Mrmadhat,Im not dead

Started by mrmadhat, April-24-11 11:04

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Just received and e-mail from Mr. Smith, 8-19-11, stating that he is working to meet his outstanding obligations. Good luck and God Bless to Jason.   djc




   Did it come from his cableone email address?


To: Hardcorp


   This is the e-mail address:


   [email protected]


   The time stamp on the e-mail was 1:30a.m. so it seems like he is putting in some long days. Said he is working 2 jobs, has alot of his backlog finished, but because of his work situation is having hard time shipping out orders. I'm still hopeful. Hope this info helps you and the others that are awaiting orders.   djc


We can only hope, because he does a beautiful job from everything I've seen.


Everyone who is waiting for orders, I am TRUELY sorry for the delays.. not to be a dick to anyone but I have been working crazy hours trying to survive. I work 2 jobs and insane hours, I am burnt the heck out but keep going because I have so many obligations. I have not been taking on new orders and have been silently forced to watch both my business and my reputation go down the toilet. even with the hours I work I have not been able to afford an appartment to call my own, I have been shoveling my money into court cost, legal fees, damage control on bills and all sorts of havok that is associated with my divorce.. I am going to hold true to all of my obligations in some form or another, I ask for patience and I FULLY understand the frustration and dissapointment of the long wait, pardon my bluntness but my need for a place to live and have my kids come to visit on the few days I get them is allot more important then getting every last holster that is ready to go out the door.. I will get things out to you, that I do promise, as to a solid timeline I cant give one, I am in a frustrating possition myself, I do not like seeing all of my hopes and dreams vanish befor my eyes, that being my leather business, reputation and family life as I knew it. I have held a great deal of pride in my leatherwork, my reputation, and my accomplishments over the 3 years of holstering,but I can only do what I can only do.. when I can get in to the post office to ship and have some money to do so I will ship what I can, if that isnt a good enough arrangement for you, I have no idea what to tell you, I am unable to get everyones holster out at the same time, I have ALLOT of holsters ready to ship I am just lacking the time to do so, and it is not by choice or lack of careing for my other obligations


Hang in there Mrmadhat!


   This too shall pass, and it WILL WORK OUT FOR YOU!!


cedarview kid

It's sad when someone with whom you've put your trust and your love ends up costing you so much money in legal fees. I feel your pain, Madhat.


   My selfish and narcissistic older brother is currently contesting my father's will with idiotic and self-serving claims of disenfranchisement. It's this very attitude that prompted my father to remove him from his will in the first place, when my brother refused to attend my mother's funeral, or acknowledge her passing in any way.


   Sometimes, family relations BITE. Our thoughts are with you, Jason.


Ditto on the above from me............ the holsters he makes are WELL worth the wait..............


"Deeds; Not Words"


....I have a 50 pound bag of lime in the garage for if and when she ever pushes me over the line.....

   Cut her up in little pieces and plant her in the garden next to da-maters!

   Even if ya get caught, a first timer will do 7 years and that is a HELL OF A LOT CHEAPER than the alternative!!!!!



Hang in there man.  I know it's shallow words from a total stranger, but there is life after this. Went through it 12 years ago.


   Unfortunately the system is not in your favor. Just live for the day that you can show her you do not need her. And the money spent and or lost was darn well worth it not having her around.


I don't think the system is ever for a man. I had to wait 12 years until my son stood up to his mom and told her he was not coming home. I then took her to court and got custody. Praying for you Jason.


Hang in there mr. madhat, when you get your life back together, and you will i plan on ordering a holster for my new pug. It is very lonely with no leather to snuggle. :-)


Simplepeddler went through it for 12 years.  


   Chopprs claims only 7 years in jail.



Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Begs the question doesn't it??


I just picked up my holster today from Jason..... WOW! what a fine job he did. The wait was worth it. Hang in there Jason, everything is temporary, even this situation you're in will pass in due time.


I did make a sizable shipment today, but peter was broke so paul didnt get much... I ended up having an early day at job 1 due to some "technical difficulties" and spent the vast majority of my day working on leather... it was nice meeting you today Carey, even if it was brief, I am sorry I wasnt very social, had a rough morning and may have been a little gruff...


My patience have reached its end. Fine you are going through a divorce, I get that. But the empty promises are getting old. I have two months of emails that "your holster will be shipping soon" and not to hear you made a "sizable shipment" and then I get an email telling me "your order was not in that stack". Tell me where it is and I will pick it up! I have order larger holsters from others that came to me in an envelope with $5 worth of postage on them, tell me where to send the $5, get someone to drop it off at the post office and done!


   I know people here are going to flame me for being this way but when my money left my hand and went into your's we had an agreement. I have no idea about your situation and frankly don't care. You seem to have no problems holding up your obligations at your other "two jobs" but the jobs you were paid in advance for, get tossed to the side.


   And If this is the type of business practices NAA supports by listing them on there site does not reflect well on them either.


HOLY SHIT..That is just plain Nasty...


