New to the forum

Started by slowalker0, June-08-14 14:06

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Hi folks, I'm Sam and new to this forum. Finally got me a Pug. Had been waiting to find one with both cylinders, but settled for the mag.
Love the gun, but I have taken it to the range twice, and it always seems to hit high from the sight picture. Any suggestions? If it was my only gun I would get used to the "six o'clock" aim point; but it's not.



Slowalker0 - welcome to the forum!

I have a couple of thoughts, which may or may not be helpful. First, when you shoot the Pug, or any Mini, grip it tighter than you would normally grip any handgun you are shooting. I think that helps.

Second, if you have not already done it, shoot your Pug while your hands are supported by a solid rest. When I first shot my Pug, I thought that it did not shoot to the point of aim. But when I shot from a rest position I found that it did shoot to point of aim. The point of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is with the Pug or with the shooter.


I find my Pug does the same thing. It is just a matter of finding how low to sit the lollipop on the stick to hit point of aim. Same for most of the Minis; just have to find the sweet spot on that front sight and mark it accordingly to how you prefer to aim your guns.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Welcome to the forum Slowalker0.


Thanks for the tips!


Welcome from the mountains of Western North Carolina.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Welcome to the forums, Sam!!


Welcome- pull up a chair and have a chat with all the other patients (er, members). I think someone said the meds were passed out around 10:30. ;)
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson