Effective self defense range of 1-1/8" barrel mag?

Started by Twitch, January-11-14 14:01

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This is all very true. First rule in self defense is to use whatever "cover" is available. Cover usually provides a rest. Aim small and miss small, practice long and hit short.

I usually practice offhand at short distance but like to mix it up a bit because I run into situations where my minis are the tool that I always have on me. Just last night I stopped on my road and took out after a group of about 30 pigs. Almost got a shot with the Widow. I like to keep the freezer full.

Kentucky Kevin

Perfect practice makes perfect, Used to be 5gallon accurate at 100 yds with a single action, haven't tried it in 10+ years. If you'll put in the time, these little guns are well made enough to surprise you. I was initially skeptical when someone mentioned hitting nuts at 25yds, but came here because I was tired of numnuts pontificating about the alleged inaccuracy of these fine guns. When I'm in practice, one/ two times a week, I know that I could do head shots at room distance, because I'm getting 50% hits on golf balls out to 20 feet. Couldn't do it today, hard to see in the snow, and I haven't put in the time
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Hey Hardtackwon, if you can find ammo then get some orange golf balls. Unfortunatly orange golf balls are easier to come by than the ammo. Good Luck


Quote from: Hardtackwon on March-07-14 11:03
I was initially skeptical when someone mentioned hitting nuts at 25yds

Well if you can hit their nuts at 25 yds, the 1 1/8" mini should be very effective at 25 yds :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

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