New photo of the heros responsible for getting Osama

Started by louiethelump, June-13-11 13:06

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"Deeds; Not Words"



That's funny......they all have that scared, puzzled look on their faces.




Perhaps the true heroes will see this. I suspect they too, will get a good laugh out of it!


   (In case you do guys, THANKS!)
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I would get so ripped for saying this on other sites but I don't think Obama could run a Mc Donalds. My apologies to those who can.


I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.


Those guys couldn't make it through the first hour of Navy Seal training.  I think they're imposters.


I believe Osama died of kidney failure nearly a decade ago.  This is all a charade to keep interest up in their wars.


i would check all of their birth certificates
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Obama has already awarded them the Medal of Honor, two medals for the commander.




   Post has been edited due to my mis-reading a previous post.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


No, No, No.


   I'm being satirical, that he was awarding all of the medals to his clones.


"An Army of one."

   Sort of...



And Boom......There it was!!!!


Sandmountain, I think you might be on to something. Face it, the "compound" where the photos (that we were allowed to see) could have been on most any movie studio.  For all we know, the downed chopper could have been set up anywhere.  I agree we shouldn't know the id's of the SEALS involved, if it really happened.  The immediate burial at sea could have been staged with very few of the ships crew involved and having no idea of that was under the cover.  

   It seems that every time Obama's ratings start to slip, something big comes up to try to get them back.  This last scam of bringing back solders came at a time his ratings were slipping over sending U.S. warplanes and drones to help the U.N. in their never-ending attempts  for a one world government.  Now he say he will withdraw .the rest of the troops in Sept 2012, just 2 months before the election.  Everything he is does adds up to one big scam.




   I am pretty sure sandmountain was KIDDING..... you know, the conspiracy theorists that claim we did not go to the moon and all that................
"Deeds; Not Words"


I'd like to know who, if anyone, got the reward.  It was one hundred million dollars.  Remember?


   But I'd also like to know what's at Area 51 and what's in the classified document that dates from World War I.


Hi Louie, Sand might have kidding, I wasn't.  Yeah, I know, the conspiracy bunch say we didn't go to the moon.  I think we did.  There have been 2 conspiracy theories that I think may be true.  That Lee Harvey was the only person involved in the  killing of JFK,  and this alleged killing  of bin Laden.  I went on duty in Ft Worth 2 hours after JFK was killed in Dallas.  I will always believe many of the "official" reports  put out over the next several days were pure propaganda.

   As for as Area 51, I have driven the highway where 51 is located.  While I don't believe ET is strolling around there, I have to say the area if big enough that Godzilla could be walking around and no one would ever know. I guess I am gullible enough to think if the Government is hiding something there, it is probably for the good of the country.


My thanks to the REAL men who did get osama. I don't care if 0bama did claim his part. We already know he's a prevaricator of truths. I suspect he is culpable in many things, but getting bin laden is not one of them.  


   God bless the military and their families for having to do a job that is as tough as it is. Y'all are the real backbone of this nation and I thank you again for your service and my freedoms! Come home safe and soon!


BTW, it's never too late to thank the Viet Nam war veteran. They should never have been treated the way they have been treated!

    Gentlemen, welcome home! Thank you too, for your service.

   I apologize for the miscreant Americans who have disparaging words to cast your way. I hope they learn the error of their ways. I hope you get to speak your minds freely to them, in rebuttal. God Bless the Viet Nam War Veterans! Give them peace in their sufferings.


Ricart, I also believe as you.... mucho propoganda!


    I further believe the grassy knoll shooter's name was Harold Helm. I could be wrong, but I kinda think not.

   I believe Helm's business card was in J Ruby's wallet when he was arrested for shooting LHO in the basement.  Jim Chadwick was the officer on the door that Ruby entered the basement through, I am told. Do you remember either of those names?


The Hare Krishna kept a distance, until my loved ones arrived to greet me.


ET is no longer at Area 51.

   It is strictly a research facility now working

   on future propulsion technologies for military

   aircraft...   and other things.


   Area 51 was attracting too much attention from

   the Ufon group and the media being state side.


   When news reports started trickling in about

   water boarding being conducted in secret off

   shore CIA locations across the globe it gave

   our friends in the goverment the idea to move

   the ET "artifacts" and reverse engineering

   programs off shore to other locations that  

   are not as easily accessible by the media

   or Ufon.


   Our State Side facilities are now only being

   used to implement what is learned from the  

   reverse engineering programs located elsewhere.


   Who invented the touch screen, first used on

   cash register systems owned by Mc Donnald's?


   Who invented epoxi putty that's  

   stonger than steel?


   Who invented the process for making

   micro-processors which entails making

   a large chip and taking a picture of it

   and reducing the size of that picture,

   only to have a tiny picture that works

   the same as the original, only on  

   micro-film contained in a plastic dot

   on a circuit board?


   (Found in every pocket calculator,)

   (computer, PDA, or Cell Phone.)


   Currently they are working to replicate the

   craft's propulsion system which works on  

   electromagnetic technology that is still

   far more advanced than our own current

   technology in that department.


   But they are studying it to see what can be done

   to further our own propulsion technology to

   further our military effectiveness and future

   space travel abilities for any future space

   programs we may devise.


   The military and government's official position

   is not to comment on any on-going investigation.


   This is why they will not confirm or deni

   the existance of ETs or UFO's of an ET origin.


   But we use the technology derived from these  

   secret government programs every day without

   giving it a second thought.


   I hope that helps to shed light on the subject.


   If your waiting for a politician to spill the  

   beans and admit that we have several UFO's that

   our government has collected over the years and

   are reverse engineering for proprietary technology

   it's going to be a long wait.  


   It would be ocupational suicide for a politician

   to do such a thing...and I don't see one of them

   stepping up to the plate to do it any time soon.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


EVERYONE!!!! Don your aluminum foil hats!!!!!




I thought we just had the evil twin.

    It is now the evil sex-triplets!



I caught him and put him back in the box........


   He has a warped sense of humor when folks start talking about flying saucers and little green men.....


   The twin is kind of a :  



   After all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  every normal person thinks the US Government has space ships and aliens hidden out and that the people of America did not invent all this stuff as we are too stupid, right?  


"Deeds; Not Words"




   I don't have an opinion on the subject, but I'm definitely interested.  Would you care to comment on the crash at Roswell?  Something certainly happened there.


   I did find this very interesting article.">


Peter-G, of course, Jack Ruby was well known around Dallas long before he shot Oswald.  I doubt he could have got to point blank range of Oswald as he did.  They, (whoever "they" are) didn't want Oswald to talk to the media.  This has all been hashed over by the media, they chose to go with the Warren Report.  We will never get the full truth of the shooting.  Sorry, the name "Helm" does not ring a bell, "Chadick"   does, but I can't place him.

   I personally feel organized crime did the job over JFK's brother constant attacks as Attorney   General.  IMHO, many tops in the government may not have had an actual hand in it, but knew what was going on.  In Ft Worth, JFK and LBJ were in the same car, but not in Dallas.  Again, this is IMHO.


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


"so 20th century"!!!



   Are you married to a former Valley Girl?


Ricart, oddly enough, Officer J.D. Tippitt had family in my home town. His brother was in the home flooring business. I saw the duty holster rig and his service revolver at his brothers store, years later. I was 10 y.o. when President K was shot.


    I actually met Helm 26 years later while snooping around doing unrelated to Kennedy   intel for a friend in LE in 1989. I had heard Helm's name and asked if he knew Jack Ruby. He blatantly denied 'personally knowing' Ruby.

    I always found it odd that he stated this denial in those terms.


   While finishing my BA degree in Psychology in 1980, I took a criminology course. A retired Bird Colonel from AFIS was my instructor. It was a small class and somewhat informal, in that we got to choose a case to reinvestigate. I picked the Kennedy Assassination. During the initial investigation it was reported to me by 'Fessor Jones that he was the lead AF/Intelligence investigator for the Kennedy Inquisition. Seems that SOP was for each branch of U.S. Armed Services to do their own investigation and upon completion of all branch's reports, findings were reported to the Pentagon and Warren Comm.  


   Professor Jones showed me an evidence tin, clearly marked with evidence tape and initialed by some SS agent. Inside was a .45/70 slug that was alleged by Jones to have been fired by the shooter from the grassy knoll. It appeared to have blood stains(easily faked or non human, I know). The story as related to me was The projectile was found along with skull and brain matter/ tissue, near the curb by SS personnel a short distance from where the initial shots rang out  and Kennnedy was struck by gunfire.


    It could all  have been conjecture, smoke and mirrors but interesting to study and get a grade/credit for, nonetheless.


   While viewing the Zapruder film, I noticed the head of Kennedy lurch forward at the moment (a/the) bullet struck him. Consistent with my ballistics knowledge, I drew the conclusion that the bullet must have come from the front of Kennedy as that is the direction of the initial head lurch. Water laden tissue has a propensity to move toward the direction from whence the projectile came during the first milliseconds of initial impact and displacement of tissue that is holding the fluid. I gotta believe there were two shooters (IMH0).

   As to whom they worked for, I can see where your extrapolation is congruous with other similar findings that were revealed in this class by Fessor Jones. And you are right... we'll likely never know the whole story. Bobby K was surely the impetus behind the shooting, in my opine also.




dayton ohio at wright patterson is where the alien stuff is now



   I do SOOOOOOOO love conspiracy nuts..............


   They are a riot to watch......

"Deeds; Not Words"