back to paper targets and paid shooting ranges.

   Its kind of a stretch, but when I am out there in the country shooting sometimes in driving around its like I am exploring. I guess it all in my head, but it works.


If I could shoot at objects, I would.  No shooting of firearms in my city.  Range is all I have.


   I have some Aguila no powder bullets, and I have a Marlin 60 and S&W 63.  Neither are very loud.  But I have close by neighbors.  I also coach youth baseball.  If I ger arrested for firing a gun in city limits, all my coaching goes away.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''



   No you can't shoot in town.  How many miles would you have to drive to get out in the country and when you got there would you be allowed to shoot? How big is the city you live in? I am pretty spoiled with the options I have as to places to shoot. There are places that are close to town around here that people get upset if people are shooting close by, but that is because they have had to deal with to many dummies and crap that people have shot at and left lay. Some of these people haul stuff out to shoot then leave it lay and then wonder why they are not welcom next time. There is a lot of room around here to go shoot.I can drive  4 to 7 miles out of town and sometimes spend a couple of hours on a gravel road and never see anybody.

   We have a big outdoor shooting range at the edge of town that you can shoot over 2oo yards in that is now fenced in and costs two bucks to rent a key or twenty bucks a year to shoot. Has a wood tick problem so I don't go there much. It used to be open with no fence and I would at that time go out there a lot back when I was still working. I would go out there with a full size pickup every so often and haul big over the cab loads of garbage out of there to the dump grounds.

   There some states where you can only shoot on private property and to do that you need the OK of the owner.

   Well I have talked agout shooting long enough, so thats where I an going right now.

   There is a gun show about 50 miles down the road this weekend. I am ready!



I live in the largest city in the USA.  Don't know anyone with enough private property near me.  I do go to my cousins house occasionally.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''



   This might seem like a odd question, but do you still drink diet Coke or diet anything, or use sweetners in anything? You mentioned having trouble opening can of diet Coke a long time ago.

   I am not talking about suger.


No, I don't use artificial sweeteners.  Seems like all them eventually cause cancer.  I just have an extremely low metabolism.  I always stayed extremely active.  Since my arthritis, I can exercise less and less.


   When I got my knee replaced, I gained so much weight.  It is almost back to strength.


   I don't have a driving license, I tend to hit things.  No depth perception.


   I'm trying to build up my courage to go see a Podiatrist.  My next step. ha ha.  My feet used to be 10 1/2 d, now they are 11 xxxxxxxx.  Huge bunions.  I am going after baseball season.


   I think if I get my feet fixed, I can walk better to exercise.  I'm trying for after Thanksgiving.  I am pretty scared.  Surgery scares me.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


What causes huge bunions?

   Surgery scares me also. I don't like being put out. I have had some surgery done awake, four times. I handled that much better. Come out of surgery and had lunch. Had a bad hand injury. 57 days in the hospital at  Mayo Clinic. Was awake when they sewed my hand to my stomach and awake 2 weeks later when they cut it loose. I had  been to surgery twice before they did that and they had put me out. I said no more. Had 2 more surgerys after that, awake.

   When bad days are coming you have to try to see around them. Sometimes we have to hurt to get    better.

   Bed time.


""When bad days are coming you have to try to see around them. Sometimes we have to hurt to get better.""



   You are a wise man.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Red, just wondering if you have access to a swimming pool.  Swimming is great exercise with very little wear and tear on joints.


No, and I do like them for exercise.  Less stress on the joints.  My RA doctor appointment went good yesterday.  BP was 127/77, and that's pretty good.  My new medicine takes most of the pain away.


     Only real pain is my left shoulder, and that's always gonna hurt.  I haven't been out of pain for 20 years.  Chronic pain just makes people get depressed sometimes.  It's normal.  I'm sorry for being such a sissy.  


   I'm hoping I can either get some good shoes from the Podiatrist, but I think he'll want to operate.   I'll be fine.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


I can't say how much I love these little guns. Appaerently some people like the other end of the spectrum. Here is the .600 NITRO! A handgun bullet and the gun that fires it. My guess is that this gent may be lacking elsewhere!





You could almost hide a mini in every chamber.


Bet that doesn't fit in his pocket.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


"My guess is that this gent may be lacking elsewhere!"


   Kinda tacky.  


   Don't remember the guy's name, but he's a custom pistol smith who built a business with exotic "Because I Can" chamberings.  I wouldn't have put that *** mare's-leg grip on, but otherwise (IMO)that's an awesome build.


   Did Enzo Ferrari have a small pee-pee?  Do we care...? (;


Enzo Ferrari, though a visionary to start, turned out to be just another arrogant old greaseball that needed to be put in his place. Ferruccio Lamborghini did a good job of that!  

   ......and chuckling at something once in a while won't hurt, I promise!


I once drove a 1965 Plymouth Belvedere with a 426 and a 2.25 rear end at a timed 154.6 mph.  It was exhilarating.  I salute both Ferrari and Lamborghini.


   But a .600 NE revolver?  NO!


I own a couple of the Smith & Wesson 500s, and the only thing I'm "lacking elsewhere" is the ability to throw 300-650 grain slugs by hand in excess of 1200 feet per second.


Wonder who shoots it the second time.


Locutus, interesting avatar.  Borg?
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Don't forget that /loquor/ is deponent, Red14.



I thought so.  Good choice.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


More on the gun. Very interesting for those who wants to hunt elephants with an handgun. It puts mousegun in a whole other perspective.  ">


Thats a lot of money for what for me would be a wall hanger.


Gotta be fun to shoot too, huh?   Methinks a cylinder full would be about all the "fun" a guy could stand.....


I would think the recoil on a gun like that

   would defeat it's purpose, that is probably

   why he added such a large weight of added

   iron to the top of the pistol's frame.


   None the less, a cartridge such as that would

   be more practical being shot through a custom

   made shotgun rather than a pistol.


   But that is just my take on it.



And Boom......There it was!!!!


I'd like to shoot the revolver, I'm just not sure I'd be willing to pay the $40 for the cartridge. I'd love to examine gun.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I just discovered this forum and decided to join up.  I bought a 1.625-inch .22 WMR mini a couple of months ago and love it.  I look forward to taking part in the NAA community.