NAA 17hmr black widow.. INFO PLEASE

Started by chughes2611, July-25-14 08:07

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recently ran across an interesting piece. 17hmr black widow never seen a NAA in 17hmr always 22 and 22mag. A huge fan of my savage 17hmr rifle so i had to own this little revolver. can someone please tell me something about this gun. I bought to carry so figuring its value $200-$250. but cannot really find anything anywhere online as far as any being sold and the price of them. so value? years of production? how many were made? so on and so forth.. all info greatly appreciated.. thanks in advance


Try it out before you rely on it for carry. Problems with the bottleneck cartridges backing out and jamming the cylinder.


i have already shot this weapon.. everything functions fine id just like to know if they are as hard to find as the internet makes them look



ok thanks ill continue my research.


.17 Mini is kind of like a unicorn. They stopped making them due to difficulties in that last 1% of the job.

I've heard of some people with one that works. I've heard other things.

Some hang on to them as a collection item only. If you'd like to carry it, I personally understand. I own zero safe queens and have fired (and carried) every gun I own, even unlikely things such as the CZ Vz-61 .32 Skorpion.

Even so, were I to find a .17 Widow NIB, I'd be tempted to leave it that way.

You say you bought it for $200-$250? See what else that guy has!   ;D

Just my .01 cents (pay cuts, you know.)


well this is not NIB looks like the gun has been carried some.. and no box.. but i have shot a cylinder full (5rds) and functioned fine so i haven't shot anymore.. do you hav an idea what a used BW 17hmr is worth?


No exact numbers here, but an informative thread.

A call to naa customer service might provide how many and years made info



I used to carry a Black Widow in .17HMR. I shot it repeatedly and it was always fine. No jamming and no backing-out of the rounds.

I ended up safe'ing it and carrying something else, tho, so I sold it to somebody who wanted it more than I did, along with the other 6 NAA .17's I had collected over the years. Sometimes I regret letting them go, but in each case, I think my .17's found owners who could enjoy them just as much, or perhaps more, than I did. I never did even fire the rest of my .17's.

The NAA 17's occasionally still pop up, but not very often. I acquired ALL of mine locally through the local gun classifieds. I haven't seen any more listed for a couple of years now.


if you dont mind me asking what did you get out of your bw?


Quote from: chughes2611 on July-25-14 10:07
if you dont mind me asking what did you get out of your bw?

I don't remember. It's been about 3 years ago since I sold it. Around the $450 to $500 range, I think.


ok thanks good deal im just curious if i ever have someone interested in it what i should expect to ask.. but i just ordered a iwb holster from naa so its getting used for awhile lol


was told by NAA today that there was approx. 2500 made.. so i think its a more rare than i figured which makes me not want to carry it.. but no gun dealer can price it for me.. the woman at NAA told me to call back next week and someone will be back to work that could tell me more


I got one back in 2001 and have had nothing but problems with it at first it was the extractor pin I sent it in it took quite some time to get it back when I did it looked great and they sent a total different pin the was it fit was nice but after just four rounds it sits in a safe with the hammer back I can not close it to send back the weapon only has twenty rounds threw it and that's a couple high just my thought is it would not be something I would ever rely on a rock might be better 


I think if you send a 17 HMR in for repair, they replace it with a 22/22mag. same model.
I sent two 17hmr BWs in and they sent me 2 BW 22/22mags back.
I do not remember if they asked me first, or not.

I have a 17hmr Minimaster  still new. I have put off firing it till I am in the mood to try to make it work if it doesn't.
Both BWs I had key holed very bad, and one locked up on the second shot every time. I whished later that I would have tried to fix the one that didn't lock up.
I have a S&W 317 in 22 cal. that locks up with Federal Match Target. but works with everything else.   ??


If you would like to get rid of your .17, send me a PM.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Quote from: bob on December-20-14 21:12
I got one back in 2001 and have had nothing but problems with it at first it was the extractor pin I sent it in it took quite some time to get it back when I did it looked great and they sent a total different pin the was it fit was nice but after just four rounds it sits in a safe with the hammer back I can not close it to send back the weapon only has twenty rounds threw it and that's a couple high just my thought is it would not be something I would ever rely on a rock might be better 
Just curious if the hammer is stuck over a live round?

That whole experience with your .17 sounds very frustrating.


 I don't get it with the 17hmr round , it was made for super speed ,like a 22 hornet etc. , and super accurate which both are lost with being shot out of a mini . Along with the troublesome problems and price of ammo send it in to be replaced by NAA . I'm a collector and wouldn't have one , only an opinion of course . But then again I think a 22 mag is also a waste in a mini , designated a rifle round like the 17hmr .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Shooting a 17 hmr  mini  equated shooting a small pellet handgun with a loud bang.  There again, just me..


The .17 HMR is an excellent round out to 150 yds when fired from a rifle. I have a CZ that is as accurate a rifle I've ever had.  Got to agree with OV, out of a Mini, kind of worthless.


I have had a lot of fun with worthless in my life. Brought some more of it home today


Both my daughter and I are receiving Savage .17HMR bolt-action rifles for Christmas. Can't wait to try them out. They're scope-only models without iron sights, but they do have magazines. She's getting a left-handed youth model and I'm getting the standard adult model. Should make for some fun shooting sessions.

As for the minis, I've owned 6 or 7 .17-caliber NAA minis, but I've since sold them all. I only shot the .17HMR Black Widow and it was very reliable. I carried it for awhile in a Mad Hat holster. I still have the holster, but not the gun.


I bought a Savage  17hmr a couple of years ago. Have not shot it much after sighting it in. Won't fit in my range bag. It does reach out to those cow pies that are sort of out of range of a revolver. Fun...


Haha, I'll watch out for those dangerous rogue cow pies!


The other day when it was misting and thawing, I was shooting at cow pies double action with a 10 shot 617 S&W. At about 20 yards I was trying to how many shots I in a row I could keep pie in the sky. Made 8 once. I know, its sick, but I wouldn't trade it for paper targets or an indoor range, for anything.

Your doing good with your daughter. All the world we live in should do likewise. I did it with my kids, and it would have been a shame to have missed  it.
Wish I could do it again...


Quote from: boone123 on December-24-14 19:12
Your doing good with your daughter. All the world we live in should do likewise. I did it with my kids, and it would have been a shame to have missed  it.
Wish I could do it again...

You can. Except now they are called grand kids!

Perhaps one day, before I am too old to walk, I'll have some to take shooting.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


The problem with grandkids it they live with their parents, which in many cases is not just down the street. But I can wish.