New photo of the heros responsible for getting Osama

Started by louiethelump, June-13-11 13:06

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IMHO---If President Kennedy would have been hit with a 45/70 slug, it would have done a lot more damage then the drawings showed. But, Louie would know more about that then me. JMHO!


Statistics will tell us simply that in the vastness of the universe the chances that this planet is the single and only one that holds intelligent life is, well simply just impossible. As to who, what and where, I believe that this is the question. Another ineresting fact is that our planet, on a celestial time scale is very, very young. There are literally billions of celestial bodies that were here millions of years before we were. When you take these plain facts into account, the level of interest surely will rise as to just what the government is hiding, which is most obviously...SOMETHING!

   No conspiracy theories here, just simple and unarguable facts.......


   On another point, we all know that during WWII the Hitler regime spent large amounts on the testing and development of new technologies. They were known for the complete and precise documentation of everything. In the records found after the war were many documents showing heavy funding of a project involved in  experimenting with a "power source" that was neither able to be explained nor was it documented where it came from. After a large accident showing that an explosion of unconrollable proportions was seriously possible as well as imminent, the funding and project were abruptly ceased. This was very different from the way that projects like this were usually handled by the regime........simple facts and VERY interesting!

   Many of the aerodynamic designs that the Germans were experimenting with during the war were so advanced that the projects were dropped when they realized that they could not figure out how to make them work. One example is the forward swept wing which provides fantastic performance when at speeds above mach 1 which no plane at the time was capable of. The question of "WHY" arises! We recently tamed this uncontrollable design with "Fly By Wire". Computers that make thousands of decisions per second control the flight surfaces enabling the seriously unstable design to fly.

   The surge of technology in the years following the war is unexplained by statistical engineers. One thing that all of them agree on is that it was highly unlikely that this many innovations came to be in such a short time. For no apparent reason the US and th US ONLY surged forward with technological advances that astounded the rest of the world. A perfect example is microchip development. No other product in the history of man has ever advanced anywhere near as quickly.......all simple facts!  


I find it interesting that most credit "organized crime" with the Kennedy assassination. The Kennedy's WERE organized chrime - JFK's father made his money as a bootlegger (I come from a long line of bootleggers, so I have heard the stories). However, it might well be true that one of the other families took offense and took him out.



   You folks have become victims of the one conspiracy of our Gov't in relation to UFOs.  That is, to put enough fake info out there to raise questions, and then post loud denials of the existance of the little green men;  KNOWING that the denial will make you believe it is true no matter what anyone says or any facts or evidence.


   This was done to keep you from knowing the true secret of the research that was being done right under your noses.


   Recent de-classifications have resulted in many that worked at area 51 now coming forward and talking about SOME of the things they worked on out there and how they went about keeping it secret.  Or is all the newly released information part of the conspiracy???????


   They (the government folks who put the disinformation out) sit back and LAUGH at you aluminum foil hat types, as you take the disinformation hook, line, and sinker and gulp it down. They want you to believe in the space ships and little green men, and to believe they are covering it up.  Like our current president, it is all smoke and mirrors and this keeps you looking to uncover the secret of the UFOs, instead of looking for the secrets they are REALLY hiding.


   You folks really believe that a culture would be SO advanced as to be able to defeat light speed to get here in the first place, and then, when they arrive, they run out of gas and crash land here???????


   Or do you believe they are hiding on the moon in secret colonies?????  COME ON!!!


   I am confident that the other cultures are out there.  It would be a huge waste of space if there were not..............  that they are buzzing around and crashing here is another matter entirely...............


   This universe was created the way it is and of the size it is for a reason.  The distances prevent one creation of life from interfering with another.  Yes, I believe we are a creation and the work of what we call a God and is God to us. I do not think we are the ONLY creation of God.



   Just my opinion.  Louie
"Deeds; Not Words"


Louie !


   My man.......


   My grandfather, the Congregationalist minister, MIGHT take a tad more traditional definition of God, but would buy you a drink for the bulk of your philosophy.


   (Except that his wife, my tea-totaling grandmother wouldn't let him...)
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Sleddogn: I live in Dayton and can honestly say that I've seen some strange things flying overhead. No UFOs, though. Especially not doing loop the loops on nice weekends. Nope. Never. Doesn't happen. (Grin)

   Some very cool stuff being researched at the base. No UFOs though.


I used to live in Dayton long ago. I remember seeing a MiG 15 flying overhead when the TV & newspapers said it was in Okinawa. That next day I saw it on the ground from the bus as we were going to a Civil Air Patrol Cadet meeting at Wright Pat. Everyone told me I was nuts since EVERYBODY knew it was on Okinawa. Then before the evening was over we were asked if we wanted to see a MiG 15 & we were taken to a hanger & allowed up close to see it. They even had one of the test pilots there to answer questions. (Almost every answer he gave was "That's classified information.") He did mention one thing that I have since learned puzzled the Soviets when they heard about it. He told us how poor the climate control was in the cockpit & how they had so much trouble with the canopy fogging up.

   I have to wonder if they got bad testing or if that was deliberate disinformation  we wanted to put out especially since he went out of his way to tell us about it.


Many that saw the F-117 before it was announced reported seeing a UFO. If you think for a second, when that aircraft came out there was literally NOTHING like it so the reports are understood in retrospect. With that in mind think what we may have achieved with 30 more years of technological advancements......