Rimfire ammo carrier options

Started by TwoGunJayne, March-14-13 09:03

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If you have a "cheap" keyboard...

Try putting it in the dishwasher, key side down. Get it out, shake it off. After this, place it in a sunlit window for a week or so.

Try it. It works well with cheap keyboards. A nice mechanical keyboard won't take kindly to this treatment. That is to say, "mechanical switch."


Well it prob be less hassle to stop by and snag a new one from my old Hindu compooter guru. He was was charging ten bucks for a keyboard last I checked. I am good to go for a while yet..lol


Here are a couple of amo carry options
1.) Magnetic key box
2.) Stoner mod. 15-5 holster with ammo pocket.
So many guns; So little money!


Key box
So many guns; So little money!



A magnetic key case has interesting possibilities. Thank you for posting. Very subtle, sir.


I have found these very nice little cardbord boxes which works purty good for toting ammo. Kindly dont make fun of the super duper zombie slayer loads. Thanks.


Another option for a quick reload is use a Blackhawk #3 pocket holster load your conversion cylinder place it on bubblewrap it came in yo prevent etching your mini pit in holster with mini...good to go...5 shot quick reload...
So many guns; So little money!


Well...no 22lr to be had at any of the LGSs..BUT I just traded a budy 25 rounds of. 380 for 100 rounds of 22lr..added to what I had I now have 600+ rounds of 22lr...time to go to the range amd practice with " sting "...
So many guns; So little money!


Think swapping out the fully loaded cylinders be the only way to fly for a well heeled goose? lol. Betcha that how Stormin Norman would do it anyway. The logistics and physics is on our side.


This is what I do...   they are actually pipe tobacco pouches
sold at most smoke shops that sell pipes and pipe tobacco.

They come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes, but the
thing that attracted me to them is that you can easily carry
between 150 - 200 rounds in them or less with a conversion
cylinder...   and still carry it in your back pocket or a jacket
pocket fairly easily, a waist bag or fanny pack is not out of
the question either. Though I am not a big fan of those
except during the warmer months when wearing a jacket
just isn't practical.  The waist bag is nice for riding my
motorcycle on road trips, but beyond that not so much.

And Boom......There it was!!!!

Kentucky Kevin

I carry spare guns for my family and always have rifles in the car, as well as food water blankets and cash. Always fill up before you have to quarter tank is a good spot. OPSEC
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Well I ended up buying a "catch 22" and it seems like a pretty solid design. I do however have an issue that I am going to have to try and figure out. I tried to see how many magnum rounds would fit in there and when trying to get them out the bottom round was stuck. I have tried everything I could think of such as screwdrivers and cleaning rods. I can't get it out. I didn't want to fight with it too hard because I was worried about setting the round off if that's possible.


Smack it against your hand and see if the round pops free? Maybe try dunking the bottom in a pan of hot water for a few minutes and try it again?


Quote from: dbgUSMC on May-20-13 19:05
Well I ended up buying a "catch 22" and it seems like a pretty solid design. I do however have an issue that I am going to have to try and figure out. I tried to see how many magnum rounds would fit in there and when trying to get them out the bottom round was stuck. I have tried everything I could think of such as screwdrivers and cleaning rods. I can't get it out. I didn't want to fight with it too hard because I was worried about setting the round off if that's possible.
dbgUSMC - Okay, maybe that "catch 22" is not as good an idea as it looked. Can you show us a photo of what the inside looks like, jammed cartridge and all?


Quote from: Dinadan on May-21-13 13:05
Quote from: dbgUSMC on May-20-13 19:05
Well I ended up buying a "catch 22" and it seems like a pretty solid design. I do however have an issue that I am going to have to try and figure out. I tried to see how many magnum rounds would fit in there and when trying to get them out the bottom round was stuck. I have tried everything I could think of such as screwdrivers and cleaning rods. I can't get it out. I didn't want to fight with it too hard because I was worried about setting the round off if that's possible.
dbgUSMC - Okay, maybe that "catch 22" is not as good an idea as it looked. Can you show us a photo of what the inside looks like, jammed cartridge and all?

