Mrmadhat,Im not dead

Started by mrmadhat, April-24-11 11:04

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it gets better,hang tight my friend.


MADHAT --> Been there.  Thought I was going to die.  I didn't.  And then I met the person I should have married to begin with.  It's tough to go through, but sometimes divorce is the universe's way of making things right.


   "Divorce ... from the Latin word meaning 'to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.'" - Robin Williams


   Anyone else have a good divorce quote?


C,S&N "Southern Cross"

   "You wil survive being bested.  Somebody fine will come along, make me forget about lovin' you"

   Hang in there it will get better.


�I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something's wrong with me. �

   Elayne Boosler


   ï¿½She cried, and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook.� (married 13 times, to 11 women)

   Tommy Manville


   ï¿½Ah, yes, divorce ... from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.�

   Robin Williams


   ï¿½I'm an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.�

   Zsa Zsa Gabor


   ï¿½The worst reconciliation is better than the best divorce�

   Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra


   ï¿½American husbands are the best in the world; no other husbands are so generous to their wives, or can be so easily divorced�

   Elinor Glyn


   ï¿½The difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money�

   Johnny Carson


   "Just another of our many disagreements. He wants a no-fault divorce, whereas I would prefer to have the bastard crucified."

   J.B. Handlesman


   "If marriage means you fell in love, does divorce mean you climbed out?"



   ï¿½The happiest time in any man's life is just after the first divorce.�

   John Kenneth Galbraith


   ï¿½There are four stages in a marriage. First there's the affair, then the marriage, then children and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce.�


You know, having been there I think these childish games may help.  They remove any positive feelings you had and make you not miss it anymore.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Anyone hear from Jason lately?


There are numerous folks on here who know why  hurricanes are named for a woman. For the rest of you:


   When it blows in, it is wet and wild, and when it leaves, it takes your house and car with it.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I don't know Jason but send him my prayers. He dose awesome work. I hope someday to be able to do the same. I'm work in progress. I hope he comes out on top of this situation that he is in.

cedarview kid


I emailed Jason and he responded "holster is finished and boxed, I am supposed to get a day off from my day job on the 3rd if I get my check from work it should ship then."  


   That was 15 day ago and after sending him other emails and still nothing.I understand he may be going through a rough time but you still need to hold your other obligations. I am sure he still shows up to his regular job everyday without excuse, and to see him still listed in the Manufacturer Direct - Accessories on NAA's webpage is a little bothersome.


   I know I am ranting here, but the ups and downs of getting my hopes up to see my order soon followed by weeks and months of nothing is aggravating.


though in the past i thought that you jumped the gun a little early, you have been patient for a number of months now and your aggravation is certainly understandable at this point. its long past time to get that holster to you.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


My wife could do exactly the same thing to me if things got rough. Your spouse is suppose to be someone you can rely on. It can happen to any one of us guys. I pray that I will never be in his shoes. If you want a holster that bad. Tell me what and I will make it for free. I have plenty of time. Let him get his life in order.


Patriotjoe PM sent!


   But regardless, I want to see my holster or my money back from Jason, I have been very patient with him up to this point.


Sorry to be so harsh. I have a better understanding.I have a hard time keeping up with all my e mail's but I don't charge for something that is not in the mail. Divorce is brutal. I hope Jason recovers from this.


Has ANYONE received any leather from Jason since March?  


   I have had much the same experience as Hardcorp. Ordered March 21 with the understanding that there would be approx. 85 day wait time. Paid on the 1st of May. Waited. July 22 sent email offering to send postage if that would help him out. Jason responded same day that it was just a matter of his getting to the P.O.


   I realize he's been going through a difficult time in his personal life but there comes a time when you have to honor your commitments. The loss of $45 will not break me, but I want the holster.  


   I'm an old guy and was brought up to believe that a man is only as good as his word. I'm having a hard time maintaining positive thoughts about MrMadhat.

cedarview kid

I've met Jason personally and he's a good guy. I think he'll make good on his commitments, but it's sad to see his current misfortune. You know what the Bible says about a scorned woman....



   Welcome to the forum!


   I have faith that Jason will eventually make solid on his promises. I do understand how you could have your doubts.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Thank you, Luther for your colorful welcome... much appreciated. I'm new here, but I've been lurking in the shadows for awhile. You have seemed to me to be a voice of reason on this board.


