Oversized boot grip on Sidewinder

Started by 45flint, November-25-13 14:11

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My favorite grip is a boot grip I made out of mammoth ivory for my Earl.  Really works well on that western themed gun.  Took it to my Sidewinder today given this is the gun I really use now.  The grip goes way up the gun almost to the blastshield, is probably 3/8 inch longer than a standard boot.  I love that it gives me a full two finger grip, no doubt added control.  I am sure some will disagree but it looks better than I thought it would?  The bulkier hinge area my help here?  Maybe it's saying we need a 4 inch Sidewinder?


 They do look a bit oversized for the gun but that's what you want anyhow , those grips , on any gun , would look great .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Excellent. And when you say oversized,  you aren't exaggerating! :) I don't think I've ever seen a boot grip that big for an NAA.


Have always admired the grips you make and think they are naturals on your other minis. Just are not doing it for me on the Sidewinder but then I'm not a Sidewinder fan anyway.
Only thing important however is if you like them on the Sidewinder.


 Myself I think the birdshead grips are the best looking part of the sidewinder . That's just me though .  :) :-X
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Please make me a set out of any material that you have available
special ed teacher


Curious you guys with the oversized NAA grips, how long are they past the end of the metal gun butt? 


 I'm no fan of those NAA grips what so ever . Its all in the handling there 45Flint you shoot it the way you feel good at , I'm just a relic liking the original ways . Those boots looked great on that Earl prefect balance in size and shape . To change grips to improve the LOOKS of a gun is only my opinion just saying . Then of course if you don't like those grips you made you can throw them my way and I'll dispose of them for ya .  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Handling is a personal thing when it comes to grips .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Everything 45flint posts is outstanding......
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I have kept these on, it was just a odd experiment.  I made these for my western themed and longer Earl and justed tried them on my daily carry gun for a lark.  But reality of using them is that they really work the best of any grip I have made.  They added thickness up top and the 3/8"? more length give me a totally uncompromised grip.  If I had to use the gun in a tuff situation it could easily make the difference.  Besides the a 40,000 year old Mammoth ivory looks and feels cool.  In the pocket holster the added length does affect concealabilty.


Awesome looking grips 45flint. I can see why you keep them on the SW....


Ok the grips above are back on my Earl, forgot I had another set of mammoth but with untraditional staining.  But the size works I think.



Like those way more better! Still needs a wee bit of barrel length for visual balance. As usual, just my opinion.


I would be happy to add barrel length but Sandy is not cooperating!!  I actually would not change this one, you guys are too used to undersized grips, you loose touch with reality! The reminds me of the S&W stubby square grip. Lol


Hey, I like them a lot, so if you should decide you don't like them, I could give them a new home.
Did you use a screw to affix these to the SW, or magnets to hold them on?


Quote from: ikoiko on December-14-13 12:12
Hey, I like them a lot, so if you should decide you don't like them, I could give them a new home.
Did you use a screw to affix these to the SW, or magnets to hold them on?

That's a NAA screw, the only place I know that sells scews that small. 


i like this second set of mammoth grips also. great pattern.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


WOW, too set two, they are way great looking....



Any chance you can repost the photos of the boot grips on your Sidewinder?
Photoshop really screwed the pooch when they shutdown everyone's photos.
