Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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Well Red, If I remember correctly you have some physical limitations and carry smaller caliber weapons.  If I am correct, I suggest you carry at least one gun in your pocket.  The addage about having your hand in your pocket holding your gun and ready to react at a moment's notice is correct (and pretty cool).


   Bud - sounds reasonable.  Unfortunately I don't live in the United States; I live in California.  Our gun laws are hardly reasonable.



   How long did it take to get your CCP after you applied for it? Seem like you have been waiting a long time. How much was the cost and how long is it good for?

   It seems like in some states that people have to go through a lot of BS to get their share of the second  amendment. Some states seem to think its a privilege rather than a right to be able to protect yourselfe and your family

   Anywhy having it will give you some peace of mind.

   When you figure out what to carry and how your going to carry it, share with us.


Key in gun laws in the united states, then find your state your in. This might help you.


I can't remember how much it was exactly, around 150 maybe 25 more.  I sent off my application end of June, got it Saturday.  My hands are like claws, I can't open or close them all the way.  I'm thinking of getting the 3"Earl for carry.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


It's great hearing about your love for the little smiths. I too have developed quite a "relationship" with these little guys over the years.

   Currently I have an alloy model 37 prelock with a bobbed hammer, and I just picked up the stainless model 940. Yes the elusive 9mm snubbie is now mine. I am heading out to chrono some 9mm through it over the holiday weekend. Hopefully the results are as good as what I've read.


Might add for the Indiana CCW permit. You can now get them for life instead of four years.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



   Before you buy an Earl you might want to see if you can hold on to the cylinder pin with the way your hands are. Its small and hard to hold it with the flat side up when you try to slide it in place. It would be better to check that out before you buy it. I think you will find it VERY difficult with your handicap.

   I have an EARL and an old hand injury that I have learned to work around but I do have trouble putting that little slippery pin in. It is hard to hold on to.

   If you can find one, even a 4 in. in a gun store you could try it first.


Thanks, I will try it.  I can take out the pin on the mini, but it is quite difficult and took much practice.  Dexterity is an issue.


   BTW, our permit is good for 7 years.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


How do you carry your 442?  I own one and usually carry owb strong side when I wear a coat and in my pocket holster in summer.  But for tight pants i carry my naa mini


Nwg19: I am envious of your 940.  I've always wanted one.


   Riadat: I carry my 442 (and all of my other j-frames)in a Galco COP ankle holster, a Mika pocket holster, a Galco shoulder system or an IWB/tuckable IWB holster I made some time ago.  It is hardly a primary: I carry it in whatever back-up location is most convenient for my mode of dress.  


   That's the great thing about the j-frames; they can be carried anywhere.


I'm waiting on a mike pocket holster for my 442.


   Thx for sharing.


The Mika pocket holster is worth the wait (which usually isn't that long) and well worth the money.


Here in Florida, you can carry anything you want on a concealed weapon permit.  Including non firearm weapons if you choose to do so.......  The permit is for the person, not the weapon.


   There is no gun registration in Florida so no matter where you buy your gun it does not have to be registered.


   Permit MUST be issued within 90 days and is good for 7 years.  I renewed mine this year, and it is good until 2016.  Cost 65.00 to renew.


Same in Indiana. I bought a life time permit for $100.00.


The Right to bear arms shall not be infringed.


   In other words, if you are a natural born citizen

   you have the right to carry a gun without a  

   permit in the United States as long as you can

   justify the need for it's use in the court of

   law.....if brought before a Judge.


   It is an issue that law enforcement and those

   in positions of power within our government have

   struggled with since the very formation of our

   nation as a sovern governing body.


   But the citizens were given that right in the  

   constitution so that America could protect and

   police itself in times of need.


   In other words you have just as much right to

   cary a weapon as any police officer does.


   They just don't want you to know it.


   They want you registered on a list so

   they can keep an eye on you.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Fortunately for me, my purpose for carrying

   a weapon has nothing to do with people.


   I am a Gold and Gem Prospector and I only  

   have a need for a small "Pocket Protector"

   type of handgun to eliminate threats such

   as Rattle Snakes and Wild Stray Dogs when

   encountered in the field.


   Often times a walking stick does not provide

   sufficient protection from such threats, and

   it is not practical to carry a rifle and a  

   metal detector at the same time.


   Often people dress up and engrave guns for  

   show pieces or display on their trophy wall.


   I understand how one can be proud of a  

   weapon that they own and like allot.


   But a gun is a tool, just like a hammer, hatchet,

   Pocket Knife, or Shovel. It should be treated

   as such and kept in good condition for use

   when needed.



And Boom......There it was!!!!


One of the things that drew me to the prospecting

   after experiencing multiple layoffs from industry

   and having trouble finding funding to start my  

   own business......was the fact that all that Gold

   was just sitting out there, waiting to be found.


   The original Gold Rush participants didn't get

   it all....the price of Gold just dropped as the

   price of crude oil rose, making Gold prospecting

   less attractive as a venture.


   Now days we have people getting hostile in the  

   major Cities due to unemployment and a rise in

   crime rates.....and that Gold is still sitting

   out there waiting to be found.