I have tried smacking this thing hard in every direction with no luck. I took a couple of pictures of it stuck hopefully you can see. I think I now know the problem and wish I knew that it wasn't designed for magnum ammo before I put it in there. I didn't see anywhere on the labeling it that it was only for LR or shorts. There are a couple of ribs that run parallel to the round at the bottom of the holes (This doesn't effect the LR). That combine with the fact the magnum round diameter is much bigger than the LR helped wedge it in real good. I tried to get the LR stuck by pushing as hard as possible, but they don't get stuck at all which is great. So if anyone buys this know that it's only for LR rounds and NOT magnum, lol.

You can kind of see the ribs on the two top left holes.

Size difference that ensured it gets stuck and never gets out...  :o


Thanks for the photos. Now that I see how it is designed I would be somewhat more leery of setting off that stuck round than I expected. Darn sure would not want to be looking down that tube when that Critical Defense round went off. Maybe you could drill down into the bullet and pull it, but with that very pointed bullet that would probably not be easy.


I was going to suggest contacting the manufacturer about it, but they do state LR ammo on their site. Not as prominently as one would like, but they do state it.

Maybe "oil"it up and try to get it out?


Try putting wee springs in each cartridge chamber, and then attach a velcro flap over the top maybe.


Got it!

If the round is tip-up (since we can see the red tip,) you can use a screw grabber to grab it. They are a couple of bucks at electronic supply places.

Question: Does it get stuck when it's tip-down?


Alright I finally got the round out. I ended up drilling a small hole in the bottom and pushing it out with a small allen key. I ended up just drilling a small hole in the bottom of every hole just to match. If I had the perfect size drill bit I thought about making each hole a little bigger so I could have a catch 22 for magnum then buy another from just LR.

Yes. they still get stuck if you put them tip down. I tried it after I got it out to see.


  Dremel tool with a grinding cone shape will open them up . Slowly !!!
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


It looks like there is enough "meat" in the Catch-22 to open the holes with a drill press and a drill index.

How many rounds of mag do you think it'll hold?


Here is what the bottom looks like now. I can't find a dremel bit long enough to get down the length of it.

I think it will only hold three rounds per slot. So thirty total if I could get them all drilled out.


  Only have to go down so far if you insert nose down . Probably like Dinadan said I think it would be better that way anyhow . Good job on the holes , good for keeping dirt out too .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Yeah it definitely will not fit 4 rounds. 3 would be max per slot. That 4th round would be sticking out the top.


 It's longer that I thought it was , there is a piloted drill cost more that the box though . Well if there's a will there will be a way , six inch 1/4 drill will do it you could grind a pilot yourself , again drill slow of course keep from melting . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Another option..coin purse
So many guns; So little money!


Try a coin purse...
So many guns; So little money!


Draw cord locks... You know, those wee plastic button things on your coat which your draw cords go through and keep the cord in position when you let go of the button to draw your coat together.

Aye well them, find some which are wide enough to hold .22 rimfire rounds pop a round in with the button depressed let go of it and it will be held in place.

Attach them together somehow for a secure ammo belt...

You could use Sculpy "polymer clay" and make yourself a plastic holder for them and thus for your rounds, mould them into a block of it, remove - bake, make a lid to fit over the mould with holes for the buttons and/or rounds depending on how you do either, bake an screw on, screw on a belt clip, you can drill it and file everything when it's baked.

Pop spring under the rounds to make a kind of speed ejector thing even...


Quote from: Hardtackwon on March-16-13 08:03
Quote from: tomlogan1 on March-15-13 19:03
I use an old prescription bottle with a screw on lid.  Holds 20-30 lr and it floats.

Does it float with the ammo in it? It is thicker than the small tin I'm carrying, ut that would be a great benifit.

Floats just fine.


I dunno bout those Obiecare bottles. You know how hard those child proof caps can be to open.
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


I carry .22 mag ammo in ziploc bags that I have melted and cut into sections. Placing a small bit of non-corrugated thin cardboard on each side of the bag, I stack the rounds nose to rim across the bag. The cardboard keeps the rounds from flopping around. A bit of tissue wrapped around the shells, but inside the cardboard basically silences any clink.

When in the field, I have to double bag the reload bag. A single zipper bag never seems to keep the water out.