Sidewinder issues !!!

Started by OV-1D, March-17-14 10:03

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  O.K. I'm finally having problems now with my sidewinder , can't get the rear cylinder pin to release in other words the cylinder WON'T open for loading . NOW I'M PISSED not even shot a round through it and it's more or less broken WTF !!!!!!! . Totally unacceptable for the price of this thing . I guess it's A TYPICAL of NAA getting into too many moving parts on their line of revolvers . This shows me theres a inherent problem going to happen to these pieces and that's without shooting the dang thing . BULLSH*T !!!!! I think I'm going back to antiques !!!!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( I know , I know send it in , yeah right !!!! Guess I'll have to I've tried everything to get it to release and NO CIGAR !!!!!!! Son -of -a -B .     Wouldn't that be a class act not being able to load or reload your weapon . Anybody else out there with a similar problem . Before I send it I'm headed to my gun smith first even though I thought I was a good one . This is NOT GOOD . It's an early bird model if the need to know arises . Come on Sandy it looks to me as a design flaw , not enough throw on the rear release pin better look into this , hope you read this partner .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV-ID - take a deep breath and count to ten. Then make sure the hammer is at half cock.


I usually end up having to wiggle the hammer on reload cycle for a cylinder pin mini. Haven't had the pleasure of even SEEING a Sidewinder in a LGS (yet.) Of course, when I do... it won't be there anymore.


If you think those Sidewinders are junk you won't believe what an absolute piece of crap those Rangers are.
I hear that you can actually rip the flesh from your finger bones they are so hard to open.
Before you do yourself permanent harm let me help you out.  I'll give you a grand for your two piece of crap specimens and by so doing save you a trip to the ER.
That's a heck of a deal buddy, you not only get your money back but I save you the embarrassment of crying like a little girl in front of those ER nurses.
What do you say pal?


I think I'll go to the ER just to get some of my insurance money back , thanks anyhow . Nothing like playing a little grab a** with the nurses maybe even a cheap nurses breast rub when they take my blood pressure . Besides the meds will put a better perspective on this sidewinder ordeal . By the way finally got it by rotating the dang push rod till it reached a certain point , at least it gave way but it still keeps happening and with the same fix , so something still isn't quite so so , greased the bedevil out of it but didn't amount to much . It's all in the length of the push rod and the amount of space for the rod to go forward . So foretold is to be forewarned on this problem . The only reason I found it is because I have a new flap holster and I've been playing with it in order to fit , was going to be a carry piece but not now , don't trust it . Shame . Wish these outfits would put a little , heck allot , more thought into their new product line pieces . I really don't trust their gunsmith either , personally speaking and I don't care how well anyone favors talk of them . ::) ::) ::)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV-ID - well, show us a photo of your new flap holster and tell us how well you like or dislike it. 

Regarding your problem, I remember that you got your Sidewinder about the same time I got mine, a little over a year ago. Seems that I recall that you were quite unhappy with it then. Do you think that the problem with the pin just recently developed, or have you just not played around with the Sidewinder for a year because you were frustrated with it?

Post edited by author.


Hey now, cigar's just a cigar. :)


 To be continued !!   8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV hello i have a sidewinder in you store for sale now. i have noticed that when i show it to my guests getting the cylinder open is tricky. having the hammer at half cock always works. i have also noticed it sticks a little on closing too.


Quote from: Dinadan on March-17-14 18:03
OV-ID - well, show us a photo of your new flap holster and tell us how well you like or dislike it. 

Regarding your problem, I remember that you got your Sidewinder about the same time I got mine, a little over a year ago. Seems that I recall that you were quite unhappy with it then. Do you think that the problem with the pin just recently developed, or have you just not played around with the Sidewinder for a year because you were frustrated with it?

Post edited by author.

  Hey there Dinadan heres some pic's of my new concealed carry holster , had to add a flap of leather to insure coverage of the grip on the back side . But if you fellas order one on E-Bay realise it DOESN'T have the glove leathered interior as it states , I got a little into it with the guy who makes them so he's sending the leather to complete the description . Oh well otherwise it's made like a lifetime holster .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


  Cause and effect problem solved , push button on end of push rod was hanging up ever so slightly just enough that the center pin would not disengage allowing the cylinder not to turn out and down . I noticed rotating the push rod would change the position of the pin (moving it enough)to pass the hang up position , guess there's a rough area inside the rod that prevents the push pin from bottoming out so if it ever happens to any owner there it is . Square cuts of push pin should be smoothed edged to prevent hanging up inside the rod is how to solve anymore grabs . Seems all guns need tweaking of some sort but wish companies would do these things themselves , preventive medicine or maintenance so to speak .  8) 8)   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Nice looking holster. When it comes to the actual guns a person should not have to "wiggle" or "rotate" shit to get them to function. We depend on this kind of thing to protect ourselves and have plenty of other things that come to play to worry about. It all boils down to the initial design. Once it is "RIGHT" then it is all up to "Quality Control". There seems to be a trend with the later aspect?


