Will NNA submit a application w/ California Department of Justice - Guardian

Started by efaefa, September-02-14 22:09

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I would like to purchase this pistol very very much, but it is not available in California. Is NNA considering applying with the California Department of Justice to put the Guardian on the roster of handguns in the future.

I have my fingers crossed and I am saying my prayers.


Frank :P


Welcome to the forum, and to answer your question, probably not.  :-[ :-[ :-[ The Guardian would need to have a manual safety.  The ILS locking setup was designed as a work-around, but the California Justice department later said it wasn't compliant.  >:( They would also need to adopt "micro-stamping"  ??? technology as I understand it.

Basically, too costly.  :-[ :-[ :-[


I have two of the .32 cal Guardians & they are legal for private party sale. What am I bid?
One is as sold & one has been "melted". I don't want to sell both but I don't need two.
I think it is highly unlikely that NAA will sell them. In fact it is soon going to be unlikely that very many semi-auto pistols will be sold here.
The new laws regarding loaded chamber indicators & serial number markings on the cartridge cases are the problem. I believe there was also another problem with the Guardian that required a seperate model for Kalifornia & that modification was eventually rejected. Three strikes & WAY out.


NAA's policy with regards to doing business in CA is discussed at length in the July 2001 and August 2005 Soapboxes.



Well, I'm depressed!!!!! I guess I am moving!

Thanks again Sandy!


Quote from: efaefa on September-03-14 08:09
Well, I'm depressed!!!!! I guess I am moving!

Thanks again Sandy!

Welcome to the board! And kudos to Sandy for the personal response. Can't beat that, can ya?

Unfortunately, moving from California may be your best choice. I'm afraid I could never consider a move there. :( Too bad, too, because it's a nice place if you don't consider the regulations on just about everything!

Maybe you can wait until a judge throws out the stupid safety test. It's possible, isn't it? Courts have already thrown out many anti-gun regulations thus far, including the waiting period in California. We can hope!

-- Darvell


I salute Sandy for his attention to detail and this forum.  I hope California cedes from the Union and takes all of their fruits and nuts with them,


All we need is a good earthquake that dumps  San Francisco & the nearby areas into the ocean. I had hopes a few days ago but it was way too small.


Now wait just a minute people..
There is not anything wrong with California...
It is the voters that make it so bad....
One cannot always blame the people in office.
Because the voters elected them.

That is why I don't blame obama for the destruction of America.
99% of the blame lays on the people who voted for him.

A skunk won't stink up the house if it is not brought into the house.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: uncle_lee on September-04-14 04:09
A skunk won't stink up the house if it is not brought into the house.

That's certainly a very "tactical" way of looking at things uncle_lee.


Quote from: uncle_lee on September-04-14 04:09
Now wait just a minute people..
There is not anything wrong with California...
It is the voters that make it so bad....
One cannot always blame the people in office.
Because the voters elected them.

That is why I don't blame obama for the destruction of America.
99% of the blame lays on the people who voted for him.

A skunk won't stink up the house if it is not brought into the house.

Yes and no, Unc.

I love California (Aye, it hurts to say that!). I was in Old Town in San Diego with family between Christmas and New Years last year, 2013, and it was such a nice place to be. I was also in San Francisco in last November for work, right on the bay on the south shore, almost directly south of Alcatraz. There's a lot of things to do in California and thousands of cool things to see. It's not hard to see why so many people live there.

But I would NEVER, EVER live there. Although I hate it, I disarm myself when I go there. I just don't quite feel safe when I'm there. (And it's not that I don't feel safe elsewhere without a gun--it's just a crime-ridden place.)

As such, I don't go there often and not without a good reason.

Is it the voters who do this to their own state? Well, kind of. First of all, there are plenty of conservative Californians who live away from the big cities that get overwhelmed by the liberalness of their state. I feel for this people--I even tell them to get out while they still can, but it's in half jest. How do you live your home that easily? Many have, though.

But I believe it's the leaders who fool the low-information voters who live there. Yes, in the end, it's the people who allow themselves to be led by the hand of these people into these shark-invested waters, where they get gobbled up, so yeah, it's their fault. But it's their leaders who are leading them into those dangerous waters. Some of the naive Californians just don't know any better. They have no ideas what's going on in their country or their world and only care about pop culture and their little lives and where the next part they're attending is being held.

That's not to say they don't have a good life, because they probably do. They probably do get exactly what they want--and that's why they're tere. But they are clueless to WHY they can live like they do and how fragile that freedom might actually be. It's rather sad. All you have to do to understand what I'm saying is watch the "Watters World" segment on Bill O'Reilly on Fox. It's funny to watch these clueless people, but it's not funny that they are the way they are.

The majority of these people who vote for these bad leaders have no ideas what's going in their world or how bad the decisions of their leaders really are. If we get enough of these clueless people, they could take our whole country down and they would never know what hit them. It's too sad for words.


" I'm saying is watch the "Watters World" segment on Bill O'Reilly on Fox."

I do, that is why I can say "silly, silly people".

People who thought "Arnie" was a Republican are among those "silly, silly people".
He may have been the lesser of the evils but he was still (inside) not a Republican - could not have been.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Reminds me of all the people in the "Matrix." Just go on about one's way and day clueless as to the code/programming that makes one believe one is happy and content. One is happy when one knows no better. Code states I have a smile on my face as I drearily go along my way so I must be happy...............
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.