   I guess I'm just ahead of the curve is all.

   As time rolls on....more people will catch

   on and it won't be so lonely in the desert.



And Boom......There it was!!!!


"Often people dress up and engrave guns for  

   show pieces or display on their trophy wall."

   You mean like this - which is an everyday pocket carry piece.

Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Oops! Meant to add:

   I have had it since 1976 or '77. It was engraved about 6 or 7 years ago.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Now that is a pretty mini!!!
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


That would be a keeper for sure...


New member here -- first post


   I have a 22LR NAA pistol. It's far to small for me to hold safely.

   It seems to be an older gun with all original parts.

   It appears to be in pretty good condition. I have no idea how old this is

   or what it cost when it was new.


    Can anyone tell me what a fair asking price would be?

   The S/N is C50XXX


Would need to know the model of your NAA in order to look it up in the blue book of used guns. Look at the pistols on this web site and see if your NAA is on this page.


oops, sorry bout that.


   It's the 22 Long Rifle Mini Revolver. Thanks for the reply.


The 14th edition of modern gun values page 194 has it listed as exc. condition for $100.00 and perf. condition 115.00. NAA has it shown new in box as $199.00. Of course this book is just a guide, and sometimes you may get a few more dollars than it shows, but not much more. You could buy it brand new at a gun show for around $180.00. I hope this helps you.


I just bought one used on gunbroker for $135.00 plus 20 for shipping, so I will have it in hand for $160 counting the 5 dollar fee for the background check.  They usually go around 180 or so as said above for a good clean one.


In the greater metro Atlanta area, it is hard to find a used one under $200.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Ruger  Charger, anybody out there have one? Its a factory 22 cal pistol like it came from a 10-22 rifle. Its wild looking with a factory bipod on it. About all its good for is to set it on the shooting bench and bang away. It comes without sites, so you have to buy and mount a scope on it.

   Well I bought one a while bacK and put a Burris 2-7 LER scope on it. Took it out to the rifle range and sighted it in. Shooting paper doesn't do a thing for me. I did make a shelf to set it on that hooked to the window frame of my old pickup so I could set gun on there and shoot from warm pickup. Wasn't to impressed, so put gun in lockup for a few months.

   I got up this morning and went out to heated garage and made a new heavy duty new window shelf thats much better than the first one I made. Its nice and solid.  Grabbed a snack and a drink, packed Charger, 63 Smith, and Black Widow in bag with sack of ammo and headed for the country. I hung the shelf on truck window frame and set Charger on it and shot cow-pies for the next couple of hours. Anywhere out to a little over 100 yards I couldnt miss. I shot some out past 200 yards but with the grass I couldn't always tell if I hit them. I am hooked! I felt like a tail gunner in a B29.

   Every so often I would give the Charger a break and shoot the BW or the Smith for a while. Can't wait to go out and do it again.

   If things get any better I am going to go broke buying ammo. Life is great...


Well, when you shoot the sh$t, you really shoot the sh$t.  In fact, I have always said you shoot the sh$t more than anyone else I know.  


     That being said, sounds like great fun.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Well, when you shoot the sh$t, you really shoot the sh$t.  In fact, I have always said you shoot the sh$t more than anyone else I know.  


     That being said, sounds like great fun.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''



   That pasture has about 60 head of cattle in it, and there is not one bull so you have to understand none of this is bullsh$t.



   It is fun from where I stand.


HA ha ha.  No sh$t?  I hear you.  Sounds like great practice.  Cheap too.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Good to hear Coinchop. I love my charger. So far, I'm still working on tightening my groupings. I cut a 2 inch hole at 25 yards. I think I can narrow that once I get a stronger scope.



   Most of the time I put my scope on about 3 power. I have turned it up to 7 power but that cuts down the field of vision and makes the cross hairs move around to much for me.  

   I am not a scope person and shoot mostly with open sights. I don't even have a scope on a 22 cal rifle like most people do. I used  scopes on my high-powered rifles back in my jack rabbit hunting days, but the last year there were enough rabbits to go hunting was 1979. Those guns haven't been shot since then. I rarely even shoot 22 cal rifles anymore. I do get short spells where I will take one along when I go out handgunning which I do a lot. To shoot a handgun with a scope sighted in at a target set at a certin distance is not a big deal for me. My problem with scopes is that I don't often shoot continually at targets set at the same distance so I would need a lot of practice.

   I guess what I am trying to say is being a plinker for me is harder for me with a scope than being a target shooter shooting at a set distance would be.

   Bottom line is I will never be famous beyond my own mind but I am having a shooting good life.


   Post what you get for a scope and how you are doing with it.

   I put off buying a Charger for a long time because it didn't have open sights, but now, and it took a while, I kind of like it.


You can adjust the scope?!?!

   God I hate being a newb! There's so much I don't know!

   It's a Nikon Monarch that came with the gun. Looks like it has 2.5 - 8x magnification. I had it cranked all the way down and didn't realize it. No wonder I was only getting a 2 inch group at 25 yards. I'll adjust it next time and see if I can do better.