Im coming to the conclusion that this is not a good time to buy new guns from many manufacturers. with the panic buy on guns and general increase in sales of handguns in 2013, firearms manufacturers are pumping them out as fast as they can and still not meeting demand. quality control is suffering. glock 42's are having feeding  and slide locking back on the second round problems, beretta nanos, smith and wesson revolvers are having over torqued off center barrels,  naa with the crooked crowns, off center barrels, sidewinders with difficult to open cylinders, ruger vaqueros with cylinder pins that pop out, new kel tecs that arent working, diamondbacks with unpainted front sites being sent out and the list goes on. i was going to buy a couple of new guns but im going to wait a while now.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


  I believe HeyJoe hit the nail on the head here everybody is developing new things without proper evaluation , seems to be an actual arms race to produce whether it's good or bad just pump them out before the other guy . Really just the simple fact that one can't load or unload these sidewinders without the being grips in the way , my first gripe awhile back , shows not too much thought was put into this one. JUST THOUGHT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's how it all started with manufacturing moving overseas , first prices went up to add more and better personnel to make products better then some rocket scientist figured it would be cheaper to relocate and cheaper it was , BUT product quality took a dive and still diving to a bottomless pit of temporary useless crap . Can the weapons industry possibly be next ?? Think how much our pre-2000 weapons will be worth ,,,,,,,,,,,, holy cow I think I'm on to something here . Wish I owed more early Spainish Fork NAA's those were some of the best made , strictly my opinion . Theres always those Freedom Arm models can't get enough of those , those are of the very best quality on all features , as for the forward blade coming off that's from some moron owners abuse of over shooting till the dang barrels turned almost red hot , give it a break , afterall the're only babies . :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Ovid - That is an interesting looking holster. I like the way that it looks more like a multi tool holster than a gun holster. I am assuming that is why you added the flap at the back: to keep anyone from noticing that it holds a gun. How do you like the metal clip? I have tried a holster with one that looked just like yours and I hated it. Harder to get it on my belt than taking the belt off and threading it through a loop, in my opinion. It was so hard to get on my belt that I never used it enough to find out if it would stay on.

Quote from: heyjoe on March-19-14 12:03
i was going to buy a couple of new guns but im going to wait a while now.

Heyjoe - how long is a while? Thirty minutes? I do think you have a point. When a company is working a maximum speed to get product out the door, and demand is exceeding capability even so, then quality control really can slip. I hate to say it, but I have seen it happen at a place where I worked.


 Grummans Aerospace where I retired from we used military grade inspectors , some were actual active military , with a no nonsense approach to anything and I mean anything even what was thrown away . Swept floors , spotless machinery even the person (worker) in best they could be form .  That's inspecting anything less is a waste of a paycheck . :) :) AND NO UNIONS go figure .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I always considered the military to be sort of it's own union. Just my opinion. They have people who talk to the president.


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-19-14 14:03
I always considered the military to be sort of it's own union. Just my opinion. They have people who talk to the president.

We did not get to vote on a contract or go on strike!!


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-19-14 14:03
I always considered the military to be sort of it's own union. Just my opinion. They have people who talk to the president.

  TwoGun your not talking about this moron in the bed are you ?
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


 Check out the head x-ray . In all my life I would have never thought I'd agree with a Russian on anything . :(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on March-19-14 15:03
Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-19-14 14:03
I always considered the military to be sort of it's own union. Just my opinion. They have people who talk to the president.
TwoGun your not talking about this moron in the bed are you ?

No, I was talking about a REAL president. You know, one born in America that isn't trying to destroy the country.  >:(


OV-1D,  now don't get mad but have you lubricated the inner workings with a good gun oil.  Pushed in the nose of the cylinder pin and shot some oil in, etc.   I have bought so many used guns and all of them need a good lubricating.  Then they work like new.  Same with my 1905 Kolb.


  Thanks Steve it surprised me this dang thing but like I described it's in the forward button press , it was hanging up of all places especially at a certain angle that's why it took so long to find it only when it reached that rotation point of the rod would it do it . I did grease the bejesus out of everything till I found that certain push button spot and then it got the grease and WD and 4 in 1 oil and Rem oil . just gotta wear it in or out so to say . It's gotten better but still feel the rough spot , I'm afraid to pull it apart right now till......... being microscopic dang near , we'll see . Thanks for the thoughts . :)  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Im not saying this happens much here and not in this thread but a lot of gun websites when you have a problem with a new gun, the person having the problem gets turned on by the fan boy group mentality as if he did something wrong by complaining instead of the manufacturer who shouldnt be sending out  defective guns that couldnt have possibly ever been checked before shipping in some cases based on the problems involved.
also keep in mind that not every manufacturer of firearms is like NAA and pays return shipping on a new gun. many make you pay the return shipping  on a defective gun that shouldnt have been shipped out by them in the first place.
another way in which NAA is different than most other gun manufacturers is that Sandy has come on this forum and acknowledged that there is a problem and that he will address it. I havent seen that type of openess  anywhere else except for seecamp.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Heyjoe is right on! I also agree that the manufactures right now are overwhelmed with keeping up with production and QC has taken the back seat falling short of quality products being shipped.


The Consumer has turned into the "Beta-Tester" for many firearms manufacturers (IMHO). We plunk down our hard earned money and then "test by warranty" their new models. We pay them to test their guns....go figure.    :-\


Quote from: sloman on April-13-14 15:04
The Consumer has turned into the "Beta-Tester" for many firearms manufacturers (IMHO). We plunk down our hard earned money and then "test by warranty" their new models. We pay them to test their guns....go figure.    :-\

Kel tec? :)


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on April-14-14 09:04
Quote from: sloman on April-13-14 15:04
The Consumer has turned into the "Beta-Tester" for many firearms manufacturers (IMHO). We plunk down our hard earned money and then "test by warranty" their new models. We pay them to test their guns....go figure.    :-\

Kel tec? :)

Microsoft, makers of top kwality products.  :D