Revolver vs Auto

Started by tocsn40, August-19-14 15:08

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If i love the NAA revolvers but dont like the Auto.  Does this make  me a true NAA lover or what. ?  I think im a true lover of NAA?


I think the Auto would benefit from having a tritium front sight, on top of a flat rib running along the upper of the barrel, like a bead on a shotgun.


My wife has 5 sisters.
I can love my wife without loving all her sisters.

Yes, you are a true NAA lover.

I don't care for the autos either
I bought one of each....cause.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I also only own the revolvers,  and don't have an interest in the Guardian.
The mini revolvers are the unique and unparalleled pieces of craftsmanship
that is the draw for me. The guardian seems more mainstream and therefore
holds no interest to me. So I believe the mini revolvers is the true "mini lovers"


I like the .32acp sized frame Guardian, I was surprised how small they were actually looking at them more closely, if you could make one fire .32 Naa via a locking mechanism that might be nice... Some of the revolvers are very cool for being tiny, well made, all are attractive I think, and they are handy, fair bang for the wee size.

I think it's good to see steel guns, autos with all the polymer, alloy models these days.

Seecamp, I like them...

You can engrave steel guns, and fit nice grips, wood etc.

Hey Naa has a custom shop for Guardians never noticed that before, nice modifications, sights etc.


Quote from: Taxi on August-20-14 07:08
I like the .32acp sized frame Guardian, I was surprised how small they were actually looking at them more closely, if you could make one fire .32 Naa via a locking mechanism that might be nice...

I thought the .32NAA Guardian was unlocked?


I really can't shoot double action, my hands are just too fragile.  My joints just have no strength.  I only shoot single action, period.  Autos are out of the question.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


I feel the autos are as well made as the minis are. Unfortunately, the autos are heavy for their size, and a little bulky.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


There's no locked Guardian two gun, only blowback models, the .380/.32Naa sized slide though is larger than the .32acp, but with a locking mechanism it could be less bulky like the .32acp one, more svelte you see.

Below are some stats, in order to compare the weight of the Seecamp .380 to the NAA .32acp, a locking mechanism could make the NAA .380acp more similar to the .32acp model and therefore the Seecamp for example.

NAA .32acp
Weight 13.5 oz

.380acp calibre comparison

Weight 10.50 oz
Length 4.25"
Height 3.25"
Width .725"

.32 NAA
Weight 18.72 oz
Length 4.75"
Height 3.53"
Width 0.930"

Because you could take the weight off the slide, thus the slide of a .32NAA would resemble that of the current .32acp model, via a locking mechanism.

The Seecamp is seemingly the most similar pistol available to the Guardian, however superficially, but it seems expensive to me, comparatively.


Looks and feel; I like the Guardian better. Have handled the Seecamp but never fired one though so my opinion is of very limited value.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I've never handled either, I may never do, as I am British, I like both, I like most guns, not having any he he. I was referring to the Seecamps barrel delay lark specifically, in that without it, the gun externally is similar to a Guardian so you would imagine it would cost a similar amount to manufacture. But it's $700, which seems a bit of a jump given it's chamber ring delay isn't really a mechanism on it's own, although it must cost something to engineer it etc but it sounds quite simple.


I can't comment on the mechanical (or theoretical) aspects of these designs, but I own both a Seecamp .32 and a Guardian .380., and I've carried both of them. I have fired them both, too, doing the requisite break-in of at least 200 rounds.

The Seecamp was flawless - easy to fire and control. The Guardian? Not so much - had to return it to NAA and they did a few things to it (don't recall now exactly what) but upon its return to me, it did shoot reliably.

The size difference is not much, but enough to make the Seecamp carry effortlessly in a pocket-scabbard behind my badge-wallet, while the Guardian is just big enough to require some sort of holster - I prefer an IWB push-up thing from Galco. I still carry the Seecamp every day - the Guardian is in my safe. sopsax


I still like my NAA .32acp 4-shot Sidewinder :)