   Naa, yes I do know what the bible says in that regard. "Hell hath no fury"... And that has what to do with meeting ones obligations?


   I was in Jason's position many years ago and I don't recall that being in that position cut me any slack with the people to whom I owed a service or a product. I don't mean to sound cold or unsympathetic, but it's time to, as they say, fish or cut bait.

cedarview kid

> And that has what to do with meeting ones obligations?


   Jason is going through a not-so-pleasant divorce. :-( It's not so much about not meeting one's obligations, but rather creates a big enough distraction that might explain the current situation.


   And, welcome to the board, Matt!


Mr. Naa, Thank you for your welcome.


   Perhaps you should reread paragraph 3 of my post.


   I am definitely aware of and sympathetic to Jason's marital problems and have been trying to be patient. We are all born with a finite amount of patience, and I was shorted on that end... I'm into instant gratification. So in my (perhaps) not so humble opinion, I think I've been quite patient. Let me rephrase the last comment on my last post: Time to sh*t or get off the pot.


   Thank you for your kind attention.


I don't know the entire situation but I don't sell what I don't have on hand. I will never list a holster that is not already made, waiting for someone to want it. Every holster has character. I can tell one from the other the way they take the dye.

cedarview kid

Hey Matt. Your situation really sucks. If I were you and I had waited that long, I'd probably be mad as hell. I wasn't trying to justify the delay, just explain it.


   If you ever do get your holster from Madhat, I'm sure you'll be very pleased, even if you weren't so pleased with the wait. If it takes much longer, you may want to ask for your money back.


   I think I have 5 Madhat holsters. I'm happy with every one of them, but I didn't have an unreasonable wait to get them. I'm hoping the situation clears up soon, both for your sake and Jason's.


Mr. Naa, I'm also sure that I'll be very pleased with Jason's product... if I receive it. I ordered from MrMadhat because he offered the best leather I could find for NAA products. The man is an artist!

cedarview kid

That he does and that he is! I also think being listed on the NAA site may have increased his orders, for good or bad.


"I also think being listed on the NAA site may have increased his orders"


   IMO I think NAA should pull that until he gets things back together personally.I would really hate to think he would be taking on new orders while he still has orders in "limbo"


   In my case he told me my holster was done and ready to ship. that was over two weeks ago.


I also have waited for a holster since the beginning of March which at that time was supposedly completed with the exception of being dyed.  At that time I sent Jason a check for  $50.00 (LH pug holster with ammo pouch) as requested.  He indicated that the holster would be sent out in 1 to 2 weeks.  Needless to say, here it is the middle of August and I am still waiting for that completed holster.  Two weeks ago on my on-line bank account, I saw that my check was cashed.  For lack of any more patience I requested that I be refunded the $50.00. Let's see how honorable he is.


I wonder if we could reasonably expect Sandy or someone on the NAA staff to gently prod MrMadhat a bit?

   At least find out what is really happening with him.

   I would think that Jason's lack of performance might reflect badly on NAA since they recommend his product highly. And, I agree, from his past products they should. But now?


I have had a business for several years now. The one thing you should ALWAYS do, is be up front with your customers... ALWAYS! Do not tell people there stuff is finished, and/or ready to ship when it isn't. I have more respect for the truth, even if it isn't what i want to hear. Just my two cents. Hope things work out for him though.


Hope our friend will let us know how he's doing.  Best wishes and prayers go out to you Jason.


Well here I am after ASSUMING that people have some core values similar to mine. Mr. Smith has had my order AND MY MONEY since the second week of February, 2011. I understand his personal problem, but like Waldo says above, at least be honest and up-front with your customers. Good luck to Mr. Smith and PLEASE fulfill your business obligations. Yours in Search and Rescue Dennis C. CWO3 USCG (Ret).


I, too, placed an order with Jason last February 10th.  All though I certainly sympathize with the problems he's having, I would love to receive my holster sometime soon.  I did hear from him August 4th letting me know he's working diligently on getting caught up.  I have little doubt it will arrive one of these days............



   Welcome to the forum!

   I understand your frustration.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Dennisc ~ Welcome To The Forum!


Grayelky and Westerly1965, thanks for the welcome. Not much of a joiner of any group/organization after 22yrs with Uncle Sam's Confused Group. Just felt the need to vent and hopefully get a response. Semper Paratus!



   At least here no one is going to ask you to volunteer...


   And, unlike just about everything else in life, you can get a great deal out of this without actually putting anything in.  
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"