I've had two holsters on order from madhat since early march. After I read about Jason's problems, I didn't expect my holsters or my money back. I think Jason is an honorable man, and trying to do the best he can. I understand your  frustration. For me, I will wait and see.  If I have to wait a year for the best holster money can buy, for half what it's worth, I will. Hang in there Jason!  You too hardcorp!


Jtartam:"HOLY SHIT..That is just plain Nasty..."


   Well spoken for someone who hasn't dropped $50 on something he will never see.


Actually, I dropped $80.


actually i dropped 80 bucks as well,and have to say,if 80bucks is rally so important to you that you have to kick someone when they are trying to get back up doesnt say much for your character.i will trust to what the folks who know him best say about HIS character and wait for what was ordered[yes and paid for too]money isnt everything,but if its really killing you maybe we can take up a*kwitcherwhining*collection for you.sheesh!


oops i meant 50 bucks,,,,,,


Jason; you did'nt seem gruff at all, don't sweat it bud. By the way, my Dad LOVES his new holster. He's 85, and acted like a kid on christmas morning when he got it..... thanks.



   No flames from me. I can understand your aggravation. I may not agree with your being so outspoken, but then, you did not ask me if I agree with the way you are handling your problem. Fair enough. I support your right to speak out. I will not ask you to be patient. If I were in your shoes, I may not be patient


   I, like so many others, am confident Mr Madhat will come through, eventually. Once you do get your holster(s), I am equally confident you will be quite happy with it/them. I am also confident if you do find a fault that needs correcting, Mr Madhat will make it right. He is that kind of guy.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Well, as you NAA old timers have predicted, Jason came through. I received in the mail a couple minutes ago a beautiful example of his craftsmanship.


   I wish it had been easier for Jason and all of us who have been waiting patiently and not so patiently. But he's obviously doing what he said, the best he can, under the circumstances.  


   I want to make a public apology for having my doubts, and to say to all who are waiting on Jason, he's a good man, in my opinion.


   Thank you Jason, Art


hardcorp i have two of jasons holsters and they are worth the wait. I will refund your money and take the holsters that jason ows you. if i don't ues them. I will post them on the site and sell them at a later date. his work is the best and i will send you a check for the full amount just so you will let this man get back to working what is inportent to him now. take the money i will sent you and get holsters from someone eles. i dont think that you deserve a holster made by Jason. I will allso post this on the forum


i made hardcorp the same offer a few months ago after he had waited a few months. I thought then that he was jumping the gun and if he needed the money back i would give it to him for a future holster from Mr. Madhat. In fairness to hardcorp he has been patient since that time but there is a limit to everyones patience. I can understand how he feels at the present time. He wasnt a long time poster and didnt get to know Jason on this forum like other longer time members did. Im sure Jason can understand how he feels at the present time. to say he doesnt deserve a holster from Jason is unfair to Hardcorp. The offer i made still stands but i think hardcorp would much rather have the holster and i hope he gets one asap.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


you make a point and thats all i was trying to do. i feel that jason does what he can and if he chose to take life a live it and mad not one more holster i would not begrudge him. but thats just me. i was trying to give both a way out. And Jason I would send you 100 today on holsters in the future. one year two years what it takes. my bottom line is jason take care of his family.  imo


I do appreciate all the offers , but now it has come down to the principal of the matter. I would like nothing else then to have the holster I ordered from Jason in my hands. It is the lack of communication and when I do hear from him it is always "soon".  


   Yes you are correct, I have not been here long and do not know Jason's history here. But let us be realistic there are very few ,if any, of us here that truly know what kind of person Jason is. I am not saying that he is NOT a good guy, but when people here say "he is a great guy"; unless you know him in real life and not just from post on a forum you can't know what type of person he is. I personally have nothing against Jason, but people back out of deals all the time. I hope this is not the case here.


You're right Hardcorp, we can't totally know what kind of people we're interacting with online. Sometimes, even people we know in real person can turn out to be different than we thought.


   At the same time, I know from other testimonials and transactions I've witnessed(over many years) that Jason is a very talented holstermaker and respectable person to do business with.  

   I don't recall ever hearing anything negative about either his craftsmanship OR his business practices.  

   Hopefully his personal, family, and work situations will improve sooner rather than later. He "seems" like an honest and fair guy.  

   I almost got on the list once for a holster but my financial timing wasn't right. Thanks to Louie, I have two of his holsters now.  

   I hope your patience is rewarded soon hardcorp. Jason did say that he intends to honor all of his obligations and I have no reason to doubt his word.


I checked my mailbox today and discovered that  I had received a package containing the holster which I had ordered from Jason.  He is honoring his commitments and I thank him for that.  Again the workmanship is A+++.  I know it's tough being patient but I beleive he will fulfill his obligations. ( I also had a tough time being patient)


Jason, I understand your personal problems we have had plenty ourselves. I have sent you several  emails wanting to order a holster looking to order a pocket2 1 5/8 mag in oxblood.

   Can you let me know when I can order it from you. will send a check. Thank You Robert Peperkorn



   Welcome to the forum!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


For those awaiting holsters, please keep in mind that if his Paypal account was frozen, he's dead in the water.  As soon as he's up and running again, I'll send him a money order or just cash.  Those are good holsters!  TACC1