Thought Someone would like

Started by jstanfield103, June-18-11 13:06

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Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I got it for $21.50. Worth that much IMO.


I hope you have enough Mini to fill it up, if not it's shopping time



You know what  NAM 12 is?


Acually no I don't. It looked liked Mini's would fit into it so I figured someone on this site would be interested in it. I just saw the listing and brought the link to here. What does the NAM 12 mean?


I believe that it's the seller's identification.  That sort of marking is also used to prevent others from using a picture,


I had two theories.  


   If you google it  NAM 12 is a weather map reference for North America.  


   Also I thought it came from Texas.  Army bases are there the Army 12th served in VietNAM.

cedarview kid

North American Minis 12?


Couldn't be. It would hold that many...    
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Heya Flint! Sorry for ousting your bid brother. It's impossible to tell who is bidding with the privacy levels on ebay. I plan on planing down the lid to remove the N.A.M 12 if it isn't set too deep in the walnut.  


   Do you think these three will work ok in the box?








   Just by the pictures it looks like the 1 5/8" Mag, 1 1/8" 22LR and Short should nestle in nicely.  


   Since I couldn't bring my self to polish the Ranger due to its rarity, I spent some time improving the polish on the Short and Magnum and polished the 22LR when I saw this box come up for sale. I figured if I didn't win the box, I still have a maple box I could have used to display them in. Now the maple box will display the 3 and 4 inch Earls.


Speaking of display boxes, for some time now I have wanted to build a shadow box for my mini but have not because it is always with me. Guess I'll have to buy another mini so I can accomplish my goal and have a nice little decorative piece hanging on my wall.


Glad it went to someone here.  I usually wait till the last 15 seconds to bid on ebay items but on the east coast that put it at 2 in the morning.  Box wasn't worth my sleep so I put a bid in early assuming someone would take it.  I was going to plain it down as well.


When you get it in and finished, please put the guns in it and take a picture. I would really like to see that.



I'm glad there's no bad blood over the box Flint. I have been chastised in the past for sniping an item off another forum member. (Not in here) Thanks for the thumbs up on another member nabbing it. I'm in the Mid-West and it was 1am when I watched the count down. I was willing to hand off 45 bucks for it, so that was my bid at 10 seconds. I just hope the lid is salvageable. If not, I have some Walnut and I can probably mimic the original lid. I will check for markings on the box to see if it's an original NAA box or if someone did as we have, and altered it to accommodate our Minis.  


   Jstan, you betcha! That will be the first order of business when the box arrives. Since my last post earlier this afternoon I have transformed another box I have into the resting place for my 3 and 4 inch barrel Earls. Here's a couple pictures of how that project turned out. Cheers!!








   This is where my Ranger resides. It was another ebay find and was a small jewelry box prior to my added touches.  






Very nice Z I am looking for a case to house both my Break Tops.  I have some jewelry boxes on ebay I am looking at but really nothing that looks just right yet.  Looking forward to see what you do with the new box.  



Zippovarga what did you use for the interior bottum where the gun rests? Styrofoam Lining? or did you router some wood out.

      They look awsome, now I may have to do that for my Mini's

     I also like the polish job's I did that on my 1 1/8" with the smooth cylinder from my Mini Master on it. It also looks very good.


Steve...It's the easiest way to go about it I think. Making the box vs. finding just the right box. I'm all for finding a box. Price point is also part of it. I can make the boxes, but with todays rising material prices....well, you get the idea. lol I like how you did the compartments in your other box.  


   Jstan, 1 1/2 inch foam, then I carved out the cylinders and firearms to 1/2 depth and laid the velvet over. Here is how the foam looks before the velvet.




   I don't use spray tac or anything. Just lay the velvet over the foam, set the firearm in and tuck the velvet into the sides of the box until it looks like I want it to. On the lid of the Earl box, I used hard board with spray tac made for cloth, roll the velvet up  like a roll of paper towels, then roll it out on the hard board. Reduces wrinkles and bubbles and makes it easier to handle than a loose piece of cloth/velvet.  


   Then I flip the hard board over, spray the edges and secure about 1/2 inch overlap of velvet to the back to give the hard board/velvet a nice finished look, spray the back of the hard board with spray tac and stick it to the inside of the box lid.


I made the compartment by buying at a local hobby store, pine hobby stock that was a little over one inch wide, couple of feet long and 1/8 inch thick. Used a band saw to cut the stock to the length for the walls.  Used faberic adhesive spray on the wood and put cloth on them.  Glued into place.  I am going to do Break-Tops with the French method like the Civil War Dragoon I did.  That was done by using syrofoam cutting out the shapes like you did.  Laid cloth losely in the forms and clued only at the top outline.  You then cut the gun form into a heavy piece of matting board. Fabric glue over the matting board and attach cloth and fold over the gun shape and glue underneath.  Glue that mat on the styrofoam to top it off.  See Dragoon picture, really is a neat way to do it.  The various cased items are ruffly half exposed in the box.  




Just bought this on ebay to see if it will work with the Break-Tops. Dimensions should be about right and I should be able to keep the black felt in the top if I use black felt below. Right now I am kind of liking Zips crushed red velvet.  See what it look like in the flesh.  Steve


   To see box search on item # 200623535735 on ebay, this system would not let me post the direct link for some reason.


Wow Steve! That is an awesome looking box! If you need some of this red crushed velvet and can't find any, let me know. I can send ya some.  


   Got my N.A.M 12 box today. A little disappointed in how the box is constructed. It's hardi board with a very thin walnut vernier on top. (Anything to save a few cents right?) It was made by the Hessenthaler Heirlooms company in Salt Lake City Utah. Contracted by NAA??? Not sure, but I'll investigate.  


   The lining is a nice emerald green felt with hard Styrofoam and cut outs for 3 NAA pistols. A 1 5/8" 22lr, a 1 1/8" 22lr and a Shorty in 1 1/8". So now I'm looking for a 22lr with the 1 5/8" barrel, as it's about the only one offered that I don't have. lol


   Here are a few pictures of the box, as requested by Jstan, with my 22lr and Shorty in place. I like the green, so I'll leave it as is and I plan to make an entirely new lid out of solid Walnut instead of laminating another piece of walnut over the N.A.M 12.  


   Another possibility is that I'll remove the existing insert and fabricate another to accept my 22WMR 1 5/8" and look proportional to the other two. Who  








   Bottom sticker




For you guys that are looking for wood boxes to

   make display boxes for your guns you might want

   to check out Salvation Army and  Goodwill type  

   stores. I see a lot of jewelry boxes off and on

    in those stores. I have bought a few little boxes,

    but never did anything with them. I have found a

    few had to haves in those stores, but not

   a lot. Did pick up a Richtig knife once for a  

   Quarter. Worth seventy five bucke or more.


Awesome Coin! We have quite a few second hand shops, consignment shops, antique shops and those like you mentioned. May take some time out to do some investigating. Thanks Buddy!!


Zippovarga, thanks for the pictures. It looks good. Good luck on the 1 5/8" LR. If or when you do put a new lid on I hope you post those also.


I sure will! I'm sort of a picture hound and video hound, so count on it. I'm just glad I didn't sell my last  few board feet of Walnut when I was liquidating my wood stash a couple years back. Simple lines on the lid, so it's no big deal to make a lid, and if anything, it'll improve the box over all since the current one was made as cheaply as a wal mart TV stand.