Could this be the stupidest statement ever made?

Started by tom, June-27-11 15:06

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It's in a gun article but isn't about guns.  Here it is:


   "Summer temperatures can reach 100 degrees F with more than 100% humidity."


   Here's the link to the article:


   Can anyone top this?


"When the ... unemployment rate is high, it's hard for the incumbent to win," Pelosi said in an interview with CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. "I remind you though, we're not the incumbent. The Republicans are the incumbent."">

cedarview kid

Keep in mind that there are only about 8 billion people who are smarter, better looking, and have more common sense, than our beloved Nancy Pelosi.

cedarview kid

If you want a gun-related most-idiotic statement, try this one by Rosie O'Donnell to Tom Selleck:


   Rosie: "I think the Second Amendment is in the Constitution so that we can have muskets when the British people come over in 1800. I don't think it's in the Constitution to have assault weapons in the year 2000. But I'm wrong? I guess..."


   SO WRONG, Rosie. I guess that also means that since there were no televisions nor movies when the constitution was created, that Rosie wouldn't mind if we pirated shows and movies in which she appears, because surely our founding father's hadn't intended for copyright protection to extend to modern times and our new technologies--at least they didn't mention it back then. Right, Rosie?


   I also don't recall when the British came over in 1800. I suppose there was the war of 1812, though. Perhaps that's what she meant.


"But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States." Michelle Bachman


This Sunday(June 26)I went underwater in the Gulf of Mexico and I don't think that was any more than 100 percent 'humidity'. ;-)


   Forest Gump for President in 2012!


"I don't even care about any of this crap"


   -a young colored teen at GETTYSBURG this weekend, in the Cemetary, right along where the UNION had their artillery in formation.  


   It was hard not to say anything, but I bit my tongue and figured his ignorance won't get him far in life.

cedarview kid

Wow. That's kind of sad.


   I worry about my own kids not knowing where the great country they live in came from. They like to watch too much TV and play their games.


   Lately, the stupid shows they like to watch have gotten me so annoyed that I've locked out almost everything but educational channels. The other day I caught my 14-year-old daughter watching a historical program about the salvaging of what they believe to be BlackBeard's pirate ship, just off the coast of the Carolinas.


   Wow. I was impressed. I asked her why she was watching that and she said she found stuff like that interesting. Cool. I sat down and joined her.


   Last night I found a TV show that featured a crashed Japanese Zero from Pearl Harbor that had been damaged and flew about 100 miles to what the pilot had been told was a deserted island. I've never heard about that. My daughter caught me watching it and joined me for a few minutes.


   Maybe there's hope after all.


Good job Dar. I firmly believe that satan is alive and well and resides in hollywood.


Nah...  He's alive and well in every home where the parents have better things to do.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Back when lower downtown Denver was the home of skid row bars, pawn shops, what we once called vicious resorts, and more, there was a bar on Market Street called Satan's.  I understand that it was aptly named.


   The good places in that area were, needless to say, the pawn shops.

top dog

A friend of mine lives in rural Wyoming. His TV set quit working in '79. He never bothered to replace or fix it.

   He told me he hadn't missed it and seemed to get more work done and have time for better things.


   When I am in lethal range of the boob tube,I prefer to watch the discovery/history channels. Those programs have some intellect and quality,most,if not all,of the others are basic junk.


                        Top Dog

cedarview kid

I like those channels, too, Dog. I've recently become a fan of TRU-TV and the fake reality shows they run. I know the programs are staged ("based on real events," yeah ok, whatever), but they're still fun to watch. Kind of a mix between reality shows and fictional dramas. Gotta have your vices, eh?


I wonder if Rosie would agree that the first amendment protection of speech and the press should only apply to those printed on plate style printing presses as well and certainly not any electronic media.  


   Or, you now, if equal protection and anti-discrimination laws should only apply to as they did when passed, and certainly not cover things like sexual orientation.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


While watching  an episode of "The Glades) some nights ago, the coroner digs some spent round out of the deceased, hands them to the hero who says, hollow points, to which the female lead in the show states something to the effect,  "Cop killer bullets"  

   Wonder what liberal, voted for Obama, anti gun, dumb a$$ wrote that script?

cedarview kid


TRODOON -->  What's stupid about Michelle Bachman's statement that "the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States"?   Many of the founders DID oppose slavery, and tried to outlaw it in the Constitution but failed because of a couple Southern states ... but they continued to oppose and fight against slavery until they died.


   For example, John Quincy Adams (6th President), son of John Adams (2nd President) was 11 when he served as his father's assistant in overseas missions for the U.S.; and 21 when the U.S. Constitution was ratified.  George Washington appointed him minister to the Netherlands in 1794 and Portugal in 1796, then Minister to Prussia in 1797.  (So though his dad is better known as a "Founding Father," it's hard to claim John Q. Adams was not also involved.)


   He went on to become President, after which he spent 17 years in the House of Representatives.


   At age 74, he argued on behalf of the African slaves brought over on the Amistad (remember the movie?)  At age 76 he opposed the annexation of Texas, and then the Mexican-American war, claiming they were both meant to extend slavery in the U.S.


   Then he died...  So... there's ONE Founding Father who fought against slavery to the bitter end.  


   And then there was the continuing opposition to slavery by Alexander Hamilton and others...


   Don't buy the media meme that says Michelle Bachman is an idiot.  What is it about these conservative women that makes the media want to destroy them so?


As I stated earlier, I didn't come here to debate politics, economics or religion.  You have your opinion and I have mine. I doubt we will change each others minds.  Therefore, you can carry on with all the BS you want, but don't expect me to get caught up in it.  Let's keep to our common interest of NAA firearms.


....then why are you making political statements????????




another new guy trying to tell people who have been here and posting for a long time what should be posted and what shouldnt. It really takes chutzpah to come to a board and start telling people that they want things changed right off the bat.  

   Ok Westerly you are now off the hook.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


New guy here?  Really?  you really think that is a new guy?  You have lost your investigative mind Joe.....  Gettin senile????  
"Deeds; Not Words"



    My guess is Scag, but it is just a guess....



Obviously some people here can't read  (I keep hearing these gnats buzzing).  I only said I didn't want to discuss these things, because apparently some people have no sense of humor and can't laugh at themselves.  Lighten up!!!


de nada Westerly


   i dont know who Troodon is. He can put a sentance together like Scag but Scag usually goes right to the point of whats posted and doesnt whine about posting about politics or religion.


   what does have me wondering though is the Sheriff Bubba doll thing. now who else did we come to know who talked about bubba incessantly?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Thank you, Heyjoe.  I'm glad you appreciate literate writing.  However, I am not whining, only refusing to participate in pointless debating.  Now, if you want to argue about which mini is best, I'm all in.


HeyJoe.....YOU ARE RIGHT!!!......Bubba!!!!LOLOL


i am coming to think the 1 1/8 mini magnum is the best at least for me anyway. i shoot best with it and i have read others who also surprisingly found the same to be true for them. why this is i have no idea. my favorite is still the 22 short. id like to get some mastodon grips for it.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I have a Wasp magnum with 1 5/8 barrel which works well for me.  I'm leaning toward a Pug magnum for my next mini.  Should be ultra concealable but very potent.

   P.S. I still hear that gnat buzzing, must be a no-see-um.  ROFLMAO


I dont have a pug but they have also been reported by some members to be surprisingly accurate for their barrel length.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Yeah, same feedback I have heard.  Probably be awhile before I can buy one.  I just bought two Guardians, a .32 ACP and a .380 ACP.


OOPS........        Brain fart? / / /
"Deeds; Not Words"


You've got that right.  What I meant to post was this:


   Found this for bothersome no-see-ums


now that IS funny!


   I score you neck and neck now..............


   Chopprs is up................
"Deeds; Not Words"