One step closer to a 32 ACP "mini"

Started by TeeJay37, January-14-14 23:01

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Who else here thanks the new Taurus View would make a perfect platform for a tiny 32 ACP revolver? Taurus has already proven that they don't mind making small revolvers in small auto cartridges. Now, they could have a smaller revolver in a smaller auto cartridge.


.32 acp mini !!!!!!

Really I want a pair of them.......
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: TeeJay37 on January-14-14 23:01
Who else here thanks the new Taurus View would make a perfect platform for a tiny 32 ACP revolver?

Doesn't the fact that the platform would have Taurus on it already make it less than perfect?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Haha. Perfect as in size. I think if they shortened the cylinder and either reduced the diameter or added a 6th round(or both), it would be a great size.


  I figure Tauras got started from the sales of cocaine and pot otherwise it probably wouldn't have the income to start any major production for international sales considering it's a piece of South American junk ," BUY AMERICAN " will everyone , please . Good old globalization of the markets bringing this junk on to our shores along with Glock , another sign of a globalized market . I would like to know just how many AMERICAN MADE handguns hit the markets in both those countries not even looking I bet my bottom dollar NOT MANY . It really is time to stop buying international products no matter what it is no matter how bad you or I need it . If you guys only knew what our trade deficit is you would all throw up and say WTF . Wal-Marts would be the size of a Ace hardware store if it wasn't for foreign ( Chinese the worst of the worst junk) trash being sold , now food products from China , oh my God especially in Wally mart , bullshi* !!!!, Wow went way off topic sorry again !!!!! . NO MORE IMPORTS keep our monies at home .  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Yes it would be great to keep from buying imports but the American companies have to give us something cool to buy and use to make us buy it. They have to stop giving us the same old stuff or bricks and design some "have to have" firearms or the consumer unfortunately will look elsewhere.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  Agreed Roguets , need some non dead brains out there that want and feel the need to make things special , all that seems to be on their minds is make it cheaper under the disguise of making it lighter , I say baloney , and please no more calibers .  ;) ;)   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Actually; and take this as it is meant, not as being snobby. Just presenting another side of the picture. Companies these days have recognized that selling to the "masses" for less profit per sale usually far exceeds the profit seen when selling to fewer numbers but at an increased cost. Usually the only thing that suffers is the quality of the product for the customer base being aimed at. They tend to think of most things in life as disposable and just buy another.

When everybody can afford something, even those not in work, something is wrong. There are things in life that used to be looked at as goals in life for one to work towards by bettering themselves and their circumstances. Now it seems that everyone thinks they have a right to everything and our culture is beginning to show the effects. Take a look at cell phones. Everybody can afford one and has one; even to the point of their 7 and 8 year olds walking around with them. The price on them has come down considerably and hence so has the quality in a lot of cases. Those classified as poor should be struggling to feed themselves and their families; not providing everyone in their households a cell phone. They should be walking to the store because they cannot afford to put gas in their car or maybe even not have a car. When the poor in this country have multiple cars, cell phones, color tvs and cable and eat as well as those in work there is a serious problem in our nation.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


   It's kinda scary that we think so much alike whats your great grandparents Christain name ? A few of us on here have all the capabilities of running this country dam well I would say with using hardly as many to do it . There goes the unemployment statistics . But that idea of not so many differences or choices sways toward the socialist side of things just like the Forefathers thoughts of this Country when it started by settings down the rules  . Funny how it is The Constitution and Bill of Rights are commands not suggestions on how we will live , as to dictate to say . At least GOD was at it's center not Man . Again off topic , sorry .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


+1 for Roguets1

In a lot of cases it is not the price of cell phone that has everyone including little kids. They are given to them free.
If you are on welfare or live in section 8 housing you may qualify for free cell phone service. Just because you are "poor" doesn't mean you don't need to know where your children are so they get one also. Free phone & so many minutes a month free.

Oh, the wife & I don't have a cell phone. We just don't see the need for one. We are not that important that something major might happen if we are out of contact with the world for an hour or so.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


The Taurus View review

How American is your American car.

We are headed for strange times.  Who owns Smith & Wesson now? An English company owned them for a while.

Teach a man to fish and feed him for life.  Teach a man to surf the Internet and he will quietly sit in a room for hours and not care about the real world.  Oddly, the Internet and cell phones may become a means to placate the masses.


Buying American is a bit more complicated that it seems at first glance. I used to buy American cars because they were American. The last American brand car that I bought was made in another country. Way before that the Big three were buying parts from abroad because they were cheaper while urging us to buy American. It is hard to be loyal to a soulless entity that has forgotten what the word loyalty even means. Now I am driving a KIA: KIA has a huge factory right on the line between my state and Georgia. Next time I buy it may be a Hyundai, they have a factory right in the middle of my state.

I agree with Roguets that something is wrong when a person who does not work and is supposedly in poverty can have everything that a person who does work can afford. Amazing what taxes, redistribution, quantitative easing, and so on, can do for a country. Back when my daughter was young we used to play a game called Jenga where we would stack wood blocks into a tower as high as we could, until a bad move brought it crashing down. It seems to me that, economically, America and the rest of the world are like a Jenga tower that is built too high and complex, just waiting for the wrong move that will bring every over refined financial structure crashing down. Oops, thread drift again - sorry for the ranting.


I would prefer my minis be made by the original...NAA...I wont buy foreign.
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!


Unless some foreign company makes me a pair of .32 acp minis. 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Advertising and campaign promises (doesn't matter what party)are two things, much, much weaker, and maybe more abrasive than gas station toilet paper. 


Dinadan, I think there's a Nissan factory within 50 miles of me. I thought it was pretty odd, the first time I saw it. I also feel like there's a Kia somewhere around here, too.


smith and wesson has come out with almost nothing new for 2014 except for a big heavy 9mm revolver.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Don't need any new stuff. Can't afford all the old stuff I'd like to own. 
But then again, that R51 does look mighty nice.


Quote from: heyjoe on January-20-14 12:01
smith and wesson has come out with almost nothing new for 2014 except for a big heavy 9mm revolver.

No word about .380 in that, but it should work. I'm sad about a gun that huge with no .357 conversion cylinder.

Man, Ruger needs to bring back the da/sa SP101 in 9mm/.357. I sure missed the boat on that one.