Mrmadhat,Im not dead

Started by mrmadhat, April-24-11 11:04

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If he paid his money he deserves his holster. I feel for Jason's plight, been there myself. Hardcorp doesn't know Jason. All he knows is that he paid his money. I hope he gets his holster soon and I hope Jason comes through this stronger and wiser.


Well I got a surprise in the mail today, my holster finally showed up. Although I am happy I finally have it, I am not happy with the way Jason conducted business regardless of his personal situation.


We all have bumps and issues in this life.  He has marriage issues and the problems that go with it, and you got your holster later than you expected or wanted.



   Some things you just cannot fix.  Feeling the way you do, you probably should not order from him any more.


   Is it what you expected?  Made properly, fits well and all that?


   My favorite leather holster maker has about a year wait from the time you get onto his waiting list until you make it to the top and get to actually order what you want.  Then it is normally about 3 months to have it made and to get it.  WELL worth the wait and I have quite a bit of his work.


   Good things are not always instant.


   Glad you got it finally.


"Deeds; Not Words"


if its any consolation to you hardcorp, I am not happy with the way my business has ended up either... hopefully life will give me the opertunity to get it all back on track in the near future.. I have had some rough choices to make and many of them I havent liked any of the options, my leather biz has been victim to some of that as well... sorry for the extremely long delay, I hope you at least get good use out of the holster and are satisfied with what I make, regardless of all of the other hurdles, waits and "poor business handlings"...



   If it is not being too personal, would you let us know when you get to the point in the tunnel when you can tell:

   A) it is actually a tunnel


   B) the light is in fact the end, and not another oncoming train


   Hang in there.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"





   "Some things you just cannot fix. Feeling the way you do, you probably should not order from him any more. "


   Yep you are correct!


   "Is it what you expected? Made properly, fits well and all that? "


   I have no problem with the way it was made, If it was less then quality, he would have it back


   "My favorite leather holster maker has about a year wait from the time you get onto his waiting list until you make it to the top and get to actually order what you want. Then it is normally about 3 months to have it made and to get it. WELL worth the wait and I have quite a bit of his work."  


   At least they are UPFRONT about the wait and don't  keep telling you SOON.


   "Good things are not always instant."  


   Emails to keep you up to date (accurately) and a post on a forum to keep people informed are.



   you seem to think my leather obligations are all I have, I honestly dont care what your opinion of me is, an update on the forum, I did that from time to time, it seemed to earn me nasty emails from people demanding they be first because they had to wait so long, as if they are the only person waiting? please tell me am supposed to answer nasty emails for hours on end, or be completing holsters to fulfill my obligations? I have apologized up and down the forums, emails, phone calls, you name it, give accurate updates? i assure you when I said "soon" there was something there that had led me to believe it was to be "soon".. I dont pretend to know what my next day or 2 ahead of me holds, I do know I have priorities in life, many of them do come above holsters. admit it or not you have priorities above your work or money as well, at least I would hope so. I never asked for you to care about my issues, nor have I shared all of them with the whole of the internet, I promise you if you were in the same possition you would be recieving the same emails, phone calls, and forum slams as I.. do you have a cause to be frustrated, angry, or upset? I think you do, I would be, had it been my money spent, unfortunately my understanding of your frustrations doesnt help what is happening on my end of things, nor does it change that I have to make choices I dont like.. I made some to get your holster to you as well as other customers that at the moment are hurting my situation more then you would care to understand, or that I would care to explain... I have been keeping to my obligations and intend to keep doing so, on time, late, whatever the case may be, I do hold my values in life and that is what matters to me...complain, insult, do what ever your little heart desires, just remember you dont know who I am as a person


Mine showed up today 9/6. Ordered in Feb (I think) Looks and fits great. Worth the wait.  




      Apparently nothing is going to make you happy. You have your holster and no one wants to hear you whine about it any longer. It is also clear to us all now that one's definition of "soon" does not mean tommorow as it does to you.....anything we have not covered or can we move on???


Ditto on that Chopprs.

   I got it but I am going to kick him as I leave.



   I guess we need to find someone else that is down and kick him around.



   Yar too...
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


...If I told ya once I told ya a thousand times, AM NOT!!!


I also agree with you Chopprs.


I like what chopprs said  

   jason i have some naked minis that are not wanting to go out of safe with out one of your holters. Just let us know when you are taking new orders.  

   Chopprs   YOU ARE TOo



September seems to be "Beat up on Holster Makers Month".


   Bad things do and will happen to us all. I think you have the right to get very upset if someone takes your money and runs, won't take your calls, reply to letters or emails etc. If someone is making an effort to sort something out and is communicating, I would give them the benefit of the doubt until I found out otherwise and wish the best for them.


   Madhat, has always been a decent sort in the past and seems to continue to be so. I'm sure he didn't  want any of his recent problems to happen or plan for them in advance. Until you've been through that sort of crap, you cannot imagine the disruption, stress and all round amount of time the situation will swallow up. I believe it would require a good man to even care about anyone's holster after being run through that mill.


   So, I think everyone should ease up on the guy and give him a fair chance. I've heard and read nothing that would stop me from ordering a holster from him when he gives the nod he's up and running again. In my experience you don't see the true character of anyone in business while everything is going fine, it's when problems arise. It's not the problems, but how they are handled that truly matters.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card




"Deeds; Not Words"


I'll second that, Redhawk.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Yes yes he will have more to do as I want more of his work


Anyone heard from Jason lately?


Maybe the swamp has finally drained, and he is working on the alligators. Once he gets them rounded up, I suspect he will be back. Of course, some of them critters can get ornery....
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I hope he's doing well.  I've been sending him an email once a month checking on the status of the holster I ordered last February, and he's been pretty good at responding that he's still working on it.  No response this month, though.


Jerry,  have been wondering the same thing. I hope all is well with him. In the past he has reply back to me but I have not heard back on the last e-mail I sent.


Same result. E-mail, no response.



   Welcome to the forum!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Man, I hope he's OK.  I remember my divorce... some days it was all I could do to get up in the mornings.  And my divorce was relatively clean and fast (but not friendly.)


   Maybe he doesn't feel the same way he used to about this Forum.  Or maybe he just doesn't want to poke his head out of the hole for fear someone will pound on it again.


   If I currently had a holster on order from him, I'd just chalk it up  as a donation to the "Divorced Man's Support Group," and buy something else for the meantime.  


   I have no doubt Jason will make good when he can - and it'll be a very pleasant surprise to get a MadHat holster in the mail one day.


I have to agree with Mndoug.  One of the costs of dealing with small operations that normally give quality and product above the price point is risk.  You can manage them by judging who you are dealing with, the track record, and various other things but that is still managing them.  Most of the time those risks pay off and you get a product of better quality for a lower price point then if you had taken another route.  Order something from Galco and there is far less risk, far less quality, and far more cost.  


   When you deal with small operations, particularly one man operations, you take risk.  Sometimes, you lose out.  Here is to hoping that Jason is ok, and can go forward with life, it is far more important than all the pending orders out there.


   For those who are telling me I do not know what I am talking about you can add the words "even mine" to the end of that last sentence.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


But... lest I be misunderstood, let me say again:  I'm convinced that MadHat WILL make good on all orders if/when he can get his head above water.   But to wait for it and holler about "unfilled orders" and "broken promises" is foolish right now.




If he spends all his time answering e-mails, he has no time to get his shit together.

   Leave him alone. He will made every thing good.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



   First, Welcome to the forum!


   We now have a "for sale" forum that may well get you more exposure for your holster. To get to it, go to the very top of this page, and click on "Topics". It will take you to a list that will show the "For Sale" section.


   We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the various topics as they come up.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Anyone receive their order or even hear from Jason lately????


Dennis, I'm in the same boat as you, haven't seen a thing or heard a word. Hope he's OK. Scott


Well, coming up on my one-year anniversary of ordering a holster, and still haven't received it. Jason hasn't responded to email for the last three or four months.  Anyone heard anything?



Probably is not in a position where he has  access to a computer. There are places like that.

   I am not a holster person, but I have 5 that he made. They are like a piece of art. May not be anymore. I guess its wait and see.../