BW grip medallion

Started by wildshot, January-17-11 10:01

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Medallion fell off when plinking yesterday. I did a search and found a few references to similar happenings. For those that have experienced this, did you glue it back on? If so what glue did you use and did it stay put?


Sorry nobody has responded to your question yet.  I recall a thread that dealt with this problem.  Several types of adhesive were recommended, but I can't find it again.  I'll look some more, and let you know if I find it.


   I just got my BW.  So far, it is my favorite NAA!


   (edit). Look for a post titled "Shot my mini mag today, it's been a while.....".  It talks about this problem and recommends JB Weld as a good solution.


   Good luck, shoot safely, and welcome to the Board.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


To me, there is only one fix for something like this... "this is a job that calls for Superman!"




   Er, sorry, I meant this job calls for Epoxy glue.  Nothin' better for sticking something to something else... (like a badge to a grip) PERMANENTLY.


So when the medalion falls off, what is under it?  Is it just the NAA emblem like the other side?  If it is, will the glue residue come off of the rubber? I'm considering ordering a BW but would want it without the  red emblem, just plain Minimaster style, eagle emblem on both sides. Has anyone had experience with this?


Wildshot just after i had got my BW i was shooting and the medalion fell off in my hand. I realy like the medalion and glued it on with gorela glue. I but too muchh glue on and it ozed out so if you do use it just know that you could have to clean it up after.  



   under the medalion is not the eagle just a hole.


Thanks T.  The BW emblem is "growing on me" and I think I can live with it, when I get the gun that is.  


   3M makes and automotive emblem adhesive that might work good, sold at auto parts stores.


I shot my new B/W the other day and the medalion fell off also. I did not find out it was gone until i got home from the range, so i called NAA and they mailed me a new one, i have been wondering about the adhesive to use also. I guess i will try epoxy, I guess maybe you should put a little release agent around the hole in case any gets on grip to keep it from sticking. Since they mailed me a new one a friend found my old one and returned it to me so now i have an extra one just in case


A small amount of clear silicone will hold it.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I to got own in the mail from naa. i plan on putting it on the oversized wood grips that now live on my BW have to grind down a spade bit to fit the medalion. i want the medalion to fir flush with the grips


I have an adhesive called E-6000 that I was considering. If JB Weld has been successful and the specs for E-6000 are comparable I will try it.


If you machine down the back, engrave it, fill with silver solder and polish it up, you can mostly make whatever you want (that fits...)

