Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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It appears the challenge for America is to provide the world skills, services, and products that the lesser countries can not provide. Then they will pay us.  


   It will never be set in concrete. The Japanese learned how to make quality optical products and automobiles and displaced the then champions:  Germany and the USA.  It is a never ending race. Only the fleet and flexible will win.  


   When I was a boy North American Arms did not exist. But some folks had a dream or vision and created products to meet specific needs. They are still evolving their products and are still in business.




   Yes...I have heard that the 30-06 has become

   a hard cartridge to find, and the price has

   gone up on them too from what I have been

   hearing through the grape vine.


   Someone told me that it is a popular sniper

   round in use by the military in Iraq and  

   in Afganistan...but I don't know that for

   sure personally.


   But I have noticed that they aren't as common

   on store shelves as they used to be before the

   Bush administration.





And Boom......There it was!!!!




   That does remind me though, of a guy I used

   to watch shoot at the levi district close to

   my home town when I was a teenager.


   He was a retired navy seal that was working

   on designing a specialized long range projectile

   for the 30-06 cartridge.  He reloaded his own

   shells and controlled the amount of propellant

   in his casings...he would have them all seperated

   into different categories and plastic cases with

   little lables on them and such.


   He was working on a bullet projectile that had

   a steel dowel center core surrounded with lead

   and jacketed with copper on the outside.


   On the rear of the projectile it was conical

   and slightly fluted with small fins welded to

   the steel core of the projectile melted into

   the rear of the conical shaped rear of the  

   lead bullet projectile.


   The fins pertuded slightly out of the lead

   with an ever so slight bend to them in one

   direction...almost like a tiny fan blade.


   He told me that this helped keep the bullet

   spinning through it's entire projectory and

   minimized bullet tumble keeping the projectile

   as accurate as possible at farther distances.


   Bla bla was interesting though.


   I remember it very clearly because of the  

   level of engineering that went into such a

   small bullet projectile.


   I remember he was holding 5 inch groups

   at a mile and a half, which was pretty

   good back then, not bad today either.


   He was aiming for a Military contract

   to produce these types of bullets for

   the Military, but I never heard if he

   got the contract or not.


   I remember it was pretty cool watching

   as he would shoot old oil filters on a  

   log over a mile away with a big scope was pretty neat to watch.


   He would sit there for like a minute

   looking through the scope, and you could

   see him slow his breathing down real

   slow like with long slow breaths, and

   them at the bottom of an exhale he would

   gently squeeze the trigger.


   After like 5 or 6 shots we would go

   inspect the targets he had laid out.

   and he would mark them with a yellow

   paint marker where his shots hit

   before retuning to his firing point

   for another round of shots.


   To some it might be boring, but he  

   was the only guy I remember who treated

   long distance shooting like a science

   rather than just having fun blasting

   stuff at close range.


   It was interesting to watch and learn

   from someone like that who was seriously

   studying the physics involved in long

   range balistics.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


That certainly wouldn't be boring to watch. That would be quite a feat to hold a 5 inch group at 2640 yards with a 30.06. For a round that typically drops 40-60 inches in 500 yards, that would require quite an arc. I would guess all the holes would be down into the top of the filter. If he was putting them through the front of the filter, he should have been awarded the military contract for his "souped up" bullets.  




"I remember it was pretty cool watching as he would shoot old oil filters on a log over a mile away with a big scope though.."


   What kind of oil filters or was he using the scope from an observatory?  


   The US military started replacing the 30-06 with the 7.62 NATO in 1958.  I'm pretty sure that the change has been completed by now. Can't blame Bush for this one!


WalMArt turned to crap when Sam died and his heirs decided to worship Mammon rather than God.  I remember back while he was alive the big ad campaign for WM was "Made in the USA!" and all the stuff they sold was made ere in the USA.  I defy you to find a US made anything there now.


   Same story for the schools in the US BTW...

   When you toss God out, you loose.


True Warty, True.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   I was about 15 years old when I watched

   that guy shoot the oil filters, and I believe

   they were old oil filters that he got from  

   a truck stop that did oil changes on Semi

   trucks.  I remember they were nearly twice

   the size of a normal automobile oil filter.


   As for the angle of impact...I remember that

   he used a small wooden dowel rod to insert  

   into the impact hole on the oil filter and

   he would measure the angle as accurately as

   he could with a small plum bob protractor

   that he had...and he estimated between 35

   and 40 degree angles as the bullet impacted

   the target.


   And he told me that would indicate that was

   near the end of any effective range or projectory

   because at that point the bullet is headed

   downward and losing it's sustainable velocity.


   He did tell me that he had adjusted his scope

   to sight in approcimately 8 inches above the  

   intended target to allow for such drop and  

   still hit the intended target.


   But like I said, I never heard if he got

   the job or not. The levi district cabled

   off the roads leading to the places where

   people used to target practice because of

   liability issues and the only way you can

   get back there now is on foot or bicycle.


   So hardly anyone goes back there today.


   I'm 38 years old this year, and I have since

   found much more interesting places to go plinking

   along the banks of the Mississippi River.





And Boom......There it was!!!!



   I've been having trouble for the past

   few weeks posting pictures on the forum

   and I was wondering if anyone else was

   having the same problem.


   I keep getting an Invalid Referer Error

   message. Has anyone else had this problem?


   Just wondering.






And Boom......There it was!!!!



   Nope, no problems.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   maybe one of these answers will fix it up for you?


   Pix work for me too





   Nah...didn't help.

   Nice picture of your BW though.

   I like the wood Palm Grips.


   I might have to see about getting

   me some of those, currently I have

   the oversized rubber Grips like  

   your wooden ones.


   Their O.K., But I like the looks

   of the wooden ones better.


   I will try various things and see

   if the picture thing changes at all.


   Nope...all I get is this error message.




   Invalid Referer Error  




   Form Referer Not Found. Found form variables were:




   descr=>'my gun'

   This indicates a problem with the board skin. Please report this to the board administrator.



   Please contact Webmaster if this problem persists.  


   Discus Professional 4.10.1

   Copyright © 2006, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved

   Perl 5.008008/linux  





   I wish I knew what was up with that.

   I think I might need a new computer

   with a newer operating system and  

   newer browser and so forth.


   I have ran into problems getting on  

   Facebook and Hotmail too because of can be quite frustrating

   at times.






And Boom......There it was!!!!




   Hey...I think I got it figured out.

   Here is a picture of a BW just like mine.




   I haven't taken any pictures of my pistol  

   as of yet but I plan to as soon as I get  

   another digital camera or webcam.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


MDE... If you have  a relatively new cell phone, you can take decent photos with it. I took this with my BlackBerry:




but after being "visited" in our North Florida home by a sizable snake a few evenings ago, I intend to have "The Earl" loaded with CCI shot shells on standby, ASAP!  (Even if non-venomous, and hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I would prefer a better solution to the intrusion than beating it to death with a chunk of 2 x 4...  I'll take a peppering of the floor and base board as a trade-off, thanks.)  Obviously, at that close a range, a dedicated pair of shooting glasses will reside with The Earl.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Welcome on Board Cooper - glad your uninvited visitor was not an eastern diamondback.  You'll be ready next time; I would add some earmuffs near the Earl to prevent hearing loss in case you need to dispatch another varmint.


Good advice-  Thank you.


   It's amazing that the military, (Army), did not require hearing protection in the late 60's when I had to qualify with a number of TOE weapons, nor did the Mass National Guard care whether the 105's were to loud.  (But in all honesty, it was most likely the wood shop equipment, (planer, shaper, etc.), that left me with ringing in the ears-  thankfully manageable.)


   No sense making it worse, though....
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Yeah it's good to preserve, as best we can, all that the good Lord has given us.  I even wear ear plugs now when I'm mowing the yard.


   By the way, Cooper, be sure to check out the 3" barrel Earl and compare it to the 4" one.  I personally like the 3" better but others prefer the 4".


Welcome, Cooper, I have the 3.  It is extremely accurate for these guns.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


I can relate to hearing loss I was in the Navy big guns turbines and small arms and no hearing protection. The VA said it's not there fault. Hearing aids cost me 6400 dollars. If you are having any hearing loss GET IT CHECKED the more you lose the more it cost. What and Hu gets old.




My first NAA purchase ended up being a .22 Magnum Mini Revolver with the longer barrel-  mostly because my seller had one waiting in the case.  I also bought the rosewood boot handle.  


   I think I still want "The Earl"- maybe a good Christmas present hint ?!?!


   After Florida's three day waiting period, I'll pick  it up this Saturday
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


I finally got a chance today on Fathers day to try my new BW,,I used the 22mag cylinder. Three out of five had to be recyled. Is this called light strikes ? was it because its new ? they did go bang the second time around. kinda disapointing,


Today, I went for a scoot in the National Forest. As is usually the case, I happened upon trash others had left behind, but today I decided to take some pictures. I know for a fact that thousands of others travel this same path every year and don't leave a trace, but it only took one idiot with a shotgun and a television to say, "Hey, I own a gun and I don't give a rats behind about every other person who will come here for the next couple of years!" The photos tell the story. If you shoot your gun in the National Forests and leave your trash behind, you are a moron. Pick up after yourself, and stop making the other 99.9 percent of responsible gun owners look bad.





   I blogged about it here:">


Did you pick it up and remove it?  I often ride to the trailheads, and carry a canvas backpack specifically for this purpose, which can be strapped on to be discarded later.  If more ppl would do that it would solve the prob...perhaps a 'Pack the Trash' campaign would be in order.  We had better do something soon - restrictions and closures are increasing dramatically.



I was on my scooter, but will have to take my vehicle up there to get it all. I usually grab trash while I'm out hiking, and I do agree that if many did it, we wouldn't have a problem.


we had a places next to the river that everyone went to shot. there was so much stuff left that I took a 4 x 8 trailer out two years in a row and haled it to the dump the family still put a get up don't blame them but man when is people going to realize that it is in our hands to keep these place open or it will not be long till all of us have to pay a range to shot.


My wife and I finally gave up trying to clean up after the mass of mess makers.

   There is a nice little creek running by were we lived for around 35 years. When we first moved there, there were very few people that came around. As the years went by, more and more people found that little creek. As more and more people came, more and more trash was left behind.

   When we started cleaning up after them it was once in the spring and once in the fall. When it got to being a couple of times a month and $27.00 a pickup load at the dump, we quit going to the creek. That was about three years before we moved to town.

   About a month before we moved there was two 55 gallon barrels of meth stuff dumped off of the bridge. We turned it over to the law. Three vans of people in hazmat outfits came out and cleaned it up.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Around here the idiots dump their stuff out in the desert.  Why not?  Every smoker I know thinks the world is his ash tray.  Why should it be any different with old TVs and washing machines?


In Colorado, the Department of Wildlife (DOW) recommends throwing sticks and stones at aggressive mountain lions, also known as cougars and puma.  




   I'm sure cavemen everywhere thought those tools were ideal in feline encounters, but I have a more decidedly modern tool:




   From the DOW website:


   DO ALL YOU CAN TO APPEAR LARGER. Raise your arms. Position yourself to appear bigger by getting up on a stump or a rock. Open your jacket if you're wearing one. Stay upright and facing the lion.

   n If you see a lion and you are with a small child, pick up the child immediately so they won't panic and run. Tell the child not to speak — the high voice may sound like prey to a lion. This also helps you look bigger, and if the lion attacks, you can fold your body over the child to protect them. With a larger child, still keep them within arm's reach or in the middle. Have the child stand directly behind you and hold onto your belt or pants pocket.

   n If the lion behaves aggressively, throw stones, branches or whatever you can get your hands on without crouching down or turning your back. Wave your arms slowly and speak firmly. Convince the lion you are not prey and that you may in fact be a danger to the lion.

   n If the lion behaves more aggressively (eyes locked on you, ears forward, feet underneath them), YELL LOUDLY and wave your walking stick in front of you. Keep yelling in an aggressive manner. Loud, sustained noise is most effective at deterring a lion. An air horn may also be effective.

   n If the lion gets even more aggressive (crouched, tail twitch- ing, hind feet pumping in preparation to jump), be ready to fight back.

   n FIGHT BACK if a lion attacks you. Lions have been driven away by prey that fights back. People have successfully fought back with rocks, sticks, caps or jackets, garden tools and their bare hands. Remain standing or if you are knocked down try to get back up!">


If you won't take something to defend yourself and loved ones with, stay home.

   Better to pay a fine and loose a gun than bury a child or get yourself buried.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

I wonder what there solution is if you are attacked by a bear or trampled by a bison???


   Uncle Lee,

   I agree with you 110%


                                              Top Dog


The stock answer is that a lion or bear will always avoid people and will never attack a human, therefore you can safely wander about without fear.  That is also a lot of inexperienced baloney.  I have had both face me down within mere yards, and once shot an oncoming bear at about 20 feet.  He rushed me so quickly I didn't have time to shoulder my '06 and shot from the hip.  That makes twice I have shot bear at less than 20 feet.  I was unarmed when the lion refused to move, but my son was behind me with his .357.  I was more afraid of the .357 behind me than I was of the lion.  Another lion would be seen regularly around our house and pond (I had 80 acres next to Natl Forest).  Once my family and I were stalked by one or more coyotes.  They were smart enough to stay hidden just enough to avoid getting shot.  All of this in W Montana / N Idaho area where you got a bounty ($25) for lion and bears were pests with no tag required.  They are now 'protected', and here in Colorado they are becoming more and more brave, thus more dangerous.  I would suggest the mini is close to useless - it is unlikely you would hit anything while under stress - perhaps worse if you did.  Something much more potent and practice, practice, practice close range instinct 20 feet you will miss much more often than hit - strange but true.



From the DOW website:  


   DO ALL YOU CAN TO APPEAR LARGER. Raise your arms. Position yourself to appear bigger...  


   Hahahaha!  The USFS and DOW are understaffed and work with volunteer groups...mostly older help in the 42 wilderness areas in Colorado.   I have been to their meetings and would not want to depend upon them.  Recently (perhaps 6 or 8 yrs ago) one of the Mt Evans volunteers emerged from his tent to face a large lion.  He held his sleeping bag over his head which excited the lion and it attacked him.  Fortunately the lion got entangled in the bag which saved him from becoming unreported lion scat on the forest floor.  From long observation I believe many 'disappearances' are such victims and will never be reported correctly.  



i seriously hope your little mini mag is not all you carry in an area where animals can prey on humans.


   BTW, the best loud noise is from a Glock 10mm loaded appropriately for such beasts.


I don't know about you, but in my concealed carry class, there was quite a lot of discussion about what you tell police after an armed encounter with a bad guy. After watching these two videos, I'm of the mind that I will practice not saying a single word until I have my attorney present.


   These two videos take a little over 40 minutes to watch, but it's well worth it. There's NEVER been an instance where a defendant has helped his case by speaking to the police--even when innocent.


   The fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States says in part:


   ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself


   You cannot be forced to witness against yourself by speaking to police. Watch these videos and consider yourself better informed.">">