Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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Being a 28 year police officer, now retired, I have to agree with Naalover.  If you have something to hide, by all means do not talk to the police.  




When I took my CCW class years ago I was lucky enough to have an ex-police officer (who is a current lawyer) in the same class. The instructor of the course (who actually served on the same police force as the lawyer when he was a cop) said that he (the lawyer) was the "go-to-guy" legal person for the city cops who were involved in any shooting and needed legal representation. At the end of the course we all asked him for a business card and I have carried it in my wallet since that day, many years ago. Should I ever be involved in a shooting incident, that call is going to be my "second" phone call. Thank you for posting this important information.



   The best fight won is the one

   that was never fought.


   I don't carry becasue I'm looking

   for trouble, I carry becasue the

   streets have become increasingly

   dangerous over the past decade.


   Just running weekly errands has

   become a real crap shoot, never

   knowing when the guy in front of

   you at the bank is going to snap

   and try to rob the place.


   Or at the liquor store or convenience

   store, or any  place else for that matter.


   I know that for every shooting  

   reported on the news, there are

   at least 20 that weren't.


   I am well aware that when trouble

   happens there is rarely a police

   officer around until 15 minutes

   after the fact, to take statements

   and clean up the mess.


   This is not by coincidence.


   When trouble presents itself, you have

   15 to 20 minutes to be a bystander, a  

   victim, or a survivor.


   When your life is in danger and there isn't

   a police officer around to serve and protect

   the odds are in your favor just as much as

   the one causing the danger, they just don't

   know it, or seem to care.


   Long before I got my Foid card, when I was  

   working at a fast food resteraunt as a teenager

   on the night shift, a middle aged man walked in

   and stuck a pistol in my face when I was working

   the front counter, demanding that I open the



   For a second I froze, and he got agitated and  

   stuck the gun right in front of my face.


   I snapped and took the gun out of his hand,

   grabbed him by the hair and stuck the gun in

   his mouth on the counter, than asked him how  

   he liked it.


   It was a reflex reaction that I did before I

   even realized what I was doing. His eyes were

   big and he was screaming in mumbles for his life.


   The gun was cocked.

   He melted like a victim begging for his life.


   My manager witnessed it and came up behind me

   speaking in a slow calm voice, "You have the  

   gun, and we have him on video, you don't have

   to shoot him, just let the man go and give me

   the gun."


   It was a rather tense moment.


   I did as I was told, and the man committed

   suicide before the cops could get to him.


   That next day I was called in and let go

   from my job, becasue my manager said that

   could have gotten real ugly and he really

   didn't know how I was going to react in  

   that particaular instance if it were to

   ever happen again.


   I told him the job really didn't pay enough

   for the danger involved anyway, it was the

   video footage of me disarming the guy that

   saved my rear and kept me out of jail.


   I haven't worked a cash register since.

   But that ordeal is always at the back of

   my mind when I am a patron at any sort

   of business where there is allot of money

   changing hands.


   I want to commend "Quick Trip" gas stations

   for their efforts in streamlining security.


   By having police sub-stations on premisise

   and elaborate security cameras and systems

   they are well protected legally if anything

   were to happen like what happened to me.


   Working the counter is still a dangerous

   job though, now you know why so many 24 hr

   gas stations have bullet proof glass enclosures.


   The freaks come out at night, especially on

   a full moon on a weekend.


   I would just rather have something in my pocket

   instead of being completely unarmed the next time

   trouble reares it ugly head and there isn't anyone

   there to stop it. Especially when it has to do

   with my own safety and well being.


   For the most part, I carry when I am metal

   detecting and treasure hunting for snakes

   and stray dogs that don't look too friendly.


   Sometimes I plink for fun.


   But when I am out and about running errands

   I feel naked without it.


   --Modernday Edison


And Boom......There it was!!!!


Me too.

   Feeling naked and scared at the same time ain't good.

   Most of my life has been spent in pretty safe places, but not all of it.

   The me too is yes I feel naked without my mini, and yes I plink for fun.


I'm curious, how did the guy commit suicide?


I would like to wish everyone on the forum and at NAA, a happy 4th of July and encourage everyone to vacation in Arizona, spend lots of money there and boycott the boycotts. thank you, stainless


Amen! Happy Independence Day everyone.


As Lee Greenwood sings:  "....I'm proud to be an American....there ain't no doubt I love this land - God bless the U.S.A."  A happy Fourth of July to all of you and your families!!


Happy 4th, to all here.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''





Happy Birthday, America!


   We may not be a perfect country, but we are the greatest.


I asked Jason to send me some photos of him actually in the process of building a holster, and here he is:



   Read more about how he builds his pieces here:">


Very good info.  Thanks for the pics, history , etc.



Very good info.  Thanks for the pics, history , etc.





My pleasure... I've always liked the back story on well made things.


I thought this might be a good thread in which to post my "Thank You."  I received My Madhat  Pocket II holster for my 1 1/8" inch Mini Mag today.  Beautiful work!  I love it.  Perfect for pocket or bag carry.  Thanks so much!




Excellent workmanship!  The color of the leather appears to be cordovan - is it also known as "traditional brown"?


Hey George what part of Vegas, I first lived there in 63,then after early retirement, 1988 lived in an apartment off Spring Mountain, my daughter had surgery and I came back to Houston.From then on spent 3-6 mos each year at my Mothers, just off W.Sahara and Valley view.My sis still lives there, recently retired from Circus Circus, she was there from the gitgo, seniority #8.Mom died in 2000 I havent been back..


My part of Vegas didn't even exist when you were here, Lashlarue!  Here is a little image to show you where I'm at.




Its down by the stump on the right corner.


You are correct... It's pretty easy on the full size image.


Its pretty hard to see it, it just looks like a leaf.


I was reading over at about a man who was shot by police in Las Vegas recently after shopping at Costco because a security guard spotted his permitted CCW while he was in the store. Here's the story:">


   And the thread about the story:">


   Carry safely.


I live in Las Vegas and regularly shop at that Costco.  I always carry, and my Costco trips are no exception.  I'm extremely interested in the Erik Scott case.  I'm a law and order conservative type guy.  I've had a "Support Your Local Police" sticker on my car for years.  But I'll tell you, this case has me spooked.  As far as I can tell from reading everything out there, those cops had no good reason to kill the man.  The coroner's inquest will take place starting the 22nd.  It will be broadcast and can be seen online at  My understanding is they will be streaming it live.  I think I'll watch a lot of it.


   There has been a lot of wrong information disseminated about this case.  I'm fairly confident of the following "facts:"

   1.  There was no destruction of merchandise or crazy acting in the store;

   2.  There was no hostile confrontation in the store;

   3.  A Costco employee actually helped Mr. Scott load his shopping cart AFTER the gun in his belt holster was spotted;

   4.  The police arrived and asked Costco to have Mr. Scott walk out of the store with the other exiting customers;

   5.  There was only ONE GUN and that was still in his belt holster when he was dead on the ground.  There was no second gun.

   6.  Outside the store Mr. Scott was confronted by three policemen shouting conflicting demands at him at the same time.


Addendum:  Now that the inquest has been held, I should qualify one of my above "facts."  An EMT testified that he found a second gun in Erik's pants pocket while they were transporting the body.  He said it was a .380 NOT described on Erik's CCW as is required by Nevada law.  This is a surprise to me and to Erik's family.  Frankly I'm suspicious of it.  Erik had several guns on his permit and seemed like a detail oriented law abiding guy.  Why would he stuff an un-permitted .380 in his pocket when he had another .380 at home in his drawer that was on his CCW?  Odd.  But regardless, the gun in his pants pocket played no part in the events leading up to his death.



Just ordered the same holster for my new Pug. Especially like the thumb push off feature. Mine will be in tan.


I'm curious, am I the only one who beleives the muslims will use our own legal system against us in order to thumb their noses at us by building a mosque where they killed 3000 people on american soil?


Yes, I misspelled Islamic.


No I am with you Brother.  



No, you are among many! That has drawn a lot of attention, criticism, and questions. Where did they get the money for such a project? Who funded it? Where did the idea come from, and for what purpose?

   It is definitely B.S. Why do they have to build it there?


I'm not so sure that's a great idea to place a Muslim holy mount shrine at ground zero if I were them. They will probably try to treat it like Mecca where they pilgrimage every year. I kind of think Americans may think ground zero a pretty holy place ourselves where American blood was shed on our soil by enemy agents.  All Saudi wahabi muslims. I think that mosque will be of that sect of Islam. Salt in the wound.  A victory lap. Not good thinking.


They will use our own legal system to defeat us if we are not careful.

   Too much political correctness can be harmful.

   Need to start calling a spade a spade.

   They are and have been for a long time on world conquest.

   They will use us to take over US.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )