Mrmadhat,Im not dead

Started by mrmadhat, April-24-11 11:04

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Mr Madhat-


   Hang in there bud,  



   we're pulling for ya'!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   How are things going Jason?


I sent you an email, but I will post here for all to see... so far I havent heard any solid news on getting access to my guns, I was informed that some temps were ready for me, I just dont know when they will ship or if they have shipped, i will be calling to find out more about them tomorrow. as soon as I have solid info or some guns in my hand i will post in this thread. once i have guns in hand orders will be going out as fast as I can get them finished. Thank you all for your continued patience and support.

   Thank you,



take your time,all will happen as its sposed too,just take care of youself first,,,


Hardcorp if the cost of the holster or whatever you have ordered has put you in a financial bind and you really need the money back, ill pay you for it and Jason can make me a holster in the future when he has a chance to because i trust that he will make good as soon as is humanly possible.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Jason - Sounds like you're going through hell.  I've visited there once or twice and it SUCKS!  Just keep in mind the words of Mr. Churchill, who said "If you're going through hell... KEEP GOING."


   KBO... (Keep Buggering On) -- a favorite phrase of Sir Winston's during the war.



   Like Mndoug says, keep going. If you are going through hell, it certainly is no place to stop!


   Remember, you got folks here who are rootin' for ya'.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   It is not that I am in any type of "financial bind". I am simply asking Jason to keep us informed as to the status of his ongoing business, just as he has stated he would.


   I understand the Jason is apparently going through a rough time right now, and I hope everything works out for him.


   If there is an issue with me inquiring as to his status, then simply close this thread.


no issue with me, just trying to help
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today



   I will keep you informed as much as possible as I am givin updates, today I called and was told the temps are getting close and as soon as they are ready they will ship, "hopefully this week" but I would not be suprised if they dont ship out till next week, my guess is as good as yours though on exact time frames as they are very busy and they have their own obligations to fullfil first and foremost...I will post another update when I get some more info  


   I apreciate the support guys, it is nice to have some voices on my side, the legal system is an over whelming pain in the deriare, I have been able to spend some time with the lil ones and that has been a nice break from the stress of what has been going on.




HeyJoe --> That was a very kind offer of yours, inasmuch offering a refund on behalf of Jason, to help everyone out.  Salute!


   Jason --> I'm not sure which would be worse... losing the wife... not having access to my guns... or not being able to access the internet!  (Well, at least TWO of those things would be really bad!)


Jason...It is not that I am not on your side. Like I said I was simply asking for an update.


   I apologize if I have caused any problems.


Hang in there, Jason, and thanks for posting an update on this forum.  I know you're doing your best and my prayers are with you.



   No need to apologize, I understand where you are coming from and what you are asking of me. I have been waiting for some solid answers myself, as soon as I get any info to update I will pass it on, I have been pestering a few people for some form of time frames or insight on things, and I am sure a couple of those people are getting tired of hearing from me. you havent caused any problems or grief for me and I am more then willing to forward info as I get it, there hasnt been a whole lot to forward though and I assure you I am waiting to hear things just as much as the next person, if not more.



   I haven't been on here much lately so I've just now seen this thread.  Sorry to hear about the troubles you're going through.  


   I think I've got 3 of your holsters, and at least 1 of them gets used almost every day.  


   Hang in there and know that you have friends here pulling for you.  



Ok At the risk of being flamed for it...


   Has anyone heard anything from Jason? I have sent emails as to his status and have not heard anything back.


I too have sent several emails requesting an update to no avail.  However one of the posters on this site has received a holster recently so possibly he is back in business (I HOPE).


I haven't heard from Jason is quite some time.  It's encouraging to hear someone has recieved a holster lately.


these are just my feelings/opinions as to Jason at Madhat;i ordered and payed for a couple holsters at the begining of Mar.and i also have not had any replys to my emails or updates on product,i have learned of his problems and understand them,with that being said,i am not too worried about receiving the holsters[or refund]i either will or i wont.However the interim of waiting and not knowing has caused me to learn a few more things about leather working[thru some Tandy classes n acouple youtube vids]i probably wouldn't have bothered with otherwise.i have created a couple holsters for myself and 2 friends,already.i would still love to receive the Madhat holsters i ordered,but if it doesnt happen,for whatever reasons,there are no regrets or hard feelings,actually i would like to thank Jason for sending me down a path of knowledge.i have learned something i will use the rest of my Jason i wish you Good Luck in your future,and God bless.


oh and here are some pics of said holsters;









Well I guess I am to the point of, if I'm not getting my holster then tell me so. I am sympathetic to what he is going through but at the very least give us an update if our orders are going to be filled or not.



   Nice looking handiwork. It's amazing how "simple" it is make a usable holster. There is no magic involved, as I have made one or 3 myself.


   Please don't get me wrong about the magic part. Making a usable one is a lot different from making a usable AND nice looking one. Like I said, mine are usable. Yours seem to be usable AND nice looking. MrMadhat's are EXTREMELY nice looking. Keep practicing, and if even if you don't catch up with him, you will get closer.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


SKARRD -->  Cool stuff!  I know exactly what you mean, because I've been bitten by the Tandy bug myself.  I wandered into the shop a few months back, and now I have bags of cool scraps and a pile of conchos waiting to be worked with.


It's probably a good thing the last Tandy shop around here (that I know where is) closed. I don't have the time to start another project.


   I do have one of my customers making up a sample holster or 2. If they meet my specs, they will be offered here and in my shop. They are unlike anything offered on here yet, so there will not be "direct" competition with the guys making holsters.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



   We are still rooting for you.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


well thank you all,ilove Jasons work,mine is NO where close to his,and doubtful will it ever be,but i did learn proper applications,tools,and types of leathers,and since i occasionally turn out a knife or dog harness,this is great.i am still rooting for ya too Jason,life is always a tumble hang in there.



   The update,

    I apologize for the very long delay in my response, I have been dealing with some legal matters as well as relocating, I am in the proccess of moving the leather business into a gunsmith shop.  

   I have been to court for some of my matters and have full access to MY guns now, as of this last wed I got my guns in hand.. I will be pouring some serious time into getting caught up in as short a time as possible, I am hoping to get all of the long standing orders finished in the next 2-2 1/2 weeks.. I have a very large stack of holsters cut out already and I am working on them as much as I can with the moving.. I am still dealing with some other court matters related to my marriage, and I am informed that divorce has unfortunately been filed for, I have yet to be served those papers, I'll deal with that when I have to. right now I am working on getting what is already ordered and will be taking orders again shortly.

   THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all of the supportive emails and comments made in these forums, they have been helpfull to me in trying to stay motivated and move on through hard times.

   I will not be answering emails over this weekend as I will be moving into the shop and getting situated.

   Thank you guys,



Thank you Jason for the update.




   Been there, done that.


   It's kinda like a broke leg. It is broke today, and will be broke tomorrow, but, it does heal. You just are not aware it is improving, until one day you realize, things are better. Hang in there Pal.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


You're going through a tough time in your life Jason, but I believe you are going to make it through.


   Psalms 23 is a chapter in the Bible that has helped me through some very difficult times of my own.


Jason, I'm by your side Brother. Hang in there my good friend.


time heals most wounds,and although none of us can know anothers pain,i am sure most of us here have been in turmoil and heartache situations.we're with ya Bud,hang tight my friend the ride gets better.



   another update, my wife is playing some very petty and vengefull games, she has tried blocking me out of my email, and she HAS blocked me from accessing the paypal account, I do not have access to any of the mailing info for orders that were paid via paypal.. I will need to take this matter up in the divorce proceedings and I am guessing it will delay some of the holster orders a little longer until I can figure out how to get things taken care of with that, I spent hours playing damage controll with some of the bills, insurance, and now a few other matters.. I am really sorry this is happening, I will continue to work on what is in my books and as soon as I can get the paypal figured out I will start shipping.. this is getting to be to much, she wanted the divorce and now she is working on playing childish games for vengence.




   She is playing the childish games because she is female...


   Sorry for the aggravation, but, I can relate. It ain't easy, but hang in there.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Aww,man. My wife of 27 years left last summer and we are still not through with the big d.

    And talk about petty and spiteful...WOW

   But my heart ain't broke no more!

   Hang in there Madhat and keep your Faith.