Refinish .22 Mag

Started by dracothered, May-31-12 10:05

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How about that?  Mine was taken in '49 too.  I think it was in Dalhart, TX.  Say, maybe we did ride together!


I live in Michigan and have been pulled over 2 times, same small town(no ticket). When pulled over I put the window down and turn on interior lights if its dark out and put both hands on top of steering wheel. The first thing I tell them is "I have a CCW license and have a loaded hand gun in the car". It has not been a problem one officer asked me where the gun was and asked to see my CCW license the other didn't ask for anything.


In Florida you don't have to notify the officer unless he asks. I would notify out of courtesy though. I certainly would NOT blert out "I have a loaded weapon." That is bound to make an officer jumpy. Just simply handing the cop your permit along with your drivers liscence would be enough and he would KNOW that you are legally carrying rather than just taking your spoken word for it.

   RJ, it sounds like you've been playing it smart with your choices and routine.

   Also, it's not a good idea to keep a weapon in your door compartment or anywhere where I cop may see it BEFORE he knows you have a CCWpermit. Upon approaching your vehicle they will protect themselves by looking keenly through the windows into the vehicle for weapons that might be used against them.


First, determine what your sate laws are.

   GA does not require notice be given to the officer. If the gun is in the console, and I have no reason to go into the console, I will not mention it. If I can get my wallet out prior to him getting to the door, I will not mention I have a handgun on my side. If anything occurs that will cause me to go near the gun, or I am asked to exit the vehicle, then, and only then will I mention a gun. Too many officers are so ingrained with officer safety they will immediately have you exit the car, place you in handcuffs (for their safety), secure you in their back seat and search your car thoroughly, before issuing a citation. I know the officer is safer stopping me than stopping his own mother, but he does not. I will do nothing to surprise an officer. Anything that transpires that will lead to the possibility of him seeing the gun, I will place my hands on the steering wheel, inform him of the gun and it's location and ask how he wants me to proceed.


   Why worry him if it is not necessary? Why run the risk of me being handcuffed, placed in a patrol car and have my car searched, just because I have a firearm?
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


"Why worry him if it is not necessary? Why run the risk of me being handcuffed, placed in a patrol car and have my car searched, just because I have a firearm?"


   Because the cop that issued the permit said that would be the best way to do it. So I do.

   I have had cops to thank me and I have had cops to totally freak out and everything in between.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


While my primary state (AR) doesn't require me to inform, I have done it right away twice.


   Oklahoma is 5 mins from my house and  

   I travel there tons... and requires immeditate notification i guess i just do it up front.  


   but, of course, every person has to make their own decisions.


I would not say anything unless asked.



   If this gathers steam, the firms that should have  gone bankrupt in the fall of '08 will finally be destroyed, and the Federal government will be revealed for the complicit criminals they all are.


I just saw something in the news today about this I think...called "robo-signing"? where some agents processed 8,000-10,000 foreclosures per month. So now some big companies have temporarily suspended foreclosures while they review their methods. So Naalover, are you saying that it's all just smoke&mirrors/house of cards that's going to crash hard sooner or later? Obama said he saved us from a depression by spending us into greater we good right? Oh, you mean we just postponed the fall and maybe set it up to be a bigger plunge? I'm so confused Can I still get tv and eat hotdogs...then I'm good



     Do You mean to tell Me that Our saviour, the illustrious Barry Sotoro, may have not been completely honest & above board with AMERICA??


Back in 1958 i bought ($12.00) the whitneyville armory .22 short revolver to carry on my trap line;

    It has been with me every day since, (except 62-67 USN)they gave me better stuff to use.....

    This little gun has dispatched 100's of coyotes,fox,coon,bobcat and other such critters.

    It always gave me a feeling of security when it was with me.

    I used it to teach gun safety to my kids and they shot many 1000's of rounds thru it.

    It was very accurate to 70', head shot many squirrel , coon out of top of trees. BUT it's time to retire it (doesn't index properly)and the gun smith says it's not worth fixing...  

    I hope the NAA i bought this week will just be 1/2 the gun this little brass wonder was!!!

    Thanks for looking , geo



My first NAA was the 1 5/8" Mag Mini also, and I just ordered a custom carry grip for it.


   Retire your old friend to a nice shadow box frame and hang it on the wall of your den to remember how well it served you.


   BTW, this fine story deserves to be a thread of its own-  go to the very bottom of this page, and find the "Start a new thread" button.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


That is an awesome looking gun!!